They reject things that sound juvenile to pretend to be adults (or "adulting" as they like to say), yet act like children in every other way.
Every time competition for their shit excuse of a game comes out, it's smashed into the ground within six months. I'd guess it's not competition, just only so many people are going to buy your endless MTX.
This is the real answer. Star Wars was never realistic, but it had a certain feel to it. Most of which was gone in all of the Disney works. They are just generic space movies with a Star Wars title and saying things about the force.
He's white, so he just died in custody.
I'm sure he was a little crazy, but part of me just can't help but think he might have just been pissed at the sorry state of the world and was dealing with it in his own way.
I've been surprised the US hasn't cut rates yet. Free debt is not the answer, leave it be long-term.
Where I am in Texas you cannot carry in any form at a place that is licensed to sell alcohol and gets more than half it's income from alcohol (i.e. a bar). You also can't carry while intoxicated unless on private property. I suppose there's no reason you couldn't go to an alcohol-serving restaurant that is primarily food, but I'd stick to coffee and not leave an opportunity for intoxication.
Of course I have no idea about Idaho specifically. Some of the states around me are similar but a few require a license.
Research I've seen at best they have some extremely limited MIRV capability that I'd guess was not all that well tested and the likely range would be the Eastern hemisphere. So if they did it, as far as where I sit, it would hit some European cities, and upend politics when the US won't fire back despite NATO. So me being in the US, well, I'm not going to worry about it.
Maybe they will be really stupid and decide to fire one at Russia and we can be done with Israel then.
That's cool. I might have to get my hands on a guitar controller sometime and try it out, had an itch for a music based game lately.
It's very cool, but I know I'd get sick of it. I'd love to try it though. Maybe that's an actual use for VR, I've heard about VR cafes or something of that nature, I just assumed it was weird socialites having sex chat. If there were places where I could pay for an hour of time with friends on a setup of this nature, I'd do it.
I have a racing wheel, and even then at times I get tired of using it. It's not as relaxing as leaning back in a chair, and gaming is hugely relaxation for me.
Well, if I'm ever in the area I'll stop in, and I rarely drink. They also have open carry coffee mornings too, so that's cool. I'm always wary of political grifts though, hopefully that's not this.
Uh, learn something new every day I guess. I could have lived without that piece of knowledge. There's also nothing I can think of I'd do in my life that is optional that would put me in a life of diapers by age 21.
It's hot as hell here in the summer so I hole up inside more and have less going on. Still, I've rolled a lot of my activity back in time a bit. I spend the first couple hours of the weekend days outdoors before it's too hot. Fishing, biking, etc. Nothing hardcore, I just go outside and enjoy it. The water, the flowers, the trees, and the fish do not celebrate pride month, they aren't going to tell me about. Watched a Ghibli film yesterday morning even.
Otherwise, I just don't get agitated about it for the most part. I don't need to hide. I decided back in 2021 it was doing me no good and letting them win. So, I just do other things. Media consumption is not the whole of life.
honor the contributions of LGBTQ+ service members
I'm not even sure we need a minute to do that, much less a month.
Dying for your country only gets you a day.
They'd have had an endless income stream if they had done just that and churned out mediocre content that respected the source material. But, just like everything else it must be infused with idpol and feminism.
Well, it's been college I've been watching. But yeah it will eventually show up.
Little over 12 hours in and I've barely partaken of any media today, yet I've already managed to see multiple references to pride month. Oddly enough the only place I haven't (yet) is watching baseball.
I really like optimizing things. So not just conveyor belts, but making sure every thing on the conveyor belt has a purpose and every machine is spending time creating and things aren't backed up. It gets complicated after a while.
I still prefer city builders and things like Tropico more, but in city games I'm still just constantly optimizing.
They keep posting ConPro shit too. If I want to partake in that forum, I have the option to do so. I'd rather not. Really, I just shake my head at anyone who has enough time to bother to spam a forum with such garbage.
All of this has made me more and more rural. I'm already in like a fringe sub-suburb and I'm looking to build on some land I have in the next few years.
I hope they continue to hate and look down on small town life myself, so they will stay away. I like the boring little places just called Cafe or Diner where I can grab a meal, the butcher shop attached to the gas station, a little bit of space around my house, etc. I don't want to be crammed into a tiny apartment and have to walk to some place named like "Avocado + Kale" where I can't actually park a car, just to not be able to order a cup of coffee without understanding all the pretentious BS they write on the menu.
What I was thinking was to have the merits of the case reviewed somehow before being allowed to flood someone with discovery requests, dragging case out with extensions, etc. in order to drown someone in legal fees and take up all their time. There'd still be a lot of caveats.
Like you say though, if the attorneys had more on the line, it would likely take a huge dent out of this stupidity.
If there was any real justice, there would be an express path to dismissal for frivolous lawsuits like this along with disbarment for the filing attorneys.
I cut sugar by probably 90% about 6 months ago. I eat maybe 5g of sugar that isn't from natural fresh ( unprocessed) fruit or small amounts of bread. Replaced the calories with mostly protein from steak, chicken, and nuts. After a couple weeks to adjust I felt like a different person. I already had an above average diet for an American before that. As far as I'm concerned sugar is poison.
Right? Even before all the ex husbands context I couldn’t be bothered to care. I can’t remember the last time I had a birthday cake, but I’m pretty sure I was under 20.
It's not as fake as many, but I wasn't going to make up "women's studies" and include it in my story falsely. It's also pretty tough to be employed in, which was my point. Yeah, it can happen, but it's more likely to be the path to barista with a degree than not.
Found a picture of him here