acp_k2win 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your talking points are so toxic that they drive away interest in right-wing spaces and in right-wing movements.


c'mon bro, stop talking about jews bro, its driving people away bro

acp_k2win 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you are in the US "not taking a side" means giving military cover and taxpayer money supporting Israels regional aggression, provocations, and human rights violations. Because that is the status quo.

acp_k2win 20 points ago +21 / -1

No blacks is part of what makes Genshin Impact a good game.

acp_k2win 11 points ago +12 / -1

If China or Russia or Iran were doing the same thing to influence American elections the corrupt legacy media would be screaming bloody murder 24/7 and there would be congressional hearings about it and legislation in motion to stop it.

acp_k2win 15 points ago +15 / -0

American sovereignty is the primary issue. Right now the number one obstacle to that sovereignty is government officials who are more loyal to Israel than the US. And billions in foreign money spent making sure israel first candidates are elected.

acp_k2win 8 points ago +11 / -3

If you were actually paying attention you would see the complaints have nothing to do with israel other than wanting to avoid the US getting involved in a war with Iran.

  1. specific campaign staffers were/(are?) nevertrumpers who have conflicts of interest and are making massive strategic errors

  2. JD Vance is a terrible choice. Even if he is working directly for the CIA he is tight with the intelligence/tech ouroboros. He has no charisma and he hates his White heritage, his book said so.

  3. The campaign needs to appeal to White men directly and state clearly and specifically "This is what we will do for you."

  4. Soft messaging on the border, illegals, and support for legal immigration

  5. unnecessarily aggressive rhetoric against Iran

acp_k2win 4 points ago +4 / -0

The name matters because of semantically overloaded definitions.

"racism" is a pejorative applied to statements and actions, almost exclusively by Whites, that don't support the gay race commie agenda

Whites wanting to avoid blacks isn't "racist", it is pattern recognition. blacks targeting Whites isn't "racism" it is a culturally inculcated hatred of Whites that blacks know is a socially acceptable justification for their opportunism.

You are being disingenuous if you claim that "racism" is anything but an anti-White construct.

acp_k2win 15 points ago +15 / -0

Watch the original and everything else Terry Gilliam directed in the 80s and 90s.

acp_k2win 28 points ago +29 / -1

How will that work when the judges all went through the same anit-White indoctrination and had to pledge allegiance to the the gods of liberalism to get their degrees? And worse, whose peer group will look down on them if they treat you fairly.

acp_k2win 9 points ago +10 / -1

Racism is fake

Hatred of Whites is real

Yellow Asians are collateral damage

acp_k2win 9 points ago +10 / -1

I'm against the concept of women's sports in the first place because it subverts the idea that men and women have different roles.

But for those who are OK with it the answer is simple. If there is ANY reason to doubt then they can't join. The point of women's sports is that women can't compete with men physically. Having men, or even more manly women, join would defeat the purpose. The appeals process should be first a genital check, then an DNA test.

Are there not enough obviously real women who want to compete that they need to recruit from the freak contingent?

acp_k2win 18 points ago +18 / -0

we thank you for your service

try a new account though, they are much less ban-happy now

acp_k2win 4 points ago +4 / -0

They don't seem to ban for nearly as much now. IMO it is worth making an account because it is the biggest place there is meaningful counter-narrative to the gay commie agenda.

acp_k2win 9 points ago +9 / -0

not for india, for outsourcing tech and call center jobs to india and for indian immigration into White countries, yes

acp_k2win 7 points ago +8 / -1

The wrestling was by default because the opponent was too disgusted at the thought of touching a jeet to compete in the match.

acp_k2win 11 points ago +13 / -2

hindu jeets are the target morlock class planned to be doing the "icky" work for the technocrat (mostly) jewish overlords post-kalegeri implementation

they are on average short statured so non-threatening, infinitely tolerant of risk and hardship, are desperately horny so they breed fast, and have enough of an IQ variance that the top ones can be trained to handle the stress and cognitive load of complex managerial tasks

their nepotism and cultural cohesion means that once a critical mass is reached they will eventually take over any society that isn't "racist" enough to take the overt steps necessary to keep them out

acp_k2win 1 point ago +1 / -0

Considering the same people are running both I'm not surprised

acp_k2win 3 points ago +3 / -0

damage is done though

a continuous cultural decline due to self-censorship of any but the most liberal ideas

acp_k2win 14 points ago +16 / -2

humans appeared at most 2 million years ago, the earths surface was pretty much in its current position as of at least 20 million years ago, maybe more

that is assuming you believe any of the rest of the story

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