Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +2 / -0

it needed a cleanup, it was suffering from bloat.

But then they immediately bloated it up again.

I'd have spun the old magic ones into their own faction, advance the story and have them deteriorate.

Kept the beastmen too.

Vicious_snek6 15 points ago +15 / -0

oh and we'll delete your army and this is what we're replacing it with

Vicious_snek6 8 points ago +9 / -1

kilt, the scottish way. Get a proper breeze around your bits

Vicious_snek6 8 points ago +8 / -0

I feel like I've become 1% gayer every time I see it....which means I'm up to 672% gay now I think.

Well then if you started at 0 then you'd still be at 0, just saying

Vicious_snek6 6 points ago +6 / -0

don't forget the 12 straight episodes of nothing but:

10 mins of recap of screaming at the sky

10 mins of screaming at the sky

10 mins of 'next on' as they tease some more screaming at the sky

My friend tried to get me into it when I was a kid. I gave it a good honest effort. But I've never seen so much nonsense filler. Drop the bloody giant sky ball of blue fire already! Stop yelling about how impactful it is going to be, and show us that.

by Lethn
Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've also seen occasional articles about a potential planned 20mph speed limit in England in various areas so who knows when the hell that will hit and how many problems it will cause.

Didn't wales already do that?

Vicious_snek6 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yeah the souls game's movement felt incredibly clunky to me too, not at all an enjoyable smooth experience. I like me some difficulty, but fast bullet hells are far more enjoyable than wading through molasses.

Vicious_snek6 31 points ago +31 / -0

sounds like a conspiracy but project veritas spin off group called 'Sound Investigations' did an O'keefe style sting on pornhub/mindgeek/aylo workers and found that yeah, they were pushing tranny stuff for ideological and degenerate-slippery-slope addiction purposes. You start off looking at pretty girls and then after years of cooming you've addled your brain and they've made it so you need something more niche, perhaps transexual brazilian fart fetish porn. They're deliberately pushing the weirder shit

But even worse than you mentioned. It was not just intentional, but the goal was to target and groom children. 12 years olds explicitly.

Vicious_snek6 3 points ago +3 / -0

Brute force. I'm probebly just remembering it with rose-tinted glasses, but that shit was so cool.

Dino crisis.


We need more dinosaurs.

(yeah I'm hyped for age of mythology too)

Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +2 / -0

and Haidt, the one who does all that psychology on liberals vs conservatives (and libertarians).

He's not that far right himself, but his research is widely cited and useful to the right.

Vicious_snek6 17 points ago +17 / -0

it crowd was clearly done at some level by nerds for nerds

Big bang theory was someone trying to cash in on 'nerdy/'i fucking love science' shit yeah.

Vicious_snek6 4 points ago +4 / -0

thick of it was great, a more modern yes-minister but far less cheesy.

Vicious_snek6 6 points ago +7 / -1

My point is more that whatever level you thought it was, it's 20x worse now after seeing so much marvel/whedon shit.

I thought it was good, it's now unbearable

You thought it was bad? Prepare to be tortured

You thought it was torture? Welcome to the 9th circle.

(on it being good. I liked the new types of horror being introduced and their unwillingness to throw out everything that 3 set up, like 3 did to 2. Just being hunted and being space-pregnant with a chest alien is getting stale, some cloning and hybrid horror is welcome. And the whedon dialogue didn't feel as bad back then)

Vicious_snek6 41 points ago +41 / -0

Can we not say the jews run the banks (and so the government), hollywood, the wef, and are fundamental in the origins of socialism/communism?

Vicious_snek6 20 points ago +21 / -1

3rd reason: oversaturation and what was once a cool twist becoming the norm. Like old whedon stuff.

Try watching firefly or aliens 4 now. Oh sure you might have thought aliens 4 was bad then (you were wrong), but now after the decade of marvel and whedonisms, you will be clawing your ear drums out to end the pain. The quips are aggravating and immersion breaking. But it applies to the good as well, firefly won't hit the same.

I think a lot of the subversion stuff is like that too. Watchmen was maybe fun when every other superhero was earnest. Now it would be subversive to play it straight and not have morally gray slop.

Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +2 / -0

yeah, not engaging in destasification was a 'mistake'.

They denazified, they never destasified properly. Shameful.

Vicious_snek6 6 points ago +6 / -0

I dont believe it, for the simple fact that if it were heart issues they'd not say it was. If he's sick with something, we'll never know what.

Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +2 / -0

as some of the posts I personally saw were people posting pictures of talents of other agencies and saying this was their new oshi (industry term for favorite vtuber).

That's just the salt in the wounds for some trolling. Remember the early days of GG? We got blamed for some heinous shit by a 3rd party. It's the easiest addition. You've already trolled, why not get a 3rd party blamed and create more drama and drag a whole other community in too? It's a 2-for-1 for very little additional effort. So I don't believe that that's really phase fans, or any other corp unless they are nutso idol-brained. Only pippa herself is unhinged enough and she loves holo so wouldn't. Walmart yes, holo no.

Vicious_snek6 1 point ago +1 / -0

but spinning the apple is the one thing I can't do :(

Vicious_snek6 4 points ago +4 / -0

it just seems like another dick measuring contest.

That's the next thread. I'm sure the average reported will be around 12 inches.

Vicious_snek6 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think the other thing missing is how narrow the knowledge is. Everything is niche and field-specific and narrow nowadays. The world was a much better place when scientists were doing astronomy at night, chemistry on a monday morning and then reading the latest in geology and anthropology on a tuesday afternoon.

Knowledge being narrow makes mid-to-low wis people think they are far smarter than they actually are, and its preventing some important innovation I think. This is one of my soapbox issues.

Vicious_snek6 12 points ago +13 / -1

I'm at 145+.

I don't know what it actually is, just that I was off the chart. I did an IQ test as the educational-psych/teacher running the G&T program put us all through an IQ test early in the program (for being over 130 for eligibility I am assuming, after us being nominated by teachers. That or it was a part of research). I maxed the test out at 145 or 150, the test couldn't measure higher than that, or at least didn't do so without supplemental material (it's more likely that it was 145 that was the max, as that is 3SD's above the average). And that's with my visual-spatial skills being utter shite and presumably dragging the score down. With IQ quite static after the age of 6, and the test being done a fair bit later than that I therefore know that I am at least that intelligent, but how much more I cannot say.

What is it like?

  1. I got fucking lazy. Ended up dropping out of school actually.

  2. I communicate but then steps that seem obvious to me need to be broken down in what feels like painful detail for the listener to understand, they've not made the leap I have. It is also a struggle to restrain myself and use fewer subordinate clauses and parentheses when writing. My natural style is to add a tonne of them and have this big long run-on sentence.

  3. You end up reading and thinking about dissident ideas. I see a lot of people here responding that they are gifted. I believe it. Not everyone. But more people than average and from their comments, I have some pretty good guesses as to who. The pattern-recognition and starvation for engaging conversation has you ending up reading and pondering things like the stuff on slate star codex or moldbug (back in the day) to start with and sliding down into other stuff from there, and then exploring the ideas of great men of old. That sort of stuff would start at least 120+ I imagine. Those of us here are the racist, sexist, homophobic splinter group of a splinter group of a load of pattern-recognisers and autists. It's not implausible that there are more gifted people here and in old /pol/ than elsewhere.

  4. On a related line, you end up exploring esoteric or niche theology. It's not enough for you to just read the gospels and go to your nearest church on a Sunday, oh no. If you don't go off the deep end, you have to at least engage with and resolve the filioque to your satisfaction ensure the orthodox don't have it right, and determine which of the Nicene creeds you are happy to affirm before then going off and reading some Aquinas, then seeking out the Latin mass or the ordinariate orsomething. I'm not saying all will, or that all of those are all that niche. I am saying that I think that there is pattern to explore this stuff further and deeper and to be a bit weirder about it than Joe-Sunday when you're at 140+ or so.

Can you pick up any book, read it, and understand the gist with minimal repetition?

You mean people repeatedly read the same thing?

Can you infer solid and accurate conclusions based on a small amount of evidence?

Did so today and impressed the boss yeah.

Is any subject or discipline up for grabs or do you have to have a keen interest in a particular field in order to flourish?

Hard to say given the laziness. Yeah you end up with a broad knowledge and understanding of a load of things. It's more I end up using that other study as a procrastination method. You read some economics for fun.

What is something you are able to do that you know is because of your intelligence -- the proverbial 1,000 pound deadlift of the brain, if you will.

I'm great at pulling things from ages ago? To my shame I don't have any great skill or flex. It's more just doing simpler things but with it needing far less effort. Remember how I said I dropped out? Well a few years later I need those scores for something, after I'd found something I was actually passionate about and wanted to learn, so rather than do 2 years of study I just rock up and sit the adult equivalent thing and score an equivalent 99th+ percentile score. 2 hours prep, that's it. Rather than 2 years of schooling. Which just rewards my bad habits and reinforces the laziness ya know?

Well, that's enough wanking myself off for my intellect for one evening I think.

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