You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

Has Project Veritas cracked any juicy ones sans O'keefe or are they declawed?

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Democracy has always been coded language to describe an ethnic oligarchy. It is paired with descriptor words that imply varying degrees of civic interaction (direct, republic) and the need for these descriptors betrays the reality of the disguise. We are aware intellectually that influence between the rich and the poor is biased in one direction and from that we can deduce that any democracy is or will result in an oligarchy.

You_Are_Based 12 points ago +13 / -1

Throughout 99% of human history it has been worthy of discussion among the community when a member joins or leaves and it still remains so even if you are trained into an empty and eternally sphincter-clenched code of total indifference toward man.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

No, they are trying to crash the cultural holiday with its remaining non-progressive holdouts. They always do this with anti-semites and usually it is just another of a billion empty power-seeking lies. Once they establish him as a jew they will establish him as a homo or something to crash Columbus Day for shabbos/ lower level right wingers who they didnt catch in the net by calling him a jew.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Recently watched both Night of the Living Dead movies (original/remake) back to back with a loved one. I appreciated the slowness. It changes the horror so that it comes from the dawning reality of the zombie's existence, and the fear of facing death of family or lovers, and of course, body horror.

Fast zombies turn it into a "how long can I hold my breath while the character is underwater" type horror. How fast can I run? Oh heck there's no way I'd run that fast for that long!

The latter is not my preferred type of horror. I don't compete with (relate enough to?) characters as they go through those physical challenges. I relate to the cerebral horror of a situation.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder if they have made up certificates of authenticity with the brand name Hasbro on them. I know reseller who will be keeping an eye on it. I wonder what the bids will look like for the more random props. One really juicy rich-boy bid war on any particular item will categorically affect the perceived value of hundreds of other items, and if's gonna happen. I doubt there will be room for any but the most insane funko-collector tier consoomer splurgers and wealthy resellers

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hate how republicans suck sweetly on the shaft of israel but it is impossible not to hate democrats, and it's not just immigration/economics/trannies but the way they treat people and the headspace they expect us to occupy. They really think people are programmable little social media npc's and they enforce orthodoxy like a freaky cult. Their ailing system of social enforcement is responsible for the bulk of NGO demand for algorithmic technology- they literally could not censor people quickly or effectively enough without it. I see establishment democrats as "the white jew" where as I see establishment republicans as "the shabbos goyim", and as much as it pisses me off I choose the shabbos, or in the shabbiest of times, nobody.

If Trump signals no war with Iran I will turn out for him. Vote = consent and I won't consent to going to war for israel. He can make and break a promise and commit to things I never agreed with, but I wont directly consent to the platform if it includes that. If he thinks it's really important to keep Kamala out of office, and his team genuinely thinks they need every vote, they need to consider what is more important: going to war for israel, or keeping Kamala out. If they think it's not important to block her, or that they don't need my vote in order to block her, or that defending israel is more important than all other considerations... that is their decision.

You_Are_Based -1 points ago +1 / -2

Did you just coin "kickball court" in this context or did you pick that up from somewhere? If you made it up then I am impressed with your metaphoric mojo.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

This happened not too long ago with a full article and threads with hundreds of replies on 4chan about Will Smith farting

You_Are_Based -3 points ago +1 / -4

How many have you killed in the name of survival? Surely you have run into a problem or two in your life.

Downvote in en-seethement

You_Are_Based -7 points ago +1 / -8

Our ancestors were mostly peaceful and hardworking people who lived below layers of institution which commanded the vast majority of violence in an ordered fashion both within small communities and between warring principalities.

I am not well read or concise enough- or even free enough this afternoon- to follow through with a burden of proof on this claim. If you are interested in reading I can offer some antique fiction which touches on how peasants of some era/location handled threats, for what little that is worth, but I cant casually bust out a page number from an encyclopedia or whatever it is which might satisfy someone who vehemently disagrees.

If you've decided our ancestors were stupid, unmeek barbarians who jumped at the opportunity to answer a problem by personally murdering others, I am powerless to stop you. Just remember that is how a jew would describe us.

You_Are_Based -3 points ago +3 / -6

You dont think your pride in our race has anything to do with the things that hold us back? How well do you love the average european descendant, knowing full well we havent and wont chimp out like you want?

Are YOU violent? Do you hate yourself for being peaceful? Does it make you a traitor? Does the difference between traitor and BASED come down to idle talk?

I think it is historically ignorant to suppose there is no other solution than for disorganized malcontents to commit random and belligerent violence. That is a symptom and a perpetuation of a cycle of societal disease, and not a solution. If violence worked, you would not need to tell me I should be violent right now; we have been violent, everyone has for thousands of years; and look at this shit. Do you see a SOLVED world?

You_Are_Based -3 points ago +6 / -9

I challenge you to back up this vaguely threatening comment in a way that prevents you from sounding like you are the lovechild of Keir Starmer and Angela Merckle.

Idk if that's how you meant it, though. Maybe, rather, are saying think I'm a traitor for speaking against direct violence. In which case all I have to say is that you are awfully badass for making vague, unfulfillable personal threats on an internet forum. Big scary man!

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was a moment of autism. But the moment continues in little after-waves: I don't think Trump removed enough swamp to meaningfully justify the word "restocked", which is OP's word choice right after referencing a promise. It inherently implies the promise was fulfilled and then reneged on, which is NOT the case.

Replacing cabinet and key positions as quite literally every single President does and always has done... doesn't count as draining the swamp. Or even "removing stock and then afterward restocking". In the spirit of the base word "stock" I would say that "rotating stock" is the correct phrase.

The closest we got was idle "btfo the libs on twitter" talk about firing govt workers who were gone during the government "shutdown" budget snafu, since the govt was fulfilling nearly all its basic function without those workers. Never went anywhere.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I did notice that after my diatribe but I didnt correct myself because the second part of the title mechanically implies the swamp had been meaningfully un-stocked.

Please don't mind my autism too much. The fact that you read and understood what I had to say without being offended is all I could want from the post.

You_Are_Based -1 points ago +7 / -8

This title is so fellatiatory. Where in the post does it say "Donald Trump drained the swamp"?Where is it even suggested, either in the post or in real life? One person? One person counted as draining the swamp? One swamp creature is the difference between swamp and drained-swamp? It's like you were searching for something to cover/excuse the fact that you are ultimately criticizing him for not having done his job. But why search at all? He didnt drain shit... if you wanna complain about that in the midst of the 2024 you are FULLY justified. Never be afraid you are not being fair or that people will dislike you. People dislike worms.

Never be afraid to walk into a pro kamala room and mention that she is lying about her race to pander to black people because she doesnt expect them to look things up.

Never be afraid to walk up to a jew and tell him blowing up pagers is terrorism and that israel is a terrorist state and that by contrast Hezbolla et al seem to have failed to terrify billions of electronic device consumers.

Never be afraid to go into a Trump forum and yell from the treetops that the fucker didn't drain the swamp, and then roped thousands of protesters into it and the threw them under the bus after the undrained swamp fiddled with the election.

You_Are_Based 25 points ago +28 / -3

One million "illiterates".... does Sweden not have a population of, like, less than six million total?

I checked, 10 million. Point stands. Its incredible the treason a politician can get away with in the western world without being corrected. It's important to remember, as a racist, that if our race were to be more violent and impulsive so as to resolve political treason the way some other races might, then everything we are now wouldnt exist, just as sure as if it had been removed from the Earth by our enemy. There is a solution within us that is different than the solutions of lesser people and we need to get to the point of doscovering so.

You_Are_Based 0 points ago +1 / -1

The man has stated in very direct terms that it is our duty to save israel, that isreal will be destroyed if we don't save it i.e. there is urgency, and that anti-semites should be censored and arrested.

his own terms

Have you heard him bragging lately about how he never started a war?

Has he said lately, "vote for me if ypu want to avoid war"/"my opponent will send us to war and a vote for me will prevent it"? He was yelling this from high heaven to all who could hear in 2015.

This year he opens up his rip-off twitter (which exclusively censors racism and anti-semitism) and sends all caps messages (prayers to jews and their disproportionate influence) about how doomed israel is if Kamala wins i.e. how UNLIKELY she is to enter a war for them. He thinks this is a talking point. He has taken the exact opposite stance he used to have on starting a new war.

"If you vote for me there will be no war" -2016

"If you vote for Kamala there will be no war for israel specifically ohnoo :( :( :(" -2024

What phrase has he uttered that suggests he is less likely to send us to war for israel than kamabamla is? What are his own terms that I should find reassuring? I want to read it. I want to see the quote where the man suggests he is the anti-war candidate for the 2024 election in the context of the current war being discussed.

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +6 / -2

I say this affectionately: if you step back and look at the last 20 years of internet you can actually see the development of weeb culture growing from "my uncle who works at nintendo" levels to "my Japanese wife who I live with here in Japan" levels.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like any trust based system, if no one bothers to verify then hold those who do wrong accountable, the system eventually becomes corrupted.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's my point, you koala people are all hypocrites.


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