WhitePhoenix 6 points ago +6 / -0

Or do both - link the archive in the OP, and give a sauce link in the comment.

I will tell you this, some normie friends of mine refuse to read archive links. They're WAY more likely to click the link if the URL has the domain of their favorite propaganda site.

I know, it fucking sucks, but having both options is better than none IMO. I know a britbong UK fag that thinks Tommy Robinson is a literal Nazi and only links me gay bbc articles which I bitch at him about. If I link him GBnews or an archive he's gonna refuse to read it.

WhitePhoenix 4 points ago +5 / -1

I don't think we'll ever get someone as iconic as James Earl Jones... so many attempts at imitating him in various Star Wars media but 70s Jones was so damn good.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

I only know of SBI detected and Silverstring detected. Is DEI detected another one?

WhitePhoenix 3 points ago +4 / -1

Wait, where's that guide? I'm willing to try this game out if I can hex edit that faggotry away

WhitePhoenix 7 points ago +7 / -0


What happens is the money is held in what is essentially the Steam version of an escrow. Steam hangs onto the money for a couple weeks (to address that refund period) and then afterwards the funds get released to the dev after Steam takes their cut.

So if you do a drive by buy-review-refund thing, the dev gains NOTHING. Steam has to eat the cost of paying for the credit card transaction, and you have to waste a few days for the money to come back after you refund. I don't know how I learned this, but I think it was because of a video called The Day Before or The Day After - yeah - that scam. People were worried that the developers did a rugpull on people who bought the game (because it was more or less a shoddily made asset flip with lots of false promises). People thought that the devs got away with a rugpull (since not everyone was going to refund it) and that the money already went to the devs.

What happened apparently is the money was being held by Valve, then Valve learned about the scam that game was. Valve then used that money to refund the game to anyone who bought it, even those who played it past the 2 hour limit (it was that bad) and the rest of the money Valve just kept.

So yeah, in the end the dev gains nothing but now there's a new review in their review section lol

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I kinda skipped over Tim Pool because he didn't directly participate in GG compared to Vee and Gundam.

Gundam still refuses to vote Trump, gotta pull his head out of his ass. He's your last hope buddy.

WhitePhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

A lot of the e-celebs of that time have become no-name forgottens.

In fact, I can't think of too manythat came to be a net positive force in the war against this commie faggotry.

Generally we learned that they're either a) actual grifters/scammers who ran away with our money b) lolcows or c) turncoats.

The ones who stayed the course more or less - Sargon, Vee. Both have shifted to the right, which is correct. I know a lot of you don't like Sargon for all the shit he's done before, but I am just listing off e-celebs I remember offhand, and those are the only two that appear to have remained consistently anti-leftist.

LianaK - Went from cosplaying to turning back into a left wing cunt with TDS.

Shoe0nHead - Abandoned the center/center right buddies and tried to make friends with the BreadTube faggots, realized that they're actually far worse than any of our worst. Now is back to making "moderate" content that pokes fun at the easy targets of the left. Still thinks feminism is a good thing.

ArmouredSkeptic - Left wing shill.

HarmfulOpinions - Still streams but refuses to address the troon elephant in the room or other hot button issues (nationalism, etc).

InternetAristocrat/Mister Metokur - Back to doing what he did before GG, voting Trump now because he knows there is literally no one fucking out there to pick otherwise. Poor dude's dying of actual cancer and streams so his thick Asian wife will have something to work with when he dies, now makes fun of lolcows, some of which are ex GG.

ShortFatOtaku - Had a bitchfit and revealed himself to be a guy who doesn't believe a single thing he says. Makes anti-far left content but thinks it's ok to stay an enlightened centrist with his "muh both sides" argument. Still thinks the poke actually stops COVID.

JonTron - Just moved on and continues to drop a 2 mil view video every 1 year. Hopefully the wife he married didn't turn him into a leftist.

TFYC - Where the hell did these people go?

ReviewTechUSA - turned into an anti-Trump retard in 2016 and started catering to the Redditard variety. Recently got divorced from his wife of many years and now has to deal with his daughter having cancer. Allegedly refused to pay his editor.

David Pakman - Also lost his shit when Trump won, got TDS, now just another left wing shill.

Dave Rubin - Switched to more mainstream conservative but is more or less moved to the right of his former organization, The Young Turks.

Ethan Ralph - Turned into a lolcow. Needed to see a therapist yesterday.

Damn, Metokur/InternetAristocrat was right, there was a LOT of people grifting off of GG. If they had any fucking principles they would've slowly shifted to the right and have been pro Donald Trump, but so many lost their ability to use more than 2 brain cells in their minds because of the 2 extra chromosomes that they were born with that turned them into a TDS leftist.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

It makes me wonder if Eron learned his lesson, because it was clear he didn't right after the lawsuit ended. He just wanted to go back to being a no-name dev and stick his head in the sand from the chaos around him. Even expressed retarded left wing views like being pro-BLM.

If he's still shilling for the left even to this day we will know that there's a generation of broken men like him that vote Democrat that has to be addressed one way or another (and no, not THAT way folks, let's not get too glowie here).

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, it's a pro-Jew site, so it sorta makes sense.

If I saw it on MSM I'd be like wtf

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

And the chickens are coming home to roost with all the Muslim violence in the UK.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Before you all ask, I believe Rowan Atkinson did some recent gigs the past year or two and he STILL stands by his beliefs on absolute free speech (i.e. First Amendment style free speech).

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Considering China's tendency to cheat, those Golds are probably a way lower number than they deserve.

South Korea and Japan is ok tho

WhitePhoenix 8 points ago +8 / -0

The only e-celeb female I know of that changed their opinion on some things was Ana Kasparian. She was ultra fucking woke blacks dindu nuthin and police r bad but once her car and apartment was broken into and the cops didn't do shit about it, she realized she was actually WRONG, and often gives an opinion that goes against TYT's narrative.

She still hates Trump, but hey, anything that pulls a leftist woman to the right is good for me.

WhitePhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unfortunately that's a minority opinion among female VTubers.

Vtubers are overwhelming left-wing Hillary/Kamala nutriders. I can't think of any other VTuber outside of Kirsche who is explicitly conservative and even with her she gets occasional woman moments.

WhitePhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

His stuff is funny as fuck to read.

WhitePhoenix 5 points ago +5 / -0

Aydin Paladin did a video where it proved that people with high education actually discriminated disproportionately against people with no education or high school education. Those without education or just a high school education typically are the ones who come out poorer.

The same video also pointed out more leftists are graduating from college and getting degrees.

If you connect the two together, this means that on the whole, leftists are generally the more hateful group from an education standpoint. They hate the poor. It completely goes against the values of the left that claim to be representing 'marginalized groups', but actually they don't. Because they hate the poor, that means that they hate both white AND black poor, even if they're not aware of it.

Their indoctrination from putting non-whites on a pedestal has somewhat combated it, but needless to say, they are completely unaware that their education has just made them the stuck up elite faggots that we've come to despise over the past two decades. Dare I say they've become the "bourgeois" that they complain about so much.

WhitePhoenix 5 points ago +5 / -0

You're reading the chart wrong. Us Asians actually are the only group that likes you. In fact, we're the second place race that likes you outside other whites.

Asians rating other Asians an 80 is fucking hilarious though. Here's a hint, us East Asians are notoriously racist against South Asians and Arabs. If you were to include South Asia that would skew the fuck out of this poll/survey.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blacks are disproportionately racist to us East/Southeast Asians.

Not surprised they're racist to Hispanics - crabs in a basket mentality.

WhitePhoenix 9 points ago +9 / -0

The Machine is afraid. They're afraid they can't control him.

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