Kirby and the Every Single "Death Camp" the Americans Investigated Was Downgraded to "Concentration Camp"
Perhaps they hit him with "I really don't support what israel is doing, I think it is genocide" and got reported for SUPPORTING HAMAS
Wow its almost as if he is a jewish person of wealth and influence batting for his own team and gatekeeping right wingers. I wonder if that is very rare...
Alan Dershowitz
Dennis Prager
Michael Savage
Mark Levin
Brit Hume
Greg Gutfield
Laura Ingraham
Larry King
Katie Couric
Matt Drudge
Glenn Greenwald
David Rubin
Laura Loomer
Bill Krystol
Chaia Raichic (libs of tik tok)
Now that does bite, but I will go with the flow on this particular psyop if it is one. I don't always have to choose "no", my rationale is not blown to the wind when someone chooses to abuse it.
Well then I wish the Sauds would pay more senators better wages for a little bit. That sounds like I support corruption but a duopoly is better than an exclusive deal.
The whole point is weak, I suspect, because people infer the Sauds are ass deep in Israel/USA, though I don't know much about that, so, idk. It's a fair criticism, it's just that I think in terms of alternatives to the status quo and I think of them in terms of achievability .
A politician agreeing with me about the jewish lobby is worth more than a thousand grifters who basically ragebait about trannies and women and browns 24/7 as a career lifeline. The people with their hands on the levers of our society are not women or hormone freaks or africans. Choose a sector, it's either a jewish person or someone who takes $xxx,xxx's from their groups. "Trans rights" boil down to their influence, so did suffrage, so did the slave trade. It is a key stone realization about our society and its way more imoortant than any other gatekeeping, and anything below it is divide & conquer. AOC is on nearly the same level as Thomas Massie for calling it out- it is a sin-soothing action for a politician to call them out. I'll forgive any bad note for the sake of hearing the song.
Same as ever... sc2
Greatly amused that you compared Hank Hill to Ned Stark lol
I enjoyed it
While I'm sure there are enough normies watching to float their model of selling ad spaces on videos that are ads in and of themselves, going after the x% who use adblockers is stupid. I for one will simply not use the website. I already mostly dont. It is always a selection among alternatives when I do. Lots of the time, I COULD just read a book and grow that much more as a person, but my weak will easy access on youtube can hold me back. Every time I do read a book, though, and I'm usually reading, a whole subgenre of youtube videos drop like flies in winter.
Very nice. It is nod-off material but it is interesting to be immersed in rhetoric that fomented a revolution. Stuff we think of as very basic were very progressive ideas, and the best parts of all those ideas have deteriorated or disappeared. It is really something to peer through history with hindsight.
Hey, in terms of entertainment, if you prefer fiction and you take a liking to older forms of English, I earnestly suggest Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The White Company and Sir Nigel (1906), which is Dolye 100 years ago feigning speech prose from 100's more years ago, and the Oxford World Classics edition of Le Morte D'Arthur by Sir Thomas Mallory (1470)
I would reckon you have a high linguistic IQ. I would dive into Common Sense. It's not written in today's style of English but it is still modern English. If it bores you (personally I'm not into non-fiction and I have to force it) there are lots of study books on it, but if you choose to learn about it secondhand then you have to pay attention to the disposition/bias/motives of a second layer author/publisher.
That's something about education in general, that second layer of disposition/bias/motive on part of educators (in our country public educators are representatives of the State, another idea the Founding Fathers and maybe even Hamilton would have abhored). The reward for robbing the next generation of the truth is unfathomable control over society. Teachers are not usually bad people but they are caught up between the State's greed and their own C.Y.A. measures. It really pays, as an adult with a passing interest in some aspect of history, to dig into things yourself. It is lucky that this period of American history is within our grasp, only a few hundred years old, and that real pieces of it are still littered around for us to examine in plain, firsthand, in an understandable rendition of our own language.
Gamergate was at its core about noticing sleazy manipulation of the press. It was destined to go the way it has since the start.
Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
- Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence
That is just the meme of it. If you actually dig into the writings of the time you see that it is a pervasive concept and not something that boils down to a few bite-size quotes to BTFO source-fags and historical revisionists. In that one regard, it's not too dissimilar to studying the bible. If you are not either and you are genuinely interested, I would say just go ahead and read Common Sense, and then Federalist Papers (common sense first though).
I should add that Alexander Hamilton famously succeeded in arguing for a federal standing army in a later Federalist Paper, and up until that point, and for about a hundred years following that point (until around the time of an upheaval wherein hundreds of thousands of White men were killed on American soil in pursuit of eliminating the right of human beings to leave globohomo) it was considered to be a retarded and evil idea. The life of Hamilton is the single greatest argument that the jews aren't directly responsible for globohomo lol. So saying "founding fathers" in a lump sum way is kind of an ignorant thing we do today.
The Founding Fathers literally added an asterisk to everything that said "if this doesn't work out you have a responsibility to kill people in the name of fixing it".
The taste for that has been trained right out of people and none of what the system does today was ever intended by the founders. There is really not a single behavior or function of the government that is as it was 300 years ago except "shoot at protesters if the protest is bad enough" which they built into it despite their literally endless insistence that people will have a responsibility have to overthrow the government if it goes bad.
They lived in a period of violent revolution and wrote under pen names to avoid being arrested or killed. Today, they would be arrested or killed. They expected violence to the point that they baked it into their system of peace as a check and balance. It has all fallen apart, even the violence.
Commie writers are like angry ex girlfriends. The moment their product is rejected by the White males that have floated the IP in question for decades and decades, it's all schizophrenic piss and vinegar
your dick is small, please watch the show, I hate you, I never meant to make you happy anyway, but come back to me please, but fuck you and also I'm gonna say you raped me"
refuse those nuances
Refuse is a really spot on word choice. I think it's indoctrinated team/role training stuff. People are taught on a basic level that cheerleading is the key to the greatest system of governance ever conceived (even if they don't believe that system has been implemented correctly yet).
On an even more basic level we have hereditary clan/family instincts that are abused to psychologically enter people's clan/family and invoke protective and cooperative behavior from them.
In my opinion, the person's idea of the invading figure, a politician, a brand, a mascot, or more, become similar to a tulpa, since a part of the host's mind is essentially being hijacked to simulate the concept in a personified social context. Eventually these ideas are associated with their own complex and adaptable rationale and agency inside of but separate from the mind of Timmy the consumer.
Things like Coca Cola and Trump and Mickey Mouse expand into detailed and functional partitions in the brain in an exploitation of certain neurological tools that we evolved delicately over generations to allow us to hate our competitors and emphasize with our friends and family.
Hating israel is not equivalent to supporting hamas.
The behavior of forcing false equivalencies like that is a part of the engine that drives antisemitism.
We tend to use maps as visual aids for the characters themselves. Like, one of the characters owns a map, so people can look at it and guess where they are. In battles we do use a grid but I'm sure our system is very simplified compared to you guys.
For instance we handle sneaking stuff entirely with dice and never pay attention to the direction a character is facing. We consider 1 turn to be enough time to look anywhere and target whatever is in-range so long as its not actively and successfully invisible or sneaking. Restrictions and limitations may apply in special circumstances, but in general we compromise on the game's integrity in order to make it operate more smoothly or easily lol.
I realize I'm ignorant of the subject matter but I did not fail to pick up on how much easier an online service would make it to play with people over the internet lol. You gotta give your conversation partners a little benefit of the doubt lol.
Different strokes for different people. If my situation and needs were different it might be a great choice to go virtual. I don't mean to sound like a hipster or like I'm judging you guys. But I do think so long as you consume digital services you have less power over everything that you get done in that way, and separate yourself from the real world a bit more. I know it's ironic to talk about separating from the real world-it's an escapist hobby, but I don't really give a damn about the campaigns in particular, personally, for me it's about having them nibbas around a table together, rolling dice and having a time with pizza and drinks.
I have an interest in music production, and although methods exist to collaborate on projects over the internet- which would bypass scheduling issues and efficientize our rate of production- I totally ignore all of it because I demand to get together to jam instead.
Some people have a friend who moves away and they use this stuff to keep in contact. That is great, making the best of what you've got to keep a connection. Maybe if that happened to me with a specific person I will eat my words and convert to virtual, but I'm afraid the entire tradition would slowly liquidate among the rest of us since nobody would actually need to be there to participate, and needing to be there acts as a sort of leverage item for making it happen, if that makes any sense.
Well old chap I can clear that up for you. (1) Idk what any of that is. (2) it seems obvious to me that these games are played on tables with papers little props. (3) I never claimed anything other than that we use minis and paper and don't have issues with bookkeeping. (4) Not all paper comes from deliriously large international companies but I'm not going to accidentally provide you with the name of my hometown on account of arguing so.
I guess I just look at it as a deliberately non-digital activity. Most the things I do are on software, even things that I have analog equipment for, so I appreciate game night being the way it is with the papers.
Minis help a lot. We have an eclectic mix. Only a few are actual gaming miniatures, several are lego figures. If we are down to using dice then it is a crazy scenario lol. The guys have come to appreciate certain figures.. Assigning roles to the same pool of them over and over starts to feel like they are a troupe of actors being cast for a performance, except unlike actors they are not gay.
I prefer that to the idea of dropping generic skeletons into a field graph in some app. Not that I really know anything about this software. Sounds like it must be nice from how you tell it but I just really appreciate having social activities that don't involve my pc or phone.
What does this even mean? We write short notes on a pieces of paper and rotate bookkeeping so no one gets tired and it has never been an issue. What information is needed that you can't just jot down? Wouldnt even know where to start using the internet for this or how it would benefit us in any way. Its all right there on the paper from last week. Also, I own the paper and there never has been anything gay on it let alone a donation to communists.
We wuz fags n sheit!
Can you name one good Trump pick for any position at all? I've become disenchanted with the guy but I am a little disturbed at the fact that I can't think of one. In the end, I can only think of snakes.
My memory is clouded by picks like the head of exxon, the ex head of the cia, 30 pieces of silver Pence, omarosa, barret, kavanaugh, fauci (not technically his pick but he created the pedastal for fauci during covid), mad dog mattis, and that one time he brought in some eceleb troll on the teir of Martin Skrelli/Milo Yiannopolis who immediately started making ridiculous statements and got fired. I can't remember his name.
What are some good picks?