Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +2 / -0

no not at all.

That's not the point.

My point is that the 3rd season picks up again because there is a character that people like for a particular reason, but it's still not good. Just that this character has the 'archie bunker effect' going for him.

It's not worth it just for that though.

Vicious_snek6 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've heard it called the archie bunker effect (from the 70s sitcom, all in the family, one of the first such instances of this happening)

The conservative character, even if flawed, even if written to lampoon the right, ends up becoming the most beloved and identified with. The left says it's because we're media illiterate. No, the characters are still well liked even when that's not what the authors intended, we get that they are attempts at satirising us, but they still end up being refreshing, based, and relatable.

  • Archie bunker of all in the family

  • Ron Swanson of parks and rec

  • Soldier boy of the boys season 3

  • Liberty prime and joshua graham of fallout maybe

  • Even some early Colbert, lampooning fox and hannity and the like, he has some funny moments. Even if you disagree that it was 'good', what quality there was has fallen sharply away since he dropped that schtick. He was at least far better when was that conservative character

What further helps is that the people the lefty authors are writing to put their points across are then unlikable, they are mary sues, they are insufferable Californian dweebs who try to give lectures. So yes, the tough texan character is a welcome relief and quickly becomes the favourite

And there is a lot of 'action' from those characters too, Archie bunker would apparantly still do a lot of good things, like you said with Soldier Boy.

I'm sure you can think of some more characters that fit the bill.

But I think it extends further, beyond just characters.

Whole games and movies that are well written in parts get the same treatment. From barbie to bioshock. Bioshock is absolutely a critique and dystopian view of randian objectivism and the galt-wannabes, but the libertarians loved the series. They get that its a critique, but it's well written and researched and not overly mean spirited, there's some fun in there too, it's not just preachy. So it's enjoyed more than it otherwise would be. Like with barbie though, it doesn't always elevate something to 'good', but it elevates it above where it was. We could also talk about helldivers, 40k and starship troopers here. It just keeps happening. And I think early 'the boys' had some of this going for it too, before they crossed a threshold.

Vicious_snek6 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes and,

It's not just muscle, it's perception too. The babies stop attending too, and being able to make distinctions between, foreign sounds that are similar. Eventually it just sounds like all the barbarians are just saying 'barbarbar' or some shit.

Vicious_snek6 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ah this is my area, I'm a linguist.

Your question is very general, and whichever way I take it, the state of the field and research is such that we're not going to get many real answers any time soon, it's all pozzed.

Vocal chord differences? Nah that's going to be bollocks unless we're talking other species of human, or birds. IQ? Yeah it's going to impact you. But I actually think it's mostly a series of gauntlets, we need to consider neglect and residual elements of their pidgin-creole english, and then a culture which pulls down those who act 'white' in the cases that you're talking about.

There are certain 'critical periods', a baby has to meet certain milestones if they're to be able to continue to develop language normally, once you get past these ages if you haven't learnt certain language skills, you're fucked. Quite fucked at 3, and institutionalisation levels of fucked if you've still not developed them at 5 or 6 or so.

The wealthier and white parents talk with their kids, they read to them, they stimulate that learning. Look into the '30 million word gap' which they've desperately tried to discredit and poo-poo, as though it still doesn't show a massive difference with either race or wealth, or a combination (even if it can't parse exactly which or if that number is exaggerated, the difference is still there).

With less stimulation, you're going to get less kids meeting those particular milestones. The low IQ poor and/or black kids who were going to struggle to meet those milestones even if they had a lot of stimulation are now going to not hit them, and essentially have an induced language-learning disability their whole lives.

So there's an interplay, anyone of low IQ who might have been fine in a healthier culture is now in serious trouble.

Now they've made it past that gauntlet let's say, they are now being taught a different dialect in the home and in their school, and then all their peers socially discourage learning or speaking right. It's a fucked situation.

Vicious_snek6 13 points ago +13 / -0

its the old default xbox naming scheme yeah, InnocuousSasquatch72895, TremblingQuokka6209. Adjective+Animal(or myth creature)+5 or so digits

That sorta name right?

Makes me think microsoft involvement too.

Vicious_snek6 14 points ago +14 / -0

Yeah it’s for sure a thing. Specific hobby places are down a bit but the major places are just completely dead.

Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +2 / -0

It increased the base hit points, which solved the issue of low-level characters dying to one unlucky damage roll, but created the issue of making everything feel stickier. If I have to hit every goblin two or three times before it’s even “bloodied,” combat gets slower, and characters feel less heroic if even the most basic enemies can consistently tank multiple hits.

Wasn’t this a broken thing on release which they errata/patched down?

Vicious_snek6 3 points ago +3 / -0

you're not wrong in that most of it is in the build up and dread, but still, for me that reveal is enhanced by it being first person.

Tightening the pov and making it feel as though something is behind you the whole time, all the time that the dread is being built, that is also enhanced by it being first person imo.

Vicious_snek6 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think horror really benefits from being first person. Brings you more into being there in the moment as that character, rather than a detached observer, makes things far more scary when they jump out at ya

Vicious_snek6 15 points ago +16 / -1

What's he actually selling off, and what's the alternative given the hole the socialists put argentina in?

Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ayyy, nice to meet another old member of the flock, those were good times.

Vicious_snek6 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know who the fuckers squatting in hisec are. I spent half a decade killing them.

Fellow CODE. enforcer? Or a goon?

Vicious_snek6 20 points ago +21 / -1

It's an attempt to stop losing numbers.

The churches that were growing were the traditional latin ones with young families and 7 kids each.

The boomer guitar masses are dying.

Vicious_snek6 21 points ago +21 / -0

I'm also absolutely willing to forgive a bit of jank for 10mil budget (particularly for a big monster film which is much harder to do well on low budget), it easily looks better than some 100m films

Vicious_snek6 3 points ago +3 / -0

where Pokimane's former editor actively admitted that he occasionally was late delivering/uploading videos for her because he was fapping to her, and actually admitted that.

He had a porn and fap addiction which put him behind on work yes, but that was it. Both degenerate, but saying you have a problem and saying to your employer that you have a problem fapping to that employer, different levels of degen.

where Pokimane's former editor actively admitted that he occasionally was late delivering/uploading videos for her because he was fapping

This is what happened. She's not a victim except as much as any other employer with an employee with an addiction failing to meet deadlines and promises is.

Vicious_snek6 2 points ago +2 / -0

Forgive Me Father,

That looks sweet as

Vicious_snek6 4 points ago +4 / -0

wish I could read german and know what the swiss were saying about it in the 70s, they were the last western country to do so*

(individuals states, cantons, had it earlier, but yeah some places were holdouts and they were generally later than most anywhere else)

Vicious_snek6 1 point ago +1 / -0

that makes sense, it's not how I remember it, but it was a different era, before everyone was sick of everything whedon.

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