Yah, that's not how that works. These people can offer their services for whatever price they deem reasonable and other people can pay them or get someone else for a different price or get someone else that does it for free.
They get less consequences at every stage of the process
- less likely to be investigated
- less likely to be charged
- less likely to be convicted
- less likely to be jailed if convicted
- less time to server if jailed
- more likely to get released early
To redeem yourself to the other side you have to give up everything that makes you a man. That's just as evil.
Especially since both sides actually crave men. Specifically the top 10%, which is (not really) coincidentally the number of men they want to keep, if they had it their way.
Mitigating or preventing the consequences of idiotic decisions is the way to grow as humans and a society.
I'm all for it. That way more of these dysfunctional leeches will stop being dysfunctional leeches (by stop being) because you just think the number of overdoses will stay the same and you just think you'll be able to handle it.
I think a hybrid-concept could work with the right mindset. I wouldn't want to work exclusively from home either. My commute is only 10 minutes without any danger of traffic jams though.
But if we could make it so 40% of time now spend in offices (commuting and all) can be done remotely I think it could have useful knock-on-effects.
I mean, the technology is here, at last.
Fake Work is a new term. Google and others hired tons of people for this
I don't think it's a new term. I've heard things that describe the same phenomenon before. It'd also include a whole lot of 'management'
And yeah, everyone that has seen one of the 'a day in the life of a [whatevertechcompany]-videos knew that these people didn't produce anything of value for their company.
must not die or be completely undesirable if she wants a man
I don't see how that is in any way reductive.
Now if the woman wants a specific man, there's a few more qualities she might have to bring to the table. But to get a man that's plenty
Parents realized that schools do everything in their power to drive a wedge between them and their children. Parents object to schools doing everything in their power to drive a wedge between them and their children. The 'hate' you're experiencing is just parents reciprocating the hate you had for them all along. You just don't like being held accountable for that hate.