ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

I think you just described most Greek mythology there.

Olympian dude (usually Zeus, but others too) sees a mortal chick he likes. Decides to snu-snu chick. Olympian female (usually Hera, but others too) gets upset but being unwilling or unable to confront the dude takes out her anger on the mortal, usually by turning her into some monstrosity.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is no more chance of unity as whatever bad things happens to a black person, the race card comes out flying non-stop. It is not up to me or any other non-blacks to differentiate the good blacks from the bad one. Nothing good has ever come out of a majority black neighborhoods, cities, or countries in the first place.

Its been happening in increasing levels for a while, and I agree has This reddit thread archive from a couple months back highlights a lot of this. For years, pretty much any bad behavior in these people has been explained away as not their fault. And, they've taken that to its logical conclusion.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

probably accurate, but the ridiculous amount of collateral damage there makes it a non-viable option. Unless we can somehow get CHAZ or similar going repeatedly

ailurus 12 points ago +13 / -1

Fuck him. There’s nothing punk about being a sheep.

That's got to be the least self aware comment in the Reddit thread. "Why don't you agree with major tech companies, all the cable TV news channels, nearly all career politicians and countless celebrities? You're just a sheep man!"

ailurus 17 points ago +18 / -1

The guy to his left looks like he's want nothing better than to punch Biden's lights out.

ailurus 9 points ago +10 / -1

You know, I've joked in the past about the left's love of "science" getting scarily close to the Adeptus Mechanicus at times. But the way you phrased that is giving me a serious case of Tech Priest willies.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

As a computer science prof, here's the only diversity course that an undergraduate comp sci course needs:

An overview of Strongly and Weakly typed languages, and why weakly typed languages are for silly people and should be forgotten

ailurus 14 points ago +14 / -0

Maybe. But, even that is a very short-sighted plan.

First, and most importantly, I doubt it will go that long. I mean, Bush/Gore was settled by the courts in early December, meaning there would be another month, month and a half to get the lawsuits going in a Biden/Trump election.

Second, even if it does go that long, it may well not be President Pelosi. If the Rs retake the house, then the Republican speaker is temporary president, whoever that is. Or, if the house races are gummed up by ballot shenanigans and lawsuits as well it may well turn out that there's no speaker.

And finally, even if Pelosi is interim president, its not going to be for very long. Certainly not enough time to get anything useful done, especially if a hostile senate remains.

The only way this plan gets the Dems anything but further resentment is if the court cases last for literal months or years, and they take the house and the senate as well. Its a possibility, but beyond a long shot.

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'd be shocked if mods like that don't already exist for Skyrim

ailurus 19 points ago +19 / -0

But the problem isn't the motto "No bad tactics, only bad targets"

Gotta disagree. There's no way that motto ends well, because "bad target" will inevitably end up targeting someone who doesn't deserve it. Even if they were going after ISIS fighters now, what about the innocent household members of the ISIS fighters who get sick when the Ricin package is sent? And what about the people who get targeted by those tactics next once the ISIS fighters are gone?

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

They're going to have to seat a new justice before the election either way.

In the event of a split Supreme Court decision, the decision of the lower court stands.

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

Chaz 2.0, electric boogaloo? I wonder who the warlord will be this time. Time to go find more popcorn.

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Wow, the upper class people from a society with a literal caste system are in favor of classifying other people based on surface characteristics? Who would have guessed that?

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

Are disobedient blacks who think for themselves worse than white people?

From the SJW point of view, absolutely. Its one thing to have someone be a heathen - they're a known enemy, yes, but actually a useful rallying point because you can say "Don't be like those evil people!". But, to have a heretic within the group is much, much worse. Not only does the heretic raise the specter of having hidden enemies on your side, but the heresy could easily spread to others in the group. That's why they try put down any heretics so viciously and quickly.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

he includes the NBA, Disney and Trump as endorsing them as well

One of those things is not like the others when it comes to China

ailurus 17 points ago +17 / -0

Still a more relevant question than the stuff the media's been asking him so far

ailurus 18 points ago +18 / -0

Come on Biden, do it. It would be hilarious for everyone except the MSM, and screw them.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Didn't ActualPublicFreakouts start because PublicFreakouts started getting too political and censorious? And now, 10 months later APF is having the same thing happen to it as PF? Do people never learn?

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Its the spying software they don't want U.S. agencies getting hold of.

You don't even need to go that far. Just like the Twitter Admin panel a month or two back, I'm willing to bet most/all of these companies just don't want to general public being able to find out how invasive they're being with their spying and how much their algorithms are actually manipulating people and what they consume.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is that the human centipede clip? I'm pretty sure it is, but don't want to click in case it is the human centipede clip.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'll agree with a couple other people that your actual photo may not be a great idea - look at what Antifa keeps trying to do to Andy Ngo.

As for what you're experiencing, I am sorry to hear it but at this point its sadly to be expected. The modern left has lost most if not all principles, doesn't want to debate policy and position or anything like that. This video from right after Trump's election really sums it up I think.

How many times does the vote not have to go our way before we realize that our argument isn't won by hurling labels and insults...when will we learn that the key is discussion?

Sure, there's still a few people who make actual arguments, but the vast majority (especially on the Internet) really have no idea what is going on, they just recycle outrage headlines and talking points. Hence the NPC meme - they have a set of predefined talking points, every few days it gets updated, and if someone actually challenges it their brains just shut down and they resort to trying to attack the character of the person.

ailurus 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'd say start by not planning around red pills. If you deliberately say "Well, I need to get a red pill in this chapter" or something there's a good chance that people will see it was deliberately put in and people will notice that and get turned off. Instead, I'd say just write a story and have some themes/characters/organizations that are just not progressive-left leaning.

Something pro-capitalism is an easy one - just have a company that is not an evil, manipulative organization out to exploit everyone and ruin a planet in the name of making a few bucks. Or, depending on the story you're aiming for, have a company that has something outwardly sinister to it - as a lot of stories tend to - but then towards the end have a reveal that they're not actually just greedy but they're trying to do something good behind the secrecy (IE, maybe a planet had a massive natural disaster and a company quarantined it. But, it turns out they're terraforming it to fix it or something rather than trying to drag every last bit of value out of it before the ecosystem totally collapses).

Another example would be something in terms of government overreach. You have some governing structure that ticks all the boxes for an SJW wet dream - there's tons of hate-speech laws, Big Brother is always watching, everyone's dependent on government handouts to survive, even throw in diversity quotas (though, again, doing that one explicitly may be too obvious and turn people off). Bonus points if there's some type of nebulous threat that Big Brother uses to justify all this. And, have some fringe society that's rebelled against all this stuff, constant propaganda that they're evil, you must always avoid them, etc. Over the course of the story, main character ends up running into these people (say, ship crash or something and they happen upon the wreck), and it turns out that they're perfectly normal or even a friendly group who just wanted to be left alone to do their thing and are succeeding at it. They're society is at least as good, if not better, than the main one.

Essentially, I think it boils down to: Pick the couple main SJW talking points you want to go after, include them as characters or elements in your story, and then show they're not that bad or even good.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was just thinking LBGTQ+ in general, but yeah. Pretty much every TV show has to have a homosexual main (or at least large supporting) character these days, despite being <5% of the population.

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