No, that’s not to avoid offending anyone, because you can just say “vagina.” You can remove all references to women/females/etc. and still just refer to vaginas. This, this is actually being done to positively affirm allegiance to the cult. It’s exactly like the push to say “folx” instead of “folks” because the x-version is, somehow, “more inclusive of LGBT.” Because it isn’t about “including” them but altering what you do and what you say to specially affirm them.
The OP is probably afraid if xe did that, the investigators would find out it was yet another hoaxer and then xey would be responsible for getting a minority arrested.
Was it a famous right wing philosopher who said “Elections have consequences” or was it just some guy who happened to get one correct for a change? I know this particular case isn’t as super-related to SJW/wokeism as the affirmative action one, but it’s nice that we have one branch of government as an effective bulwark against leftist social engineering, whether it’s of the SJW flavor or more in the way of your standard Marxist “free shit” flavor (like this case), for the foreseeable future. Even if the Dems hold or may hold the presidency and Congress (or parts of it) going forward, holding the branch least subject to change is going to be massive.
It’s starting to feel like Elon just throws out random ideas for changes to keep himself and Twitter itself in the discourse. Like, once a week at least we hear of some new feature. Community notes was a good idea but I think he just got lucky. I imagine his lackey-employees always being too scared of him to say his latest idea is shit.
Maybe not the actual point of the post, but it’s actually amazing how bad the Love Wins logo looks with the tranny-and-minorities-and um Indians I guess? version of the Pride Flag. Like, it looks completely retarded. Forget whether you agree with the messaging for a moment, from a pure design standpoint a rainbow design is simple and usually looks decent. The Progress Pride flag just looks so stupid.
There’s more of an element of speech jurisprudence in this case as opposed to the religious freedom angle the cake case took. But the outcome is the same for both because this is still America, god damnit.
What is our “need for diversity in education” anyway? I “need” professors qualified to teach the material, and students prepared to handle the material taught. I don’t give a rip what race one is in either category. Can you teach it or are you capable of learning it? Get the fuck in there. I just endured three years at law school held back, at times, by unqualified professors ranting about SJW issues instead of the law and unqualified students trying to turn class sessions into SJW struggle sessions. Some of professors and fellow students were great, and I did my best to self-educate when they were not, but I can’t help but feel I lost a portion of the educational opportunity I paid for because of exactly the kind of bullshit Sotomayor is on here.
I just graduated from law school and I’ve read a lot of the cases that led up to this one, as well as other race-related cases. Whatever else someone wants to say about Thomas, the man has been 100 percent consistent in his views, as exemplified by the OP quote. For a long time his views had to appear in dissents, nowadays they, happily, appear in opinions or his own concurrences. It is essentially the view, which I share, that we don’t get past a racist history by permitting some racism and preventing other racism. You want equality, start treating everyone equally, i.e. on merit. KBJ is so desperate to push the idea that surely, SURELY if a black student has bad grades, it’s the system’s fault. Inequality of opportunity does exist and it never won’t, but it is a much more complicated and varied thing than just saying, “but race though!” The federal courts have long required a very, very strict scrutiny of any law or policy that even seems to create different outcomes according to race, and so it should not throw that test away just because it’s “positively” racist instead of negatively racist. You want a nonracist society, you have to start being race-blind. You can’t say that while you wait for society to become nonracist, you’ll accept any racism that Ibram X. Kendi supports. (Indeed, this is the biggest con of SJWism/antiracism: they have to criticize even the possibility of a nonracist society because they fear they wouldn’t make it in a pure meritocracy. Hell, they even criticize the idea of meritocracy itself: not that they say “we don’t currently have a meritocracy” which could be a fair point, but they actually say meritocracy is a bad thing. For which, fuck them!)
The shit you could kinda get away with back when race was a trait rather than the only important thing in the world besides LGBT. Honestly, I think it would be hilarious if the LaNdBaCk MoVeMeNt got infiltrated by 2000s college girls who are 1/32 Dakota and so on.
I know she said “it’s” but I suspect she was thinking “I’m.”
It would be hypocritical of me to care, since I don’t think people can be legitimately held to account for their ancestor’s acts.
But boy, is this hilarious, since the progressives should DO care about this kind of thing.
“When someone tells you who they are, believe them.”
Man, if a white guy was accused his face and name would be all over the article. Still, at least the authorities are trying to do something about this piece of pond scum.
Remember the M’Khia Bryant case? There’s body cam video of officers checking on the would-be stabbing victim that probably occurred before Bryant’s soul had actually left her body yet, and the would-be victim had zero problem with the fact her potential murderer got shot to death instead. And she was the same race as the stabber so could at least, maybe, kinda, vaguely been upset along racial solidarity lines if that was the sort of person she is, but she wasn’t, because she isn’t a complete fucking moron like this clown.
Yeah but you forgot the escape clause that follows every 2023 rule: “…except women.”
Most of the vital counter arguments have already been made, so I’ll just say I’m not sure I buy any “oh there just HAPPENED to be a camera on that” argument anymore. It was a potential issue up to about 2005 but Bardfagg, literally all of us have a camera in our pockets now. Could something be staged today? Of course! Is the fact that someone happened to record something unfavorable to you evidence that it must have been staged or whatever? Nope! Because we are literally all capable of filming something that we happen to observe.
“I raped that seven year old ironically!” I half expect to hear that from one of these goons in the near future.
Haha true, that video where they had four year olds saying the exact phrase SJW activists always use (she “LOOKS LIKE ME!”) had the vibe of those tweets people try to push where “my two year old walked up to me and said it’s not intent but impact that matters and now I’m literally shaking and crying”
That’s my favorite detail about the whole thing. They expect little black girls in the inner city to be like, “she’s just like me!”
I really don’t want to know what they’re having the kids do in the lower middle picture.
If only KK could be the “one of us in the wreckage.”
So will he play a woman that all the characters will absolutely accept as a woman without question, or will she play a tranny character (that the other characters will accept as a woman without question)?
Inb4 lefties say “you’ll accept aliens in spaceships but not trans identities?!” Well, one is at least theoretically possible… (and like, technically if there is life on any other planet in the universe, our species is both alien to them and has spaceships…)
Eh… the politically active ones in the left did that. I would still be annoyed if, say, Tomi Lahren got attacked by a tranny, or my wife, who like me thinks trannies are just unusually deranged fags in skirts.
Oddly we seem to have never had a “too soon” moment. The left decided they were “billionaires” (the company was only worth 66 millionaire but never mind that!) so their deaths were inherently deserved and hilarious, and the right glommed onto… well, exactly what StoneToss did above.
And that’s not me complaining, don’t get me wrong. I love dark humor and pre-posthumously approve of any at my own expense if I should die in a viral manner.
The two stereotypical classes of Portland residents came together in this incident.