dagthegnome 26 points ago +26 / -0

Fun fact: Dickens spawned the whole cultural idea of a white Christmas in the southeast of England. There is almost never snow on the ground in or around London in December, but there was a brief cold period in the early 19th century, caused by the Mt Tambora eruption, where it snowed before Christmas in London for several years in a row, and this just happened to be the time when Dickens was a young boy.

dagthegnome 18 points ago +18 / -0

No no, I mean Taylor remembers when the meals were a dollar. And I won't be talked out of thinking that until she tells us her age.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

Danukla's Absolute Madlads series is pretty entertaining. They range between 20 minutes to an hour, and some are quite funny.

dagthegnome -8 points ago +4 / -12

No evidence. None of that changes what I said. The overwhelming majority of the people pushing the anti-white agenda are not Jewish, and the overwhelming majority of the people benefiting from it are not Jewish.

Every non-European culture and society on Earth is hostile towards white people and wants to destroy European society, and you still insist we focus on the least significant of them.

I prefer to confront the enemies who are engaged in active, overt hostile action against my community. The ones who are actually raping our children, stabbing our neighbours at random in the streets, burning down our churches and blowing up our landmarks.

dagthegnome -10 points ago +3 / -13

You have no actual evidence that there is a secret cabal of Jews acting like a gestalt consciousness pulling the strings of all of our politicians and elites. The overwhelming majority of the super-rich, politicians and civil servants who push for and benefit from these policies are gentile.

dagthegnome -7 points ago +3 / -10

You have literally no leg to stand on. The overwhelming majority of the elites, politicians and civil servants who have driven that agenda and who benefit from it are not Jewish. The pattern you demand we all focus on is not there.

dagthegnome -4 points ago +4 / -8

Muslims are invading your country and stabbing white people en masse because they're white? Blame the Jews.

Muslims go around in organized gangs raping white kids because they're white? Blame the Jews.

Muslims go around blowing shit up and shooting up concert halls using weapons and explosives purchased using Gulf State oil money? Blame the Jews

Black kids go around in gangs beating the shit out of white kids because they're white? Blame the Jews.

Those same black people and Muslims viscerally hate the Jews and go around attacking Jews because they're Jews? Blame the Jews, and also totally root for the violent, backwards, degenerate Muslims.

Indians and Asians take over entire industry sectors in white countries and insist on hiring only other Indians and Asians regardless of merit? Blame the Jews.

You are the least tricky one-trick pony in the history of that metaphor.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +8 / -6

I think on some level all men understand that women are simply more trouble than they're worth. Men on the right are just as prone to simping and virtue-signalling for women's benefit as men on the left, but underneath that, I think there's a certain resentment towards men who've left the reservation from men who are still on it. Almost as if those of us who don't bother with women are somehow not carrying our share of the burden.

dagthegnome -12 points ago +7 / -19

Trying to reason with the stormfags is pointless. Even those of us who do to some extent subscribe to a white separatist/white nationalist viewpoint can't honestly debate any of our views on forums like this, because such discussions are immediately derailed by the stormfags. You can't appeal to them with rational discussion, because their entire purpose here is to derail and disrupt rational discussion.

by Lethn
dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

So the CIA won't kill him, but China still might?

dagthegnome 50 points ago +50 / -0

A Democrat comes out and says "migrants bad" in the mildest possible way and the entire establishment comes down on him like a meteor.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only truly "anti-establishment" parties in the Netherlands are the VVD, the FvD and the Famer-Citizen coalition. Now that support for the latter has collapsed, even combined with Wilders they'll get about a quarter of the seats. The most intelligent and thoughtful dissident leader is Thierry Baudet, and it looks as though the FvD may not even win a single seat, so say goodbye to all of his epic speeches. Overall, considering the momentum behind the Dutch farmers protests last year, this is pretty disappointing.

dagthegnome 11 points ago +11 / -0

The establishment parties collectively have enough seats to form a government while excluding the PVV, the FVD and the Farmers party.

A brand new "centre-right" party just split off from the Christian Democrats in the final leg of the campaign and took everyone by surprise by eating up a lot of populist votes. It's exactly an "En Marche" or RFK Jr scenario where an establishment politician pops up pretending to be a more palatable populist, standing against the conventional parties, and people fall for it every time.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

He didn't actually. Caligula had a banquet at a time when there was an open consul position, and all of the Senators and aristocrats present were discussing who would be appointed. Caligula apparently made some offhand Trump-ish remark like "my horse would make a better consul than any of you" and all of the contemporary (establishment) writers who hated him recorded that as a sign of insanity rather than the epic troll that it was.

Most of the really over-the-top stories about Caligula come from a similar place: embellished by hostile writers to make him seem like a tyrant and a lunatic when he was in fact a populist, not unlike what we see the media doing to Trump. This is exactly the same reason we should take the stories about Elegabalus' degeneracy with a huge grain of salt. You can't really trust contemporary accounts of the behavior of Roman emperors, especially not the ones who were assassinated. Too many people had a vested interest in justifying such a murder by painting the assassinated emperor in the worst possible light.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

He was also only 18 when he died, so here's yet another example of them trying to Trans the kids.

dagthegnome 24 points ago +24 / -0

Obama was the right kind of populist: bought and paid for from the start.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

So, was Microsoft trying to execute a takeover of Open AI, the board wanted the buyout and Altman refused? The other way around? Or is it possible that there was a competition between tech giants to buy it out and the board favored Apple or some other company over Microsoft?

dagthegnome 10 points ago +10 / -0

The Boomers are still worse. They're so used to getting their Revealed Truth handed down to them by the institutional media that they will literally believe that what they're being told now is the same thing they were being told ten years ago. They trust the "experts" to be their long-term memory for them.

dagthegnome -1 points ago +2 / -3

Go back to ConPro you fed

by Lethn
dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

After the transparent rigging in the last round, I'm not holding my breath.

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