posted ago by AlfredicEnglishRules ago by AlfredicEnglishRules +60 / -1

Everything happening right now is intense, so the left has found a new response, they're winning.

  • Canada was going to be strict at the border anyway. They made that decision in November of 2024.
  • Mexico is standing against the immigrants coming to run away from the dictator in the US.
  • The guys going through audit of the nation are unvetted and inexperienced with government regulations. They don't have clearance.
  • Sovereign citizenship is part of the constitution, and Trump's plan has already been struck down in court.
  • Trump was friends with Epstein so that information won't be released.
  • The military is underpowered because of so many people leaving.
  • Did you see our cool heat ray!
  • Atheists make better christians.
  • Trump is a dictator because he's getting rid of all that bureaucratic control.
