dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem is that, as much as I like Trump, he's too much of a megalomaniac to pick anyone who could compete with him. That's how we ended up with Pence last time: because the guy's an empty suit. Kari Lake is too smart, too charismatic and too media savvy, and so are most of the other based candidates.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +5 / -1

Rand Paul would be perfect, but he's made it pretty clear he wants to pick a woman for VP. Which pisses me off from the get-go, but if it's going to be a woman, it should be MTG or someone else who's there just to antagonize the left. He flat-out said in his Iowa victory speech that he thinks Kari Lake is going to be an Arizona Senator someday, which indicates that he's not going to pick her. I think Kristi Noem might be good, if she'd take it.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +4 / -1

I don't think MTG would hurt his chances. She's not the sharpest knife, but she's smarter and more articulate than most Dems, she has decent anti-establishment cred with none of DeSantis' baggage, the MAGA base like her and she'll dramatically decrease the chances of Trump "dying suddenly" if he's elected. If he ran Haley as a VP, she'd end up president in six months.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +6 / -1

I want it to be MTG just to watch the leftist meltdown.

dagthegnome 15 points ago +15 / -0

Which will only incentivize more dysgenic reproduction and a faster population replacement.

dagthegnome 42 points ago +42 / -0

Just bringing back white men is not enough, because the education system has been systematically refusing to invest in teaching and training white boys and young men for two generations. Yes, male traits and average IQ play a significant role in competency, but those things alone are not enough to solve the competency crisis. We need to invest in training the people who are capable of being competent, and we need to set expectations high enough that they are actually motivated to achieve at the level they are capable of.

On top of that, the plague of fatherlessness has effectively ruined a huge number of young men in the West, and that phenomenon is growing in white communities as well. Boys need fathers to enforce discipline and help them learn the skills they need to be successful. Without that, they're left adrift and aimless, often angry and frustrated, and totally unmotivated.

Combine all those factors, and I'm not certain that the young men of my generation or the Zoomers are really capable of solving the competency crisis even if they're given the opportunity. And as for the Alphas, the lockdown chickens are coming home to roost in a big way. We took a generation of kids and locked them in their houses, denied them access to peers, socialization and anything resembling a decent education during some of the most important formative years of their lives. The damage we've done to their development may be irreparable.

dagthegnome 28 points ago +28 / -0

Here's one: How many dead babies does it take for a feminist to feel guilty?

dagthegnome 13 points ago +13 / -0

This entirely explains both Trump's appeal to ordinary people and the absolute hysterical hatred the managerial class have for him: he is a very successful person who doesn't speak their language. The language he chooses to use is deliberately anti-intellectual, and it helps working class people all over the English-speaking world recognize instantly that this is not your typical politician. He sounds like he could be your neighbor, or the buddy who helps you fix your roof in exchange for a case of beer. Regardless of how genuine it is, that's a breath of fresh air for those of us outside the Cathedral.

But for those in the Cathedral, especially the manger class who are not really elites but whose entire livelihood and sense of self-worth is derived from the approval of the elites: for those people, who went to school for decades and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn how to speak the language of the political class, to learn how to communicate like a smart person with other smart people, and how to conceal their sociopathy and narcissism when talking down to the plebs, the very idea of Trump is completely intolerable. His mere existence threatens the entire power structure that they've invested their lives and identities in trying to maintain. They will always lose their shit at the guy who gains political power without speaking their language, using their script or sharing their prejudices, because in doing so he reveals just how useless and unnecessary they are and just how wasted those hundreds of thousands of dollars were.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

Reality getting in the way of the climate change doomsday narrative can have that effect.

dagthegnome 32 points ago +32 / -0

To be fair, the smartest thing the LGBTards can do is come to the realization that white-majority societies are the only thing preventing them from becoming experimental rooftop kites.

dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

The article specifically mentions that northern Texans are known to refer to this strange substance as "snow."

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

We do eat animals that are omnivores, pigs being the most obvious example. Some pig farmers actually do mix in some meat byproduct into their feed, and there's a big debate as to whether that's a better approach, but for the most part all of the meat we eat is fed entirely from grains and vegetables.

dagthegnome 14 points ago +14 / -0

Because dogs are carnivores, which means their meat is less nutritious, more likely to contain toxins, and also stringy and tough and just not very good.

Not that that matters to people who have no experience with ingredients of sufficient quality that they don't need to smother them in spices to make them edible.

dagthegnome 0 points ago +2 / -2

You sure like to read a lot of things that aren't there.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +4 / -2

I disagree about DS9. The discovery of the Gamma Quadrant Wormhole leads to a confrontation with a powerful, relentless enemy that's more technologically advanced than the Federation and leads to a years-long story arc that is pretty consistent, where fighting the war forces the DS9 crew and the Federation to question and reaffirm their commitment to the ideals that underpin their whole civilization and way of living. The whole Section 31 arc, the idea that Federation expansionism created more problems than it solved: a whole lot of that was explicitly anti-statist. Gene Roddenberry was too much of a pie-in-the-sky lefty futurist to have ever allowed that to go ahead while he was alive.

And even before that, the discovery of the wormhole and its connection to the Bajoran religion, the portrayal of the Bajorans as a hardened, jaded people recovering from a military occupation which they themselves fought to a stalemate with almost no help from the Federation, the constant assertion that their religion is the only thing holding them together: all of that is the opposite of woke. Even the portrayal of the Pa-Raiths as seeking to rule through corruption and subversion while the Prophets were the ones who largely expect you to solve your own problems was much more in tune with traditional Christianity than any leftist interpretation of it usually is.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +9 / -2

I don't care if Straczynski had the idea for B5 first: DS9 was simply better. It had better writing, better acting and more believable characters. It explored themes that none of the other Star Trek series would ever touch, especially when it came to exposing the dark underbelly of the supposedly Utopian Federation, and it did so with a subtlety and a naturalness that B5 could never imitate.

Straczynski laid on his broader themes so thickly and oppressively that I always felt beaten down by them. He has no fialr for subtlety at all: even for 90s camp, that show was melodramatic, transparent and frankly pretty shallow. His dialogue was completely unrealistic and his characters were unrelatable as a result. Everyone in that show feels more like an archetype than a real human being. B5 simply wasn't very good.

dagthegnome 18 points ago +19 / -1

The Original Series is good if you enjoy that sort of over-the-top 60s-era adventure camp.

TNG is consistently good. DS9 is not just the best Star Trek show, but actually one of the best television series ever produced in terms of the overall quality of the writing. You just have to get through the first half of Season 1 and it takes off.

Voyager sucked. They had a great foundation and a really good idea for a novel series but they completely threw away all of that potential and it just became a generic monster-of-the-week show with shallow characters. Even Enterprise was better than Voyager, and that's not saying much.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

That definitely looked like "The Big Bum Theory" and I'm very relieved there are no landwhales in this image.

dagthegnome 10 points ago +10 / -0

Certainly a lot of the explorer-type men in history have probably been motivated by a desire to get away from women, but Newton is a different case entirely. He's not the only extremely high-IQ individual who never bothered with women. Nikola Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci and other individuals with very high IQs never showed much insterst in women at all. All of the speculation that da Vinci was gay is just leftist revisionist bullshit. The fact is that guys like that are simply not motivated by the same things that motivate the rest of us. Their brains and bodies just work differently.

But yes, frontiersmen and explorers throughout history have often been motivated by a need to get away from women. Not only that, but also to get away from female-dominated society, which really ties in with Ahaus' point.

The American Old West, for example, especially the really violent period of rapid expansion from the 1860s-1880s, was dominated by Civil War veterans with undiagnosed PTS. They had just gone through one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history up to that point, watching brothers and cousins on both sides being massacred, and then as soon as it was over they went back to hometowns where everyone wanted to pretend it hadn't happened.

Far from the empathetic, compassionate image that women like to project, what those guys got to deal with instead were mothers, sisters and sweethearts who didn't understand and refused to understand that you can't just move on from some of the things those guys went through. There are plenty of writings, including from some of the early suffragettes like Susan B Anthony and Mary Ann M'Clintock, decrying the unwillingness of men in late 19th century America to live up to their responsibilities, with no acknowledgement that some men can't just go through such a traumatic experience and then conform to all of the rules and expectations of a "civilized" (read: feminized) society. So a lot of those guys just went west to a place where they wouldn't have to live with all of those expectations, and they built a new civilization there instead.

dagthegnome -1 points ago +2 / -3

The devolved parliaments in the UK are not instruments of Westminster: they like to define themselves by opposing it, at least nominally, and that sentiment is shared by the populations. The working class voter base in Wales and Scotland are so cucked precisely because the working class in England is largely pretty based, and the Celtic nations derive their entire sense of identity from being as contrary to the English as possible. So do their politicians.

dagthegnome 11 points ago +11 / -0

And the grift doesn't end when they leave office, especially for political dynasties like the Bidens, the Clintons and the Bushes. Anybody who thinks ordinary people are buying Killary's memoir are morons. There are pallets of copies of that book being stored in warehouses all over the world, or bring fed into furnaces by the people who "bought" them, because it was never about the book.

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