WitchHunterSiegfried 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep twas me, that's how I found the archived link to begin with, IK the Monster Races are missing aswell as the 3.5 Errata and a bit more.

WitchHunterSiegfried 3 points ago +3 / -0

Who the fuck cares what they think, they'll say this shit regardless of what we do or don't do, so might as well be right.

WitchHunterSiegfried 4 points ago +4 / -0

That explains some of the cringe I saw, but still far better then RPG.net lmao.

WitchHunterSiegfried 8 points ago +8 / -0

Here I got decent advice but it's not something I could get pozzery from lol (Running a fan made RPG for a series I like and wanted advice on making a screen for it)

WitchHunterSiegfried 2 points ago +2 / -0

jews are bad and Kayne is clearly a schizo but one that's right on one issue, the 2 aren't mutually exclusive lol.

WitchHunterSiegfried 6 points ago +7 / -1

Fujoshi (or ugly girl) is the Japanese name for them.

WitchHunterSiegfried 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can respect them being honest at least, We should feel the same way when our foes croak, it’s only natrual.

WitchHunterSiegfried 8 points ago +8 / -0

For context they were planning to do it in 5E, got backlash, and now with the new 5.5 stuff they really did it hence the older date.

WitchHunterSiegfried 5 points ago +5 / -0

That whole things a sordid mess as he got a far worse sentence then actual dealers because he's White (The judge said as much), However at days end peddlers are evil so yeah.

WitchHunterSiegfried 27 points ago +28 / -1

He's got a faggot kid and voted for Hilary soooo

WitchHunterSiegfried 9 points ago +9 / -0

Just what happened in Spider Man 2 (the game, not the movie)

WitchHunterSiegfried 39 points ago +39 / -0

Asides that even, why not foster a child of your own race regardless.

WitchHunterSiegfried 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good news, she's going to probably be Penelope in the Odyssey...

WitchHunterSiegfried 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes Whites are a thing, and it’s blatantly fucking obvious aswell

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