Wait, I figured it out!
If it makes you feel better, he did end up burning....
So, the problem that I keep running into with the sterilization scenario is that the only people who will not be sterilized would be the types who trust the government the least. It would seem to be counter-intuitive in the long run.
Oh, I got this one: to make it a game of skill instead of a game of chance. You can still have your seedy backroom game corner but you don't need a gambling license.
Begs the question: If you can turn glass into a broken pile of debris, then SURELY you can turn a pile of debris back into glass, right?
What's this about the numbers being inexplicable during the console wars? Did they misreport the casualties?
Is our civilization not actively being destroyed? Look at when the west widely started openly accepting sodomy and see how well it tracks with civilization crumbling.
Doesn't bode well for what? I'm not familiar with that word, I'm only an American...
They work hand-in-hand with the government. No politician would be stupid enough to go after the deep state's toys.
Social media is another scheme along the lines of the Five Eyes. The US government isn't "technically" suppressing people's rights, so it's not "technically" illegal.....
Just go back to the original intention of the copyright. Give the original creator a few years head start on making money and then after that it's fair game. Let the best movies rise to the top and choose your own cannon.
Can't is quitter talk
Relationships make us strong. They make us sacrificial and forward thinking. They make us happy and independent from copes. Monogamy is the strongest human relationship there is and therefore, the most dangerous.
Oh, it also helps that people will be having less kids....
Could I get my number on my forehead instead of the back of my hand? Is that option available?
One-two-three-four combo. You forgot "Zoom Schooling".
My copy is bound with The Invisible Man in the same volume. So, I only had to read half the book.
If we were really worried that climate change, we'd nuke China and India. Until that's on the table I don't believe anyone who says this is an extinction level crisis...
You are racist (sorry to ruin your streak).
You forgot "IMAGINE IF IT WAS THE OTHER WAY AROUND!" or "SJW hypocrisy!!!"
This is the key to the whole thing. Right leaning groups protest, right letters, call representatives and receive nothing in response (nothing positive, anyway. They might get laughed at, called cringe, or even arrested). Left leaning groups post something on Twitter, it is turned into an article, and people in power fall all over themselves to accommodate.
The secret is not in the organizational ability, the effectiveness of the pleas, or the size of the crowd. The secret is that left leaning groups are advocating for the changes that the Cathedral already wants.
I don't see a need to acknowledge Halo past 3 / ODST. An argument could be made for Reach being included by those who haven't read the books...
At this point I'm convinced that everyone who is not me is a psyop. Like a messed up version of The Truman Show.
Who asked that?
Not nearly impossible to get rid of one. Why, any individual citizen can do it with out any authorization or paperwork necessary!
It was a sad day to see NewPipe go down this route. At least it doesn't affect the functionality of the app (yet)