Hebrews to Negros 2!?
IK one of my Pagan frens has a bible and a communist manifesto near him for the same reason.
Who the fuck cares what they think, they'll say this shit regardless of what we do or don't do, so might as well be right.
That explains some of the cringe I saw, but still far better then RPG.net lmao.
No clue, RPG.net is even more fucking woke lmao
Here I got decent advice but it's not something I could get pozzery from lol (Running a fan made RPG for a series I like and wanted advice on making a screen for it)
(((white woman))) lol
jews are bad and Kayne is clearly a schizo but one that's right on one issue, the 2 aren't mutually exclusive lol.
Fujoshi (or ugly girl) is the Japanese name for them.
I can respect them being honest at least, We should feel the same way when our foes croak, it’s only natrual.
For context they were planning to do it in 5E, got backlash, and now with the new 5.5 stuff they really did it hence the older date.
It's a parody of this https://files.catbox.moe/ti650e.webp
That whole things a sordid mess as he got a far worse sentence then actual dealers because he's White (The judge said as much), However at days end peddlers are evil so yeah.
And this is why I’m not a fan of capitalism
He's got a faggot kid and voted for Hilary soooo
Just what happened in Spider Man 2 (the game, not the movie)
Asides that even, why not foster a child of your own race regardless.
Quadroon actress.
Good news, she's going to probably be Penelope in the Odyssey...
Muh NAXALT lmao, glad I bought ReconQuest and not this tripe.
"Madea Goes Postal" should have been the title lmao
Yes Whites are a thing, and it’s blatantly fucking obvious aswell
Yep twas me, that's how I found the archived link to begin with, IK the Monster Races are missing aswell as the 3.5 Errata and a bit more.