"Madea Goes Postal" should have been the title lmao
Yes Whites are a thing, and it’s blatantly fucking obvious aswell
The “pretended to be WNs” point is an exaggeration, but I’d wager most people hadn’t seen it or forgot if they had.
I remember him talking about it, it’s no psyop
Trump said this same stuff months ago, and is OFC backing up Elon, just because the DNC is bad doesn’t make the RNC our frens either.
And yet MIGA doesn’t do this, and even people who’ve been here for generations don’t do integrate, WHITES do, but not the rest
"Succesful" watch Pajeet Codex and get back to me on that.
Looked it up and it's legit, fuck me.
Yes, it's called the "Generic Universal Roleplaying System" and it's meant to do whatever you want with it.
Broken clocks and all that.
I don’t disagree with that assessment, I just don’t know what other term to call these sorts on Reddit, they’re literally just leftoids lmao.
Reddit’s conservatives are strictly RINOs is why
My alt is spitting facts lmao
Given Itch runs faggot jams I’m glad they got fucked over, rare Funko W
Saw a lot of this when I was trolling on IMGUR, was fun.
Fuck that, make the act itself illegal with heavy punishments, same for doing anything related to it, the closest is to fucking good for these subhumans.
I'm not a Christian myself and I must point out that Zoroastrianism was also a monotheistic religion that predates monotheistic judaism and arguably inspired it's whole dualism aspect. EDIT: Forgot about that one Pharaoh's Egyptian monotheism (the gods name escapes me) and OFC Sol Invictus aswell (who Constantine would argue is the Abrahamic god aswell)
Broken clocks are right twice a day after all.
It's not ADL funded, infact they banned the ADL as a source on Gaza lol, prime example of Broken Clocks.
Not an Anime, but Fate/EXTRA (and CCC) have quite good OSTs aswell, quite unique stuff there
THAT'S BECAUSE THEY'RE BLACK, race isn't just skin color the 2 go hand in hand.
I hate to be that guy, but that's a jewish frat he was in, and CD picks up the name Schidmt too.
Muh NAXALT lmao, glad I bought ReconQuest and not this tripe.