cccpneveragain 9 points ago +9 / -0

But didn't you know! A trans woman and a woman are lesbian couples and can make a baby! Trans. Women. Are. Real. Women.

cccpneveragain 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've made pretty clear to the very short list of friends that I actually care about that there's a few lines I will not cross. Mainly trannyism and baby murder but a few smaller things too. Not that I'd hate them, but I'm not going to ever support them with it. Luckily most of my friends are far beyond the crazy in their lives so I guess my only real concern is my nephews.

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I might try it, but I haven't seen for sure about costs, p2w elements, etc. I haven't really researched to be fair.

If it ends up like other MOBA with a really strong autist favoring meta, I will not like it though.

cccpneveragain 41 points ago +41 / -0

He corrects himself the next word after they cut it off too. So not only are they petty, they are manipulative.

For their preferred people, they can say truintsernadpreussue and that's great or "It is time to do what we have been doing and that time is every day" and be called a great orator.

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I put it on my wishlist, will give it a shot once the fall gets here. I’m too busy for much gaming right now. I agree though, I’m not usually into roguelikes for similar reason, I’d love to see one that would give me some real and understandable character development potential, and not “choose your random shit” this run or just getting crushed with no idea where to go.

cccpneveragain 15 points ago +15 / -0

I do think there's a streak of insanity in those that go these lengths to celebrate a defeated leader and regime. Still, what I see here is people interacting with each other as civilized humans and not animals.

is allowed to go ahead

The part they will never understand, this must be allowed to go ahead and is a cornerstone of true free speech. They aren't damaging anything. They aren't closing off streets. They aren't being aggressive. The worst than can come of this is some hurt feelings, and that's not real injury.

cccpneveragain 21 points ago +21 / -0

The Brazilian government stands to lose more by blocking it than X stands to lose. Maybe not financially, but as an eye opener to the people. Then you just see if the people there will do anything about it or not.

cccpneveragain 7 points ago +7 / -0

You're right I am playing identity politics. Who made you the gatekeeper of my thoughts?

+ by rattleS
cccpneveragain 29 points ago +29 / -0

This is such an obvious fake. The character on the right does not have a frizzy afro.

cccpneveragain 13 points ago +15 / -2

Why would a woman want to be a cardiologist?

Feminism created shame for women excelling at women’s roles. They put down women for being mothers. I have way more respect for a mother that prioritized raising a great family over a female cardiologist. One gave the world a good future, the other kept some old people alive longer.

They’ve just made all of Western culture anti-family. I’ve said before if I do ever have children, they will be homeschooled whatever the cost. So what if I have to give up some random bullshit and kick my lifestyle down a notch, I promise I’d be happier with a good child over some dumbass corporate title.

cccpneveragain 4 points ago +4 / -0

I mean yeah I suppose that too, but it breaks the metaphor and wasn’t really the point.

cccpneveragain 15 points ago +16 / -1

Don’t get the idea I revere them, their culture is terrible. It’s just interesting and educational to probe at a subject from different angles. We’re often demanded by the current world to only look at something from a single perspective or that of polar opposites.

Personally, I take the Christian perspective to be the best. Women should be quiet and proxy their concerns through their husband.

cccpneveragain 10 points ago +10 / -0

Online only games should be required to provide private server software as part of the package before they can be sold at all.

cccpneveragain 30 points ago +35 / -5

Something never actually talked about is why do these Islamic countries keep needing to further restrict women? I know the feminist answer, but what about proper logical thought. Could it be as simple as they are trying to hold women to their religious standard yet influenced by feminism and the outside world they continue to push the envelope anyway and require further extremes to push them back into their religion defined roles?

You can't negotiate with women, they have no innate sense of honor, no aversion to cowardice. They are manipulators. I'd negotiate on abortion with proper men and come to a solution. With women, they'd tell you what you want to hear to get you to turn around and walk away, then stab you in the back.

cccpneveragain 11 points ago +11 / -0

So they will end up letting a bunch of Israelis in to covertly poison their children.

cccpneveragain 4 points ago +4 / -0

They ran some out with policy and bullshit in the pre-vax period of the Covid scam. I know one personally who took an early retirement out before the vaccines because they were screwing pilots on scheduling along with forcing masks and Covid scare tedium. However their union crap worked out, he ended up with his pension and he works flying freight now. I think a lot of the most experienced ones may have done similar, they had little to lose leaving to not have to take the BS.

cccpneveragain 24 points ago +24 / -0

Sounds like a traditional communist to me. There's an element of nationalism and in-group bias within communism. What we have growing today is really less of communism and more of a globalist oligarchy.

cccpneveragain 9 points ago +10 / -1

I generally go for moving as much as possible to the states even if that means some other state would do something I don’t like.

She’s a woman, it’s always about forcing everyone to do what they want. It’s no different than how the Democrats work, or how women work really. Repeal the 19th.

cccpneveragain 46 points ago +46 / -0

Yeah, Tolkien couldn’t have overlooked anything. That’s one of the reasons I’m not more in to the books, they are so ridiculously over-detailed. He didn’t put trannies or black elves or whatever they want to say he overlooked in because he wasn’t a brainwashed moron.

cccpneveragain 8 points ago +8 / -0

If he was a Christian, then he would have accepted what happened to him as consequences of his actions.

No Christian should idolize anything and they should be vigilant against lies and propaganda. I'm going to guess this is one of those "the power of Jesus love is just so strong you can just be sinful and you're ok because of love"

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +2 / -0

In a lot of ways it comes down to I have enough to watch anyway. They cut my interest by making crap to the point that I cut TV out so much and they will never get that time back.

cccpneveragain 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm starting to feel like some of it is a ploy to draw you in, then like the Mandalorian it will turn to shit. If it turns out it's a single season show and it has a story that is appropriate as such, I'll watch it someday. For now, I just don't want to offer time to something they will screw with me later on.

I do think the others are right too, the bar has been lowered. I was sitting around with my Dad over the weekend with some old TV shows on, and I can't stop thinking watching them "can't say that anymore", "could you imagine a show today letting them do that", etc.

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