Not IQ. Average IQ. This keeps eluding you.
Human races clearly exist. You can identify them visually. Trying real hard to ignore this is the social construct. You are taught to do that, and you can identify when and where you were taught to do that.
Zapad, or west. It was initially used to mark the vehicles of the western front.
There is also V, for vostok, or east.
The russians started using the symbol to show their "support" for the war. Until they fled to dodge the draft. Then they removed the Z from their cars.
You got what you wanted
but it's from the financial types you supposedly despise.
I'm not the idiots in your head. Those are projections of yourself.
Are you going to be worshipping at the feet of Mastercard now?
Why is that a thought in your mind?
You have no control over your mind. Shit just sloshes around in there.
You are very preoccupied with domination games. It's all boot licking or being victorious. But it's only happening in your mind.
You should stop watching porn.
They are marginal, not marginalized.
You should inform them of that.