dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

Switzerland waited until 1971. Which is why, up until recently, they've been less chucked than the rest of us.

dagthegnome 15 points ago +15 / -0

The social rot that has taken place is rooted in biology, because social dynamics are rooted in evolutionary psychology.

I'm not "blaming it all on women" as you say, but you are wrong about the gender differences in voting preferences. I live in Canada, where every poll says exactly the same thing: If women didn't vote Justin Trudeau would never have been elected, and that same gendered voting pattern is present in every Western democracy to one extent or another.

I have just outlined in detail why I don't agree with TheImpossible1 about a gender-wide conspiracy of women trying to exterminate men. You don't need a conspiracy to explain the differences between how men and women conduct politics: you just need biology.

dagthegnome 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's not about protecting people anymore: it's about protecting feelings. These people will insist that every freedom you have be taken from you if it makes them feel safer, and for that same reason, they will never admit they were wrong about any of this. They'd rather let the world burn down than admit to themselves they were wrong, because that would make them feel bad.

dagthegnome 16 points ago +16 / -0

Shouldn't the profanity be the word "Let's?"

dagthegnome 30 points ago +30 / -0

No matter how bleak things get: no matter how atomized or isolated they make you feel, remember that you are not alone.

dagthegnome 36 points ago +36 / -0

There are too many people who don't want this to end. Not just people in power, but every petty teenaged bully who never grew up, who spent their school years going tatting to the teacher about everything. They won't let go of the ego rush this phenomenon provides, because their Borderline Personality Disorder means they can't survive without it.

dagthegnome 13 points ago +20 / -7

We missed you Imp. Seriously. It's not the same without you around.

dagthegnome 20 points ago +20 / -0

Waukesha terrorist attack had "nothing to do" with black nationalism.

Kyle Rittenhouse verdict had "nothing to do" with self-defense.

Lockdown bailout spending has "nothing to do" with inflation.

"Vaccination" has "nothing to do" with people getting sick.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

Joe, I have to fire you.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

No one who understands evopsych has ever tried to use it as an excuse in the way you describe. You're just trying to discredit it for no reason other than that its implications make you uncomfortable. Of course people are still able to exercise self-restraint and of course they should be held responsible for not doing so. Biology is not an excuse for refusing to exercise self-control: It's a tool to help us understand why people are the way they are.

When I say that human free will is limited, I mean that it is restricted by genetic factors, environmental factors, and even by what we eat and drink. All of those things impose constraints on our capacity for decision-making, but none of them more so than the behaviour of the people around us. Individuals may be capable of exercising self-restraint to a certain degree, but groups are not, and the bigger the group, the more that is true. You only need to look at the way mobs behave to know that that's true.

Corporate globalists are using the same applied behavioral psychology that drives their advertising campaigns to bully and manipulate huge swathes of human society into accepting unprecedented limitations on their freedoms. All you need is to look at how successful they've been at convincing people to accept this regime, and at demonizing those who resist it. That can't be explained in any other way than that our own evolutionary and genetic predispositions are being used against us in order to enforce compliance.

The politics of fear would not be so effective if evopsych were a crock of shit as you say.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

The evidence for it is overwhelming. Refusing to accept it because you don't like the implications doesn't make the evidence go away.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +3 / -1

There's a difference between free will and self-awareness. Humans have sentience, but we are still biological beings and trying to act as if your character and behaviour are not determined by your biology and genetics is to deny reality.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +4 / -2

I'm a biological essentialist: Evolutionary psychology explains virtually everything about human behaviour. Whether you believe in God or not, either His will or the natural order is expressed in your genetics. You can try to rise above it if you want, and it might even be that there is some virtue to be found in doing so, but to deny the role that your genes have played in shaping the person you are is just silly.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +4 / -2

unless I guess you believe in no free will and you are just a moist robot subject to your chemistry and nothing more

Unironocally this. Our genetics determine our hormonal makeup and our personality. Human free will is extremely limited if it exists at all. Mostly, we just do what comes naturally to us and then rationalize it afterwards.

In the case of homosexuality, there is some evidence of same-sex attraction taking place among non-human animals, which indicates that either there is an overt genetic factor, or that it's a recessive genetic response to environmental factors such as food availability or population pressure. It could be that some individuals randomly express a trait that takes them out of the reproductive mix if population pressures grow too severe.

dagthegnome 13 points ago +13 / -0

It absolutely would be used in the opposite direction. We already have immense centralized databases that employ algorithms to create psychological profiles and predictive behavioral models for everyone who uses the internet, in an effort to control people through fear and manipulation. Technology has already made us less free than any generation before us has ever been, as we sacrifice more and more privacy and personal autonomy on the altar of convenience. Plugging our brains directly in to the internet would mean the end of human freedom.

dagthegnome 12 points ago +12 / -0

Abu-Samuel al-Hyde

dagthegnome 23 points ago +23 / -0

She now says she's suing Fox News for "harrassment".

Absolutely no shame. This woman has clearly never been held responsible for anything she's ever done.

dagthegnome 10 points ago +10 / -0

Well then I hope they don't mind if I describe a certain night of the Kenosha riots as a "finding out incident".

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