Xachariah 7 points ago +7 / -0

Right wingers have been soured on H1B, but it's crazy to think they'd actually think an Indian woman would result in fewer jeets than Trump.

Xachariah 8 points ago +12 / -4

Yep. It wouldn't surprise me if they bomb babies, then those babies get retroactively promoted to Hamas leaders too.

Xachariah 11 points ago +11 / -0

First day sales are based on the quality of the game that came before.

Witcher 4 and GTA6 will break records on launch day then quickly have sales dry up afterwards.

Xachariah 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, cops use different laws than anyone else, especially with respect to weapons.

Police are supposed to be the local monopoly on force, so even in a state with functional police (and not clownworld) they're supposed to be able to brandish their weapons at any time.

Xachariah 8 points ago +9 / -1

When you pull a gun on someone in the USA, while you're escalating, you're also de-escalating: brandishing is diminishing the threat from the other side. You wait and see if the other side backs off, you don't start blasting the moment something doesn't go your way.

No, you definitely don't do that. It's illegal and is called brandishing.

If you weren't in enough danger to use the gun immediately, you shouldn't have pulled it out. And if you were in enough danger then you should use it. You are not allowed to pull out a weapon for any reason other than self defense. Intimidation is not a legitimate reason.

Xachariah 3 points ago +3 / -0

The gun and drug charges are federal, but the child molestation isn't unless he was only raping her while in DC.

Xachariah 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just for example 200 million Central Americans and 300 million Pilgrim-Americans is worse than 400 300 million Pilgrims.

Once you get past a certain standard of living, certain populations are always net negatives.

Xachariah 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s long been my hope that we get a swarm of robots on the moon turning out bricks from regolith and firing them out to Lagrange points Earth via solar-powered mass drivers.

Xachariah 8 points ago +8 / -0


The UK has signed trade deals with Canada and Aus/NZ. They still don't have a trade deal with Europe, and were hoping to play the US and EU off on each other to get favorable options.

If they want to play hardball the US can tell them to get fucked, and Europe would have no check against bending them over a barrel.

The UK can join us in freedom, or they can sink alone in tyranny, but there's no chance they get to drag us down with them.

Xachariah 6 points ago +6 / -0

It has to be ADL funding or something.

No way do I believe that a gay mexican could organically lead any kind of white pride movement.

Xachariah 12 points ago +12 / -0

They made New Vegas. Since then, I think their only good game was the half finished Tyranny.

Xachariah 1 point ago +1 / -0

The story is slightly different both on the macro level and small interactions.

If you liked the first it's close enough that it doesn't feel like the story has been distorted beyond recognition, but enough different that it doesn't get boring.

Xachariah 9 points ago +9 / -0

2024 - 2026. Lets hope Yasuke doesn't end up the focus of the 3rd season.

Xachariah 16 points ago +16 / -0

$20 for a full outfit seems amazing. Really great job at reversing inflation there.

Xachariah 2 points ago +2 / -0

He said that pointing that out is glorifying (?) and started ranting about the KKK and white supremes

If people learned the history of the KKK, they'd realize it wasn't evil either. How could a message based on hating darkies possibly have spread to every southern state within just a few years?

The occupational government would allow people to commit crimes against White Southerners unpunished. Rapes and thefts and murders were intentionally blocked from being punished because they were against the 'right people'. So the KKK formed up as a response to act as law enforcement when law enforcement wouldn't act.

Their primary sin was protecting the people from anarcho-tyrrany, so they had to become the boogieman and be destroyed. They did engage in some political violence, but 10x more was being done to the white population at the time. Modern histories tell it like it was one sided by them, which is about as accurate as if you were to talk about Palestinian violence and not mention all the shit that Israel does to cause it.

Xachariah 1 point ago +2 / -1

Did they?

The subtext of Emperor's story is that he's full of shit. He was mind controlling people like crazy including his 'partner', and there's no reason to think he was only eating badguy brains aside from his word.

He starts his interactions with you by lying to you, then lies more to you, then during his reveal he says a bunch of lies (eg, Orpheus will definitely kill you), then refuses to work with Orpheus even though Orpheus will work with you as a mindflayer, etc.. At the end of the story if you trust him and hive him take over the brain it turns out he lied and he enslaves you. And if you don't trust him and ask him to take any personal risk of sacrifice, he immediately leaves and joins up with the hivemind.

The only thing we really know for sure about him is that he was an illithid who got separated from the hive mind in a fluke and then immediately started plotting to get as much power as possible. That's in line with aberrations.

Xachariah 8 points ago +9 / -1

Concord is an atrocity.

But I also dislike Wukong's silly shoulder armor. Blizzard style giant shoulder pads are a blight.

Xachariah 7 points ago +7 / -0

Also, for Hololive (in the pic) the avatars are the same height and mostly the same proportions as their avatars, to make the rigging and choreography easier. They get some boost in terms of assets, but are otherwise a close match but anime-ified.

So they're played by grown adults, with the proportions of those same grown adults.

Xachariah 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's pretty in your face because you get a big unskippable arc about saving some lesbian orc sacrificed everything to get a tranny spell or some retarded bullshit.

Xachariah 3 points ago +3 / -0

They have those venezuelan gangs there taking over apartments.
Even if that proved to be fake

Are you implying that it is fake? Because the police said it was fake, then the apartment complex uploaded a bunch of videos of venezuelan gangs and their correspondence with the police that don't give a shit.

Xachariah 3 points ago +3 / -0

Holy shit. I opened it up and thought that those grey skinned guys didn't look too bad. The one right at the opening looks a little like prince charming from Shrek. Then I turned on the sound and it turns out they're supposed to be women!

Xachariah 12 points ago +12 / -0

Based on birth rates, in 100 years South Korea will be extinct.

The only remaining Koreans will get to learn the history of how the Kim dynasty saved their people from annihilation.

Xachariah 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even the ones in SA are doing better than Africa.

Xachariah 32 points ago +32 / -0

Alan Turing is held up by the left as a tragic figure that was unfairly and permanently chemically castrated.

How did they do that? With estrogen shots, and at lower levels of estrogen than they put into FTM trannies even.

Yet they think the puberty blockers they put kids on is reversible, because they're fucking idiots.

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