VeryFinePerson69 1 point ago +1 / -0

I already said omnivore diet is the nutritional IDEAL cause we inherited the biology for it from our ancestors but it's not a REQUIREMENT as proven by the fact I am alive and well. The Bible doesn't say animals shouldn't use self defence when attacked otherwise God would have just created them defenceless. So animal defence should be morally permissible too.

VeryFinePerson69 1 point ago +1 / -0

That was after the fall of man tho. Why did humans start eating animals after the fall?

VeryFinePerson69 0 points ago +1 / -1

Humans weren't originally omnivores in the garden of Eden and the Bible says in the end the wolf will live with the lamb so you better get used to not eating animals in eternity. It's only this relatively short period of time on Earth that you will be eating them. There are no slaughterhouses in heaven. It was only after the fall of man that humans were given permission to eat animals, and permission isn't the same as an ideal. I can give my kids permission to eat yummy food but that doesn't mean I'm recommending it as the ideal. I'm talking in terms of moral ideals here — I'm well aware the omnivore diet is the biological ideal in terms of bioavailability of nutrients due to probably evolutionary reasons to do with what our ancestors ate. But this doesn't entail it's the moral ideal.

I have no problem with you eating carnivores as they're going to inevitably kill a whole bunch of peaceful nonaggressive herbivores so the rule of self defence applies, it would be a righteous preemptive killing in self defence. Carnivorous cats and dogs shouldn't be exempt from this on the basis "they're our friends so they get special status" cause the vast majority of people are NOT pet owners and are NOT their friends, otherwise a minority could befriend cows and then we couldn't eat cows anymore, plus the whole thing is an appeal to population fallacy anyway. When I try to help stray cats I feed them artificial kibble which contains synthetic supplements. These haven't been proven broadly but it's better than killing them, I would rather be a bit malnourished than dead. You hate me cause I think animal lives matter, stop being so demonic please. Like I said you wouldn't get angry if an animal defended their own life so why care if I defend them. Just calm down bro.

VeryFinePerson69 1 point ago +2 / -1

Difference of opinion doesn't automatically mean troll , but I am flattered 🤗

VeryFinePerson69 -1 points ago +1 / -2

The fact they're cautious of being eaten by other animals proves my point that they don't like to be eaten, which was the basis for the point I was making there, which you conveniently omitted from my quote there, aka lying by omission — nice one bro I really appreciated that 👍

And no they wont die on a vegan diet for the same reason humans wont die despite us being natural omnivores.

Look man, I've got to warn you this isn't going to be an easy debate to win despite how much you just know you are right in your own head. Because at the end of the day your conclusion is going to be "therefore I get to kill you" and this is going to carry a much higher burden of proof than typical claims due to the high potential for disaster if the conclusion turned out to be wrong. In your mind you think this is going to be an easy victory because hey look all of society has been doing it for a million years and I'm just some stupid minority who does things differently but might I remind you that society also thinks abortion is ok. Similarities with human pro life movement:

  • Believes it's murder and can't believe society thinks it's all fine

  • Thinks people should avoid committing said murder by resisting their carnal temptations

  • Notices how quickly people turn into angry demons when told they're not allowed to kill anymore

  • Protests outside the killing facilities

  • Knows Bible verses supporting their belief

VeryFinePerson69 -14 points ago +1 / -15

You don't need to be angry at me for the same reason you don't need to be angry at animals when they try to defend their own lives from predators. They're just trying to survive and you can't really blame them for that.

VeryFinePerson69 -22 points ago +1 / -23

There aren't any vegan symbols in the image, you're trying to associate LGBT with pro life for animals which have nothing to do with each other. Most people on the left hate being told they can't eat their animalbased goyslop anymore and will turn into angry demons when told they're not allowed to kill any more just like they do with abortion. I don't want to be vegan either, I would rather have freedom to eat any food but we can't always do what we like. I'm pretty sure that if cats understood that eating other animals meant that other animals could eat them, they wouldn't like it.