You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sinfest, or whoever this is, is getting more mature. I wonder whether it a young person and they are just growing up, or if it is an older person whose followers have been redpilling as they go.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's based on her sisters calling her a boy as an insult

Trannies were boys, so when they were little they did not get called boys as an insult. They lack the experience of being a young girl.

You_Are_Based 13 points ago +13 / -0

Please try to understand that in the world that existed for all of human history until around 2015 ish, calling a girl a boy was a catty childlike insult and nothing more. Trannies can't handle that and they default to projection.

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +8 / -1

Libs of Tik Tok and most users like her have even larger hooked noses

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is a very salient point, but I would counterpoint that we have the freedom to post such an election time message in all sorts of popular places that make the impression rate of kia2 posts irrelevant by scale in any case. I don't mean to sound like this place is not important, just that it is important to us and not to Trump. I think getting one solid janitor on board in kia2 would solve this issue and further demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the pedo guy's hypothetical strategy of affecting the 2024 election by sperging on kia2.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will admit I don't have a focus on that aspect of the trolling. I think there is a line in the sand with using multiple accounts to harass people, though.

But I don't recall any particular forum that "fell" to spam in decent conditions (meaning when mods are doing their jobs and admins aren't looking for an excuse to delete the forum anyway).

I'd consider it all to be banter and gatekeeping practice and group maintenance of consensus, if it were always just one subject-matter sperg getting corrected over and over. That is life, and no one can withstand constant social rebuke correction forever, they always either correct or leave.

That's why I haterespect gopower. I think gopower is a great example of troll on a mission, following all the rules and redpilling kia2 users by pissing everybody off with infuriating inversions of reality. He never drops character and he even uses soecific buzzwords out of context to illicit redpill replies. He doesn't respond to correction because correction is his intent. Trolling is a art.

Pedo autist on the other hand crosses the line on several fronts; lusting after kids, advocating it for others, and breaking rules to spam and evade bans. I'll admit it's my social training and I'm discriminating agaisnt him, fuck him.

I just don't think it's election related spam, man. The more I type the more I am sure it's just one sperg.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was there and yeah, that's what happened....

Now, how does that make it beneficial to Biden (or alternatively to Trump) to try and convince KIA2 users that the age of consent is too high?

I'm not saying it isn't bad, I'm saying it isn't related directly to the election. No spotlight is gonna turn on KIA2 to punish Trump because some user with 6 million downvotes called the other users agecucks

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +5 / -3

What candidate would even benefit from that? I'm inclined to think it is mostly just one mentally ill person, especially because it hasnt been prominent on 4chan which is like a bellweather for real deal psyops

It seems like this one person really wants to convert a forum and crack consensus on the matter of statutory rape, and is nibbling at small fish because their efforts simply get lost in the flood in busy and well moderated forums

You_Are_Based 40 points ago +40 / -0

Their entire value system is based first and foremost on maintaining a lie about themselves, and it simply cascades out into the world from there.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +2 / -1

Hey I'm not above taking your anecdotes at face value, but it's not like I pulled random tenth percents out of my ass. It's just what Poles reported for religious demo rates.

In the scope of those stats, non-religious tagged in at like 12%, so if we assumed those were all atheistic jews it's over 1/10 which is at least a feasible compromise between your experiences and the 0.004% figure.

The OP was about religious symbols and not shapeshifting, so I figured it was relevant to post the religious demo rates that the Poles released, is all.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +2 / -1

Good point, it's not sensible count out the non-religious ethnic jew populace of a place. Or at least the placea with enough economy to siphon off to prevent a person from being involved in actual labor. I think its safe to count the farming villages at their actual religious jew count (zero lol)

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +2 / -1

Maybe. But that is considered a high rate of jewish residence as far as Poland goes. Sources I have seen claim well below 0.1% of poles are jews nationally.

Haven't seen it suggested to be higher anywhere outside of Warsaw either. For instance a polish gov website (https://stat.gov.pl/spisy-powszechne/nsp-2011/) suggests that 0.004% of Poles are jewish. It suggests that muslims, hindus, buddhists, and jews combined are less than 0.1% of the population.

Poland has a population of about 38 million which would make for about 150,000 jews across Poland at the 0.004 rate.

There is more recent data but it is not as well disseminated in that nothing I saw referenced it for specific stats on Polands jewish population in particular. The 2011 data seems to drive most readily available information for randos looking that up in 2024.

You_Are_Based -3 points ago +5 / -8

You are incredibly ignorant. The middle east is absolutely positively riddled with full on arab Christians and their churches.

Islam's lukewarm quasi-acknowledgement, quasi-condemnation of Christ is not a consideration made for racial foreigners on other continents. It is a consideration made for countless millions of arabic Christians who are their racial brothers, who die just like anyone else when a "muslim country" goes to war (or when it suffers an ongoing genocide on part of the jews of israel)

It seems like the more arabs israel wants to kill at any given moment, the louder the cacophony of hysterics online and in the news insisting that muslims are the worst thing on the planet.

It goes "arabs are all muslins" -> "muslims are all terrorist extremists" -> "give us money to incinerate them in their beds and kitchens and nurseries"

After all, muslims are white man's eternal arch nemesis, his sole enemy, right? The white man has simply temporarily forgotten that fact after many, many decades of muslims not owning the federal reserve, not causing classwide economic devastation by usury (charging and/or directly paying interest is banned in islam), not owning every advertising agency, not conducting the safe transport of migrant armies, not systematically promoting miscegenation among their enemies, not supporting feminism, not conducting plandemics, not owning or controlling a single western mainstream news outlet, lacking a competitive lobby to buy western politicians, and etc etc and etc etc and etc etc etc etc and another thousand etc's, since it is, quite literally, never a muslim behind such veils.

And if you guys want to downvote but you don't want to form any arguments, then I accept kia2's collective state of concession on the matter.

You_Are_Based 12 points ago +12 / -0

Warsaw Mayor Rafal Trzaskowski defended the new rules and blasted “the hype in the media"

"Everyone has the right to their faith, or the lack thereof. This includes civil servants and clerks. [But] anyone who comes to the office to handle their business has the right to feel that he or she is in a neutral office. As simply as that,”

Here are some demographic statistics on religions in Warsaw, Poland circa 2021. Mind you this is Warsaw, a big city, and excludes the rest of Poland, which is overall about 92% Christian.

-Roman Catholic Church: 72.4% of the population

-Eastern Orthodox Church: 0.4% of the population

-Protestantism: 0.4% of the population

-jews: 0.1% of the population

-Islam: 0.1% of the population

-Hinduism: 0.1% of the population

-Buddhism: 0.1% of the population

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was a really cool 1 v Army game called Drakenguard for the ps2 that I remember fondly. It was made with solid 2000's JP sensibility. The main mechanic was achieving combos on the field, getting huge bonuses and benefits that you can work into the rest of the combo to keep it going. It was mindless fun. I don't remember the story, it was only an excuse to get your guy on the field with a dragon so you can begin murderization.

I think it was either a predecessor to or knock off of the Dynasty Warriors games (like Hyrule Warriors) but I always loved drakenguard and never warmed up to warriors games, which I feel are all shapeshifter IP cashgrab bullshit titles. But maybe I am just underestimating the number of mainline dynasty games that arent skinsuits. Slapping one game's aesthetic onto a generic engine pisses me right off.

You_Are_Based 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ah I see. I think it's clear to see traditional conservatism is just a fashion angle in general, even for most men. There were arguments like this about goth girls when I was young.

You_Are_Based 0 points ago +1 / -1

What is supposed to be remarkable? It's like, a lady and her kid in a house. Anyone could have a similar photo in the family photo album.

that is jordan peterson's daughter

her appearance has changed

That still makes her some random chick holding her kid... in makeup?

You_Are_Based 0 points ago +2 / -2

Wow chuds are really accusing us of an INTER-TEMPORAL edit war based on PAST events?

What's next? Really! Next you'll accuse us of a WORLDWIDE conspiracy to change things on the WORLD WIDE WEB! Get a life, schizos!

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

The use of the phrase "INTER-TEMPORAL" has me dying lol...

Someone acts a certain way

Time passes

"We stand accused of INTER-TEMPORAL ACTS can you BELIEVE that??"

It's basically something that a racist artist would come up with for a cartoon that mocks the concept of pilpul.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0


Okay okay FINE I'll post it again just hold your horses

https://archive.is/1dRvd https://nationalfile.com/mattress-high-chair-discovered-in-illegal-nyc-synagogue-tunnel/

[Child-Sized] Mattress, High Chair Discovered in Illegal NYC Synagogue Tunnel

Video footage from New York City shows a small stained mattress being pulled from the illegal tunnel that was discovered beneath a Crown Heights, Brooklyn synagogue, where photographs show that, among other things, a high chair was located

Jewish students tried to stop the NYPD and a team of construction workers from sealing off the illegal tunnel system dug beneath the building, reportedly to connect the synagogue to the site of a former Jewish women’s ritual bath.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

You'll just have to trust the FBI on what they actually fou-HAHAHAHAHAH lolol ah I amuse myself

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +3 / -1

Not true. Their insistence that this is the case is only an expression of in-group preference. Their value system leads to them valuing individual social virtue above group survival and so they express superiority differently.

They think tolerance is grace and that a superior being should display traits of superior quality. Their only motive to signal virtue is to tell others, "see, I treat the lowly with grace, because I am great." This is also why they want to be seen offering only understanding and forgiveness to people of other races who fail to reciprocate their values- it amplifies their own feeling of superiority, since they succeeded the standard- hopefully in sight of others- where the nonwhite person failed, theirby validating their own station of high grace.

From their perspective it is the white racists that threaten their superiority, not entirely via in-group competition for dominance, but because the people who value group survival over social virtue undermines any status of superiority that is determined by social virtue.

At the most basic level this is not even a conscious thought process. It is the context from which their conscious thought process operates. Once it is trained in, the pursuit of superiority by social virtue is no more consciously deliberate than their personal, private, socially taboo kneejerk reaction to the body odor of an ethnically african person (which is trained in at a deeper level, being from birth, in the case of anyone who grew up in a house without africans in it).

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +4 / -1

Simple in-group preference is the core of that. It is something we all have in common, no matter how much training it is buried under (which I say with white liberals in mind). Because different races are so very different, that common trait serves as the foundation for different systems from group to group.

You_Are_Based 24 points ago +24 / -0

For the record, the worldwide conspiracy you are referring to is called "preferring your own ethnicity" and you're extremely naive if you think that excludes all the incredibly wealthy jews that operate from positions of power from all over the world, whose names and identities (and often opinions) are openly accessible to anyone who cares to confirm.

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