dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

protonmail leaked a bunch of user data, if I recall correctly. I don't remember if it was a hack or a response to some government subpoena, but it kind of undermined the whole thing.

I't still my main for e-mail, though. I can't find anything more secure. The reality is, if you want it secure, don't send it or receive it via e-mail.

dagthegnome 18 points ago +18 / -0

They won't do that because nobody would buy it. And then they'd have to admit that nobody bought it.

dagthegnome 20 points ago +20 / -0

He's just bitter because we unlocked the secrets of time travel before the Federation did.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

Everything I say is true. The people calling me a horse in human flesh are lying.

dagthegnome 14 points ago +14 / -0

As someone with Boomer parents who get all of their information from the MSM, I can assure you that they did not see this coming, and my father has just told me that he doesn't believe this study.

dagthegnome 13 points ago +13 / -0

Right. Continue to make men pay for women's shitty choices and bad behaviour, and continue to avoid holding women responsible for either. That's the tradcuck way.

dagthegnome 16 points ago +16 / -0

I fully expect the Alberta government to appeal this to the SCC, and I expect the Supreme Court to overrule this ruling and uphold Pawlowski's arrests and detention on made up bullshit grounds.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

Once again, you are forgetting who the absolute enemy is. The very fact that you are willing to compromise with feminists demonstrates that. Troons are a symptom of a bigger problem. Feminism is one of the root causes of the bigger problem.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

My assertion is that feminist propaganda ---> destruction of gender norms --->troonery. You will not solve this problem by allying yourself with the fundamental cause of it, and you are shooting yourself in the foot by doing so. Public opinion may shift against troonery, but it will not die so long as we continue to allow radical feminists to spread their poison and undermine the inextricable link between biology and gender. By siding with them, you enable them to perpetuate their cancer, and by extension perpetuate troonery.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

The coalition you're proposing is the same arrangement as the scorpion crossing the river on the back of a frog. The TERFs will sink you both, because what's in their nature trumps what's in their best interests. They are not rational beings, and treating them like rational beings will not make them into such.

them being targeted by anti free-speech laws will make them more skeptical of such laws in general, for some reasons of self-preservation.

Please see above.

falls short of proving your initial claims.

Once again, the causal link between the destruction of gender norms and the systematic eradication of masculinity as a concept and every positive association with it, and the countless men who seem to be increasingly trying to find an escape from their association with manhood and masculinity is plainly obvious. I invite you to provide an alternative explanation for the troon phenomenon that does as comprehensive a job of explaining the explosion of troonery that has occurred in tandem with the obliteration of traditional gender norms by the very feminists you currently ally yourself with.

Your attempt to defer this responsibility by pointing out the FtM phenomenon does not achieve this. The destruction of traditional gender norms goes both ways, and so do its consequences. These same feminists, with whom you ally yourself, are also responsible for convincing generations of young women and girls that they can be happy and fulfilled while rejecting the femininity that comes naturally to them. When this turns out not to be true, women turn out just as alienated and miserable as men have become because of this same malignant feminist propaganda, and many will react by doubling down on their rejection of traditional gender norms. Once again, the weakened state of these norms, resulting directly from the institutional war that has been waged on them at the feminists' behest, makes this easier for both sexes.

The radfems caused this problem.

On top of that, bringing up the FtM troons when challenged on your support for the TERFs is frankly disijgenuous. The primary focus of the TERFs, and certainly the exclusive focus of the tradcucks on the troon issue is on the MtF side, because of the fundamental, reactionary revulsion both groups share to men invading women's spaces.

I share that revulsion, although mine goes both ways, but I do find it curious that tradcucks only bring up FtM troons when trying to run interference for the role the feminists have played on creating this whole mess.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

not being addicted to losing and surrendering

Is that how you characterize refusing to suck up to the same women who've spent decades taking every opportunity to denigrate, demonize and marginalize you just for being male. I hate to break it to you, but you're in an abusive relationship, and you're the victim. You keep letting these women piss all over you, and you keep gping back to them and running interference for them because you're afraid of what will happen if you cut the cord.

Anyone who is the target of such laws will become more sympathetic to free speech.

And here we come to the crux of our disagreement. You seem to forget that TERFs are leftists. The only thing that matters to leftists is power. They have absolutely no regard for matters of principle, or for logical consistency in their arguments.

They will (and do) argue that these policies should be used to silence you, but not to silence them, and when you point out to them that that doesn't make sense, they will either come up with some half-baked explanation for what makes them different, or they will simply shrug and admit they don't care that it doesn't make sense.

What evidence do you have to support your expectation that these women will suddenly start behaving like anything other than the power-mad man-hating leftists that they are just because you were nice to them?

you do not have evidence of your claim

I don't have evidence for my claim that feminists have infected every institution in our society with man-hatred? My evidence is the school curricula that teach boys that they are responsible for every war that has occurred in all of history, even though they weren't born yet, because they are male. My evidence is the policy of assumed guilt by which boys and young men from middle school through university are treated like potential rapists and profiled as such regardless of their actions. My evidence is the gender quotas in every major workplace, public and private, that promote women over men who are more qualified and more deserving, simply because they're not women. Mu evidence is the doctrine of "Toxic masculinity" which permeates every classroom, workplace and entertainment medium, dedicated to teaching men to hate themselves for being men. My evidence is the practice or accepting, without evidence, every false claim of harassment or sexual assault made by a woman against a man, regardless of exhonerating evidence, which has condemned countless men over the past several decades to unjust incarceration and the ruin of their lives and reputations because our entire society has blindly accepted the radical feminist doctrine that women can do no wrong and that men are born wrong.

Is it so hard to believe that men raised in that environment might be so deeply traumatized by it that they'll do anything to try and escape it? Is it so hard to believe that a man might choose to try and become a woman so that he can get the promotion at work that he knows he deserves, or so that his peers might look at him and see something other than "toxic privilege?"

You boil all of this malice, backed by institutional power, down to "mean words," and you tell me that I'm the one being unreasonable?

You are the one with the blind spot. You are simping for women who view you as less than a cockroach, and who would destroy your life as soon as look at you, simply because you have a Y chromosome.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

They would not be hated by the left if they were

Left-wing purity spirals are no concern of mine. Let them fight. I refuse to side with people who hate me just because they also hate troons, and the fact that you are so willing to do so makes me question your sanity.

These same women were the most enthusiastic proponents of the same hate speech policies that are now being used to silence them, and they still advocate for using those same policies to silence their critics, even as they insist they should be exempted.

because some guy let himself be bullied by women. I can hardly think of anything dumber.

So men have all the agency and women have none. What a feminist way of thinking.

It is? Can you back this up?

Would you also like evidence that rain is wet? I'm not going to be dragged into semantic arguments because you're too afraid of women's disapproval to acknowledge the obvious.

You solve this problem by getting allies against the established order.

These "allies" will turn on you and gut you as soon as it's convenient for them. The only thing that all feminists have in common is their hatred of you. Keeping them out is not a purity spiral: it's the only way to prevent all of the progress we have made against the woke crusade from being undermined and destroyed.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm fine with that. Let them. I don't see why that means I have to rush to the defense of people who hate me for existing.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nonsense. The TERFs are still fully committed to the goals of radical feminism, to their hatred of men and masculinity and their desire to destroy it. They are not subverters of the leftist alliance: they are its most fanatical adherents.

The growth of the trans phenomenon is largely a result of the total breakdown in gender roles and the biological warfare being waged against men and boys by the feminist agenda. The decline in testosterone counts among men is largely the result of hormones in our drinking water as a result of birth control pills. The negativity associated with masculinity and maleness: the discrimination against men and boys; the bullying, shaming, denigrating and demonization of men and masculinity that permeates throughout our entire society was caused and continues to be perpetrated by these very same malignant cunts that you call your 'friends,' and it is this, more than any other single factor, which has driven so many men into such extremes of self loathing that they're willing to undergo radical hormone treatments and irreversible surgeries in order to escape their own gender.

You can not solve this problem by siding with the people who caused it.

dagthegnome 11 points ago +11 / -0

A lesson in managing expectations.

dagthegnome 12 points ago +12 / -0

For months they've been predicting a loss of 2 million. Big brain move on their part: now they're spinning thos as a win.

dagthegnome 26 points ago +26 / -0

When their mere presence in such numbers eventually collapses the economy, most of them will leave again.

We will have our countries back eventually. All it'll cost us is our prosperity and our civilization.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +8 / -1

So the best economy since Reagan, a Supreme Court that is actually effective on occasion, hundreds of miles of border wall and the end of the Iraq and Afghan wars are not significant enough achievements for you?

Maybe if you seriously believed that Trump would be able to rule as a god-Emperor, that might not seem like a whole lot accomplished, but it seems to me like you demoralized Trump black-pillers were let down more by your own expectations than by Trump. He achieved as much as anyone could reasonably expect, given the forces arrayed against him.

These problems were never going to be fixed in four years.

dagthegnome 18 points ago +18 / -0

The NPC encountered a glitch in its programming. This is the reddit version of a villager repeatedly walking into a wall, except this one's muttering "Trump bad. Trump bad. Trump bad" at the same time.

dagthegnome 28 points ago +28 / -0

Pepe might be a frog, but the reason the French haven't eaten him yet is he's too spicy.

dagthegnome 24 points ago +24 / -0

I wonder how hard it would be to find evidence of this woman a few years ago advocating for hate speech laws to protect women from "misogyny."

My heart bleeds.

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