dagthegnome 10 points ago +10 / -0

The Streisand effect basically means that the internet will do the opposite of what you want it to do. Or rather, it will do the opposite of what you say you want it to do, which is why leftist censors keep taking Ls but Trump and Elon are so good at manipulating social media.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

Why do you think Bill Gates is buying all that Midwestern farmland?

dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

Check out rumble or bitchute or odysee to see the size of the protests in the Netherlands over this. They have already mobilized the army against their own citizens, and entire towns have been shut down by thousands of farmers in their tractors.

And the global media is steadfastly ignoring it.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

The timing of this is not at all suspicious.

dagthegnome 34 points ago +34 / -0

Well, first of all, the Catholics would like a word.

Secondly, look up the difference between a gamete and a zygote.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

Asterisk: Straight white males not eligible

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

But it won't. I'm actually astonished at the amount of abuse young men have put up with these past few decades without erupting into wanton, large-scale violence. It really speaks to the virtue of men as a gender.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

You can not seriously believe that any government which seeks to implement a "bachelor tax" would apply it evenly to men and women.

Are there women beating down the doors of these 'young men' who are addicted to porn, video games or who are badly out of shape?

Welcome to tha fatherless generations.

Maybe if a bunch of simps hadn't given women the power to kick a father out of the home but still entitle themselves to his income while denying him access to his children and denying his children a male role model, this wouldn't be the state of young men.

Maybe if a bunch of weak, spineless simps hadn't allowed women to turn classrooms into bully pulpits where boys are indoctrinated with the belief that they are toxic and evil merely for existing, this wouldn't be the state of young men.

Maybe if a bunch of pathetic, simping excuses for men hadn't let feminists turn college campuses into gender war zones where young men are treated like potential rapists the minute they enroll, this wouldn't be the state of young men.

Maybe if a bunch of impotent, pussy-juice drinking simps hadn't let feminists turn every workplace into a minefield of false rape and harassment claims, or into a sisyphean dream pit where young men are constantly passed over for promotions in favour of women who work half as hard, just to meet a quota, this wouldn't be the state of young men.

Oh but surely, surely this time this particular policy will be applied equally, and will not result in yet another generation of fatherless, directionless, alienated, isolated young men who see the deck stacked against them and, instead of reacting violently, simply choose not to play the game.

Grow up.

dagthegnome 16 points ago +16 / -0

Give some examples of how 'tradcuck simps' refuse to hold women responsible

Cheerleading a policy aimed at forcing young men into relationships with women who don't deserve them, rather than encouraging women to engage in the introspection and self-improvement necessary to make themselves into desirable dating prospects is refusing to hold women responsible for their behaviour.

The epidemic of single men was not caused by the single men. It was caused by women, and punishing men is not going to solve it.

dagthegnome 20 points ago +20 / -0

Except that's exactly what a bachelor tax would do.

It would punish men who are already in dire financial and emotional straits because their relationships fell apart, often through no fault of their own.

It would punish young men who want to be in a relationship but can't find a woman worth being with because our society, encouraged by leftist simps and tradcuck simps alike, refuses to hold women responsible for their own behaviour.

It would punish young men who, despite that, are willing to settle for any woman, no matter how fetid a pile of trash she is, but are still single because she thinks she can do better than him.

It would solve none of the problems you believe it would solve: it would only make literally all of them worse.

dagthegnome 24 points ago +24 / -0

Maybe encourage women to stop being absolute trash, instead of forcing men to continue to subsidize their absolute trashiness.

Maybe don't punish a father whose useless cunt of a wife kicked him out of the house for not being around enough to suit her after he had to get a second job due to her refusal to work.

Maybe forcing young men who can't find any woman worth being with, whose work life already makes it effectively impossible for them to afford to have children anyway, to pay even more into a system that already treats them like second class citizens is not going to encourage them to have families, but rather will only make them feel even more alienated and unmotivated.

dagthegnome 25 points ago +25 / -0

What possible justification could there be for forcing men to pay even more when they are already the only net contributors to the system?

dagthegnome 46 points ago +46 / -0

They'll benefit from having more male role models period.

by Cascade
dagthegnome 14 points ago +14 / -0

I really don't think she has any reason to be concerned about getting pregnant under any circumstances.

dagthegnome 13 points ago +20 / -7

Kudos to this upstanding citizen who is doing his part to prevent spontaneous electrical fires in his neighbourhood.

by folx
dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

You mean all these years I've been hosing them down for no good reason?

I mean, it's fun, but aside from that.

dagthegnome 15 points ago +15 / -0

Yes but you'd need a California or a NY judge to grant one, and then, if I understand the process correctly, you'd need a Ninth or Second Circuit appeals judge to uphold it.

An emergency request could be fast-tracked to the individual SCOTUS judge assigned to those circuits, but those are Kagan and Sotomayor respectively, so no help there.

dagthegnome 33 points ago +33 / -0

Each is a cancer cell in a larger, amorphous hate blob descended from Gamergate.

Amorphous my ass. I, for one, am a gelatinous cube.

dagthegnome 22 points ago +22 / -0

But unless the litigants can secure immediate injunctions, those suits could take months or years to work through the courts, and in the meantime the state governments get to collect all sorts of personal data on prospective gun owners.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's less than 50%.

dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

Vince Foster would have known, right Norm?

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