current_horror 11 points ago +11 / -0

It doesn't seem unlikely that people who are in an outgroup would come up with ideas that overturn established ideas. In case of the Bolsheviks, it's not at all surprising that the Jews would be with the people who were not staging pogroms. But you must admit that the people who post these things are not trying to make an intelligent, sophisticated argument like you are, but instead want to say "JEWS BAD". Which is why they bring it up when it's something they don't like and never when they do!

This has to be the most tortured argument you’ve ever written here. So he’s possibly or even probably right, but you think most of the people who agree with him don’t understand the nuances of why he’s right, and therefore… what exactly? He’s wrong? But you didn’t say that. And even if you had, you would have been engaging in a fallacy.

Further, you imply your belief that anti-Semitism simply falls from the sky. Negative opinion of Jews is always arbitrary and exists as a first order principle, animating and directing all subsequent opinions such that they are inherently invalid, yea? But then why do so many people across so many cultures and nations develop these opinions in mutual isolation? Why do people raised within intensely pro-Jewish cultures (as the West) spontaneously develop negative opinions about the Jewish ethnic cohort? Pattern recognition seems a far greater possibility than “muh papa didn’t like ‘em”.

current_horror 7 points ago +7 / -0

There is, in fact, a guarantee for all kinds of speech outside of a very narrow band of direct credible threats.

current_horror 15 points ago +16 / -1

The ruling faction consolidating power is not a good thing for dissidents.

current_horror 5 points ago +5 / -0

That’s not how momentum works.

British patriots are about to get J6’d.

current_horror 37 points ago +39 / -2

Are we against a foreign nation openly controlling every major election? Is this a serious question?

They’re taking out “the squad” while marching us into WW3. Get your fucking head right, man.

current_horror 51 points ago +51 / -0

Leftist identity politics represent nothing less than the total destruction of observable causality. These people can watch a non-white person commit a heinous violent crime, and the first thought that enters their broken minds is “how did white people do this?”

current_horror 0 points ago +1 / -1

The bitchfit that people have thrown over a few spicy bosses, in a series renowned for spicy bosses, has revealed how many of you pussies clearly abused summons and broken builds to brute force the base game. Every streamer is summoning the mimic and spamming blasphemous blade, no wonder they struggle with the DLC - they never learned how to actually play the game. It’s embarrassing.

current_horror 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Pareto principle is undefeated.

current_horror 8 points ago +8 / -0

Zoomers don’t watch sports for the same reason they don’t watch movies or television, let alone read: tiktok brain. Short form video content is like concentrated sugar for your mind. It’s horrible for your mental faculties.

I’ve done it before. I’ve gotten stuck in the video shorts blender on YouTube. It’s an insanely deleterious experience that impacts your brain for hours. I can’t imagine what happens to kids with still-developing brains.

current_horror 16 points ago +16 / -0

The British royals are protected by the facade of democracy. In ages past, a royal family giving approval to foreign invasion would have been pulled down and killed by the people they ruled. The harsh reality is that current western leaders, under “our democracies”, are less accountable to their subjects than literal kings and queens. We would be better off with an even halfway benevolent tyrant than we are with these corrupt “representatives”.

current_horror 14 points ago +14 / -0

Uncle Ted created a piece of highly intelligent and prescient literature. This affords him some degree of respect from me, and that respect extends to some benefit of the doubt regarding his actions. Further examination of his actions reveals them to be idiotic and counterproductive. Subsequently, any reverence I might have for the man is grounded entirely in appreciation for his literature, not his mediocre terrorism.

These feral ghetto non-white children who murdered the white child at their integrated public school? They contributed nothing other than anti-white murder. Accidental? Only in the context of normalized head stomping, which is absolutely attempted (and here, successful) murder. Whites don’t headstomp downed opponents, so correctly charging this action as murder would “disproportionately” punish blacks. As a result, we have a legal loophole whereby blacks can attempt to kill people without being fully charged.

current_horror 4 points ago +4 / -0

White children will find other heroes, and they won’t be as “kind” as Batman.

current_horror 6 points ago +6 / -0

When you trace the boundaries of these media products over and over, you will eventually reveal and map the explicit guiding principles of the people in charge. At some point, the feminists in control of Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, and DC wrote down their priorities on a literal white board. They created rules to govern their “creative” output. All South Park did was suss out and accurately translate those rules. It “keeps happening” because it’s not a joke. It’s literally policy.

current_horror 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nationalism is properly understood as cultural homogeneity, which is historically only possible under ethnic/racial homogeneity. A “tyrannical” democracy is actually a highly functional and moral system for the governance of a sufficiently united people. Leftism is a retarded/evil campaign to enforce an ideological unity upon peoples who have been weakened by indoctrination and invasion.

When the people are invaded and replaced, to the extent that the nation becomes officially multiethnic, then the new “people” invariably turn sectarian. The democracy becomes an ethnic referendum, and the number of people who suffer under such a system is directly proportional to its “diversity”.

Again, leftists think they can fix this by forcing everyone to worship anal sex and blacks. Diversity is the deliberate introduction of disunity, and the solution is communism + fucking kids. It’s a spiritual war, and the demons fear only “fascism”.

current_horror 3 points ago +4 / -1

And “the people” is only a coherent category so long as they are racially/ethnically homogeneous. Multiculturalism/multiracialism has repeatedly been demonstrated as a dysfunctional and dysgenic artificial construct, forced upon various “peoples” under threat of violence, and always resulting in the deterioration and destruction of those peoples.

Fascism is actually the first and final forms of the nation aka the people aka any coherent racial/ethnic cohort that has achieved total self-governance. The good of the nation aka the people supersedes all other concerns, including the interests of the corporations who would otherwise demand the destruction of the nation via immigration, outsourcing, “free” trade, etc. The people began in “fascism”, were subverted into globalism, and then the race is on to restore fascism before the nation is irrevocably annihilated.

current_horror 0 points ago +1 / -1

Communism is necessarily globalist because it cannot abide the existence of capitalism anywhere else. Everywhere must be communist for communism to thrive, although tyranny will still be required.

Nationalism is necessarily fascist because the good of the nation eventually collides with - and must supersede - the interests of the corporations. Nationalism must override corporatism.

There are implied values inherent to almost every economic system, and those values generate inevitable consequences.

current_horror 5 points ago +5 / -0

So we’re back to “harmful words”, but only with respect to one specific demographic. Always kid’s gloves and walking on eggshells around exactly one tribe, and yet you wonder: why the hostility? Your performative confusion is just another part of the infuriating play we all must endure, day after day.

current_horror 3 points ago +3 / -0

She's not exactly a looker either

She looks a lot like something.

current_horror 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why are people downvoting this? It’s amazing lol

current_horror 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you pattern recognize long enough, you end up in the same place as the rest of us.

current_horror 31 points ago +31 / -0

Leftist politics are becoming so unpopular that they are now attempting to declare all politics as right wing.

current_horror 4 points ago +4 / -0

In the mind of the communist, a man isn’t even entitled to his own domain. The removal of castle doctrine is just another step on the road to abolition of private property.

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