brimshae 1 point ago +1 / -0

At this point I think community managers should be treated the same as journalists, politicians, pedophiles (that aren't also politicians), and other forms of humanoid filth.

brimshae 15 points ago +15 / -0

Oh good, just in time to distract us from genocide going on and new laws making it illegal to protest them. What a relief!

brimshae 1 point ago +1 / -0

That reminds me, I need to get SPT-AKI running, or maybe AlteredEscape.

brimshae 17 points ago +17 / -0

1: Publish story

2: Get story banned.

3: Remove story.

4: Publish story about first story getting banned.

5: When they come to censor that, point out it's not a story about trannies beating girls in public, it's a story about censorship.

6: Make story about story being banned about a story being banned about a story being banned all the way down.

brimshae 28 points ago +28 / -0

At that point, people will pirate.

"I used to do drugs piracy. I still do, but I used to, too."

brimshae 4 points ago +4 / -0

And they are never held accountable- basically protected like children.

It's almost like they're incapable of accepting responsibility.

brimshae 14 points ago +14 / -0

Seriously. Their claim was "Trainers, your avatar can now look even more like YOU!".

After seeing how the new avatars look all I can think is damn, Niantic. Why you gotta call me ugly like that?

brimshae 2 points ago +2 / -0

Commercial ranges that rent machine guns do the same thing, they always have a range safety behind the shooter who rents a machine gun

This has not been my experience, but I also rent from that range off my VA ID.

The person shooting it is the ship's CO, who almost certainly doesn't own his own firearms, and is possibly qualified to shoot it, but is not trained

I'm just going to stop that sentence right there and add that most people don't realize that higher ranking commissioned officers generally don't know how to operate small arms anymore.

At the really high levels they stop being military and become politicians.

brimshae 3 points ago +3 / -0

Grindr may be a tool to fix this country

I hate it here in Clown World.

brimshae 3 points ago +3 / -0

We've already seen the fed is willing to burn children alive to make themselves feel better.

brimshae 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is Alex Jones. He'll make a huge spectacle of it and make money off it and garner a larger audience, and I hope he makes bank when he does.

Plus, the PR damage it'll do to the fed can be its own reward.

brimshae 2 points ago +2 / -0

The way he is almost excitedly explaining it with all the flamboyance of a massive homosexual

He's part of the Fucks Boys Institute. What else did you expect?

brimshae 2 points ago +2 / -0

Someone wake up Otoya Yamaguchi. He's been asleep too long.

brimshae 4 points ago +4 / -0

A few months back someone was able to show that one of the image gen AIs was secretly adding terms to the prompts. He did this by ending the prompt with something along the lines of "holding a sign that says"

In OP's case you'd have a prompt with "Mega Man in an anime art style with a futuristic background holding a sign that says"

If it works the way the one guy was able to show it would be anime style Mega Man, in front of a futuristic sign, holding a sign that says "black woman" or something similar.

I've got an image queued with that exact prompt on Bing Image Gen right now. It's taken over 10 minutes to spit out an image so I tried some other generators.

Mage.Space gave me some sort of one and a half arms, three legged thing that vaguely looks like Mega Man.

Stable Diffusion game me... a closeup of red character with an indeterminate number of limbs and a face out of an old samurai wood carving. Could be a derpy Mega Man with a red weapon equipped, maybe Magnet Missile. Behind him is some sort of bulbous blue robot guy.

SD also gave me a short legged thing that looks like Mega Man. The shortened legs could be written off as a perspective trick, but one eye has no pupil. He's holding what I'd describe as a tablet with maybe red blood cells displayed on it. Some unidentifiable grey structure is in the background and has a large white crooked start on it.

DeepAI gave me.... I don't even know what. Some one and a half armed red and blue thing with a blue helmet, red limbs, a blue glove and kind of a blue leotard. There's some derped out smaller figures in a similar style and crazy colors in the background.

DeepAi's Manga Panel Generator gave me some weird black and white Mega Man-esque figure standing in a power pose, black and white lines flowing away from him look like he's about to or has gone Super Saiyan.

Anyway, it's been almost half an hour and Bing refuses to spit out anything, so I'm guessing either I've broken the prompt by having a blank sign in the prompt, MS's H1B and/or remote hires broke the prompt, or they've disallowed naughty behavior like trying to catch them in this crap. If it spits anything out in the next hour or two I'll reply to this.

brimshae 4 points ago +4 / -0

FO3 is bad, particularly if you'd gotten to experience the much better dialogue and harshness of the first two games to temper your expectations.

And yeah, the ending is stupid.

You: Hey, you're immune to radiation, can you go push that button so I don't have to die?
"I’m sorry, my companion, but no. We all have our own destinies, and yours culminates here. I would not rob you of that." - Literal quote from the game

Fuck you, Todd.

brimshae 32 points ago +32 / -0

I can't believe Lunar Archivist is still going strong after all these years.

God bless you, you lovable autist.

brimshae 6 points ago +6 / -0

Transodious. The word you're looking for is "transodious".

brimshae 2 points ago +2 / -0

That looks worse than free MMOs I played in the 2000s.

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