cccpneveragain 16 points ago +16 / -0

I was going to mess with Rust someday because I'd heard good things and it was a compiled language. Eh, maybe I don't need to bother just for educational purposes. I'd rather spend the time on things less infested.

cccpneveragain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I reflect on my own life and I fully believe that women's need to "fix" boys is a huge factor in the problems with them today. As a lot of us here, I wasn't the most fitting in normal kid, women were always trying to push me to do some magic thing to be normal or they'd use some BS term "come out of your shell" or what not.

I was also very lucky to have a lot of really good male influences and I recall that with few-to-none of them. They treated me with respect, even as a weird little kid.

cccpneveragain 34 points ago +34 / -0

So when I check other and put in "white man" I assume I'm immediately listed to be the first to the gulag?

cccpneveragain 33 points ago +34 / -1


Oh look a leftist buzzword, shocking.

cccpneveragain 19 points ago +19 / -0

political or ideological nature

Their answer, "it's not politics it's basically human decency"

cccpneveragain 14 points ago +14 / -0

usually the "difficult" people who are the most talented

If you get in as a corporate lemming and can learn to deal with these labeled people, it pays off a ton. I remember one guy that used to get a bad rep because he was not the best at communication, especially e-mails. If I had to guess he had some of one of the -tisms. He was in charge of equipment, let's just generalize it and say server config. The thing is, all you had to do was take the time to go talk to him in person, and you'd realize he was actually insanely good at his job. He could whip up some script to do something in 15 minutes that my peers would hire outside vendors and take weeks to do. All it took to look really good at my job was going my their office every Friday for a couple hours, chatting with guys about things we needed, etc. I don't understand it at times, I've always had social issues, but actual socialites people skills in the workplace are shit.

cccpneveragain 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't remember totally, it's been a long time. I'm sure it was counter to the teachers point. I never got along with English teachers. Honestly, with a few exceptions I never got along with female teachers if I really think of it. I do remember not discussing communism at all, I wasn't aware of much of anything about communism until I was older. We had a lot of "plight of the negro" teaching in those days, but less than a decade after the fall of the Soviet Union it wasn't quite allowed yet for them to openly preach communism.

cccpneveragain 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know I haven't seen a lot of praise here for Black Myth: Wukong

My guess with respect to that is not enough of us are early players of new games. It's difficult to praise something you haven't played yet.

cccpneveragain 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can't argue. I haven't tried this one yet, never and early adopter. I'll buy it in a couple years, with the scale tipper being they gave the finger to the woke mob.

cccpneveragain 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had to read a couple of those in school. I'm sure the message taken was very dependent on the age and sex of the teachers. I had a lot of teachers that are likely dead today. I specifically remember my paper on Animal Farm was not well received though, I can't remember exactly why, but I did and wrote what the hell I wanted in high school too without concern for conformity.

cccpneveragain 36 points ago +36 / -0

Next up, man’s life ruined after being exposed on X that he continued to have sex with it after it said no. #metoo

cccpneveragain 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’m not sure they ever did. I moved anywhere from 3-8 hours away by car (depending on which family member) about 15 years ago. I can count on two hands the amount of times anyone has visited me. Since Covid clownery, I think my Dad has visited once and that’s it. I’ve even tried to entice them with going to the big city, sporting events, drive them all around, etc. as that would be novel to them.

A lot of these same people I visit twice a year. Some of them, like my mother, is a bit of a chore but I do anyway. Others are fun. I enjoy trips seeing my brother and nephews or some of my cousins.

cccpneveragain 12 points ago +13 / -1

They really are just horrible at family. In my own family, the boomers do nothing but bicker over stupid shit constantly, judge everyone else, gossip, it’s horrible. All have broken up their lives and immediate families often multiple times. Within my family, this isn’t a problem at all with the older or younger generation, just the boomers. When the boomers talk about family, what they mean is “how will others serve me for the privilege of being related to me?”

cccpneveragain 3 points ago +3 / -0

parents don't realise that unwittingly they can push their own anxieties onto their children

Yeah, I think I got a lot of my outlook on finances and spending from seeing my parents struggle a lot of the time not because they were broke, but because they were borrowing. Life was better before I was a teenager and we were just poor really. So, I guess in a way it's a positive, but not necessarily everyone will take it that way. I'm just a people watching observer that sponges it all up. It's not even something I do consciously, but if I'm around friends and family, I learn a lot that they think I'd never notice.

cccpneveragain 19 points ago +19 / -0

employee resource groups

Yeah, that's their internal secret code word. I spent many years at a big corporate until earlier this year. They were a constant barrage of employee resource groups for every lefty coddle group: retards, blacks, asians, American indians, buttsex enthusiasts, "womxn" (yes they used that), Indian indians, latinx (yes the x again), etc. Literally everyone had a group except straight white men.

cccpneveragain 7 points ago +7 / -0

Went into it expecting it was just “ahh my parents like the orange man!” I wasn’t wrong, but holy crap did it go so much further. It’s a damn book, and I had to just skim the second half. I’m starting to think it’s fiction being that it hits every lefty talking point so well.

I can relate to a strict church experience not being great either, because I grew up in that. Not that it’s bad for being strict, but that a teenager that grows up in it from the beginning never has the opportunity to really question and understand why it is they believe beyond their parents told them to. Ask about things, and just like the article says at best they get mad and spit a bunch of verses at you. Also often a bit of church of the Pharisees, meaning rules, technicalities, and hypocrisy. So yeah, when these people get sent to places like college where they are attacked from all sides, their defense sucks, because they never understood what they believe to begin with.

cccpneveragain 1 point ago +1 / -0

I couldn't care less either way about the Jews, all that noticing BS, etc., so I'm not sure what you're going on about other than to be deliberately obtuse.

My thoughts on the role of women come directly from the Christian bible, often the New Testament. In this case where they are told to be quiet in church and ask their husbands about it at home. Whether or not it's related to any Muslim rags is coincidence at best and plagiarism at worst.

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have you tried the remake by chance? I almost bought it for my Switch a couple years ago.

I may just download a ROM of the original and see, PS2 emulator is not a problem.

cccpneveragain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, you're right. I had to hold back telling my cousin, I think around 13 at the time, he sounded like a tranny. We joke about the insanity of trannies all the time, but he was really self conscious about his voice then.

cccpneveragain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah I often forget Tetris when someone asks me something like "what's your all time favorite game." It's Tetris, and very little is even close. There's no other game I've played since my age was in the single digits and can pick up today and be interested. Doom is about the only other thing like that although I was a bit older when it came out. It doesn't have much story either.

cccpneveragain 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yes, this. Zeldas and Sonics exist as a series because they "hey you liked Zelda 1, how about Zelda 2" for marketing and name recognition. It was never intended to be anything more than that then some crazy people had to act like it mattered. Want deep lore? Go read Tolkien books.

cccpneveragain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, I could agree with that, I could get immersed (still hate using that term) in a game with totally zero story, like Tetris. Meaning that I'm losing track of time.

I just always saw the normies use that term, "oh I feel so immersed play <generic Sony 3rd party game> because I just felt so lesbian while I was playing it and it made me cry"

I really couldn't care less about graphical fidelity myself. It can be part of what I like about the game that adds to the fun, but so many games focus on photorealism and forget everything else.

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the AAA realm, yes to both. Exclusions to the story part for the GTAs and CoD of the world that exist to separate idiots from every dollar they have. Everything else in AAA, they demand some intense story that makes them cry with writing that combines a B movie with a little kids TV show and graphics that give them "immersion" (a stupid term).

Sub-AAA gets a bit of a pass on both, depending on what the game is targeting. There are way too many that are put together by artists that go all in on a shit story and have shit graphics and gameplay.

cccpneveragain 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't understand any of it. Overpriced pre orders, cosmetics, pay to win, almost any of the modern tactics. They all seem to make a TON of money though.

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm curious the trend you think you're seeing. I would assume before children, but I do recall seeing a couple examples of after they had kids. I don't see how having kids don't give them any sort of grounding to the real world, but these are the same people that kill or mutilate their kids and I don't understand that either.

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