Embrace the "stormfornter" label. It will be applied to the mildest pushback against nigger supremacy.
edit: and even if you don't want to put yourself in that category at least don't countersignal the guys who do put themselves out there and embrace it, they may be retarded but they are OUR retards
I don't think there is a single corporation in the top 1000 market cap that isn't mostly dependent on government spending (or the spending of a contractor receiving govt money) for a significant portion of their revenue.
It is both. The browner things are, the worse the quality of life is because other than Europeans and fancy (J&K) Asians there is no social stigma against opportunism. In fact it is the opposite where other cultures praise scamming anyone who isn't an immediate family member as "clever".
I used to think that as well but I've come to the conclusion that those who profit from vice in our land are doing so at the expense of our people. Even the weak and undisciplined and poorly raised ones are still our brothers.
I have no problem with profiting off the vice of other nations, however.
25 years ago when 3.0 released, If they came out with a decent tableltop simulator with functional DM assist tools and voice chat 25 years ago, even with graphics like ultima online, it would have taken over the world.
But now why would anyone want to do DND online when there are a million MMO and massively single player online games like genshin that have adequate co-op options?
MADD was yet another crusade of urban liberal women against rural working class men. Because those "backwards rednecks" were the ones most likely to be in a position to drive home from the bar after working a hard shift.
The "drunk driving" statistics were entirely cooked. The key words are "alcohol related". If a drunk pedestrian jumps in front of a sober driver that is counted. If a passenger has alcohol but not the driver that is counted. If the person with alcohol in his system isn't at fault that is still counted. Solo crashes are counted even though a high percentage of the fatal ones are actually suicides. If a driver has alcohol but is under the legal limit, even significantly, that is counted. And here is the best one, if the driver wasn't tested that is usually counted because it is presumed that it is "alcohol related".
The auto makers supported it to virtue signal and to justify passing regulations of high-profit "safety" features like airbags and crumple zones that make it much more likely to total cars even in low speed collisions. Law enforcement was all over it because it gives them almost unlimited power over anyone who drives, including blatantly unconstitutional stuff like "sobriety" roadblocks. Government loves it because it is a non-tax revenue stream from unsympathetic targets (working class men) and a way to extract kickbacks from "traffic schools" and "interlock devices".
Are you going one of those people who pretends he can't tell the difference between pornographic content and non pornographic content? Or even worse that there isn't any difference because there is no bright border line between the two?
The continuum between cute --> suggestive --> pornographic is wide and blurry but just because the exact boundaries are subjective doesn't mean the categories don't exist.
We know what it is, they know what it is, they are just hiding behind ambiguity and whataboutism because being honest about it is still outside of overton.
It is exactly like for homos. They would have so many fewer problems if they could just pretend to be normal unless they knew for sure they were amongst their own kind.
Let normal people live their lives without having to think about degeneracy.
I don't think the philosophical questions such as are blacks human can be answered or are even relevant. The biological question is obvious, they can interbreed with other human subspecies therefore they are human at least on the biological level.
The practical concerns are what matters. The bottom line is the higher proportion of blacks there are in a given area, the lower the quality of life becomes for everyone. This is an indisputable fact.
Those with <90 iq just become accustomed to that environment as they don't have the reasoning ability to identify the problem, or the mental capacity to imagine it could possibly be better. Ignorance is if not bliss, then a comfort.
Those who are more intelligent are under constant stress because they not only see the problem, know that it is a cultural taboo to publicly state that they notice it, and expend a portion of their cognitive capacity pre-empting black opportunism or mentally hardening for possible confrontations. Literally the only solution smart people have is either being so rich that they can spend a portion of their resources to create buffers to minimize interactions, or moving away from them to an area that hasn't been infested yet, knowing that they will probably have to do it again in a decade or two.
I don't hate racoons who would think nothing of digging through my trash, I don't hate cockroaches who would eat off my counters, and I don't hate blacks who would rob me or worse if given the opportunity. But I don't want to live with them. And I will take steps to minimize the chances of other beings, be they animal or human, taking opportunistic advantage of me.
This makes me a "racist", which I've been told basically since birth is the absolute worst thing a White person can be. But eventually I realized that the only reason I've been told not to be "racist" is because those who try to hold it against me want to make me an easier target for victimization.