Throwawaycuzmeh 10 points ago +10 / -0

They're free to do so. But they can't compel anyone else to do the same. Not after SCOTUS's ruling.

Throwawaycuzmeh 6 points ago +6 / -0

BLM will return to fortnite when another republican threatens to hold the oval office. This could be as soon as January 2021.

Throwawaycuzmeh 4 points ago +4 / -0

These retards have spent the last 6+ years showing us precisely why gatekeeping is important.

Throwawaycuzmeh 8 points ago +8 / -0

Men need to realise that e-girls never think about you unless you're in the process of giving them money. The moment you stop actively funding their lives, e-girls forget you even exist.

Throwawaycuzmeh 3 points ago +3 / -0

If dark fantasy appeals to you, I recommend The Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence. It's the first book in a trilogy, which is the first of three trilogies. I've enjoyed every book so far. The third trilogy focuses mostly on women and girls, but it miraculously does not pander to feminism.

Throwawaycuzmeh 36 points ago +36 / -0

In their color revolution manuals, they literally describe democratic populism as an obstacle to democracy. That's a thing they say.

Throwawaycuzmeh 7 points ago +7 / -0

If women giving away sex for free isn't an issue, than there's no reason for a woman to feel bad about a one-night stand not leading to a relationship. If, on the other hand, a woman having sex with a man is actually a big deal for her, then the absence of a relationship after sex is definitely a problem for her.

So which is it? Are men and women the same, or are they different?

Throwawaycuzmeh 18 points ago +18 / -0

Disparate Impact Theory was at the heart of nearly all Obama era policy.

DIT is communism.

Throwawaycuzmeh 19 points ago +19 / -0

And what was step one? Use a mass shooting event to take the guns.

Americans must never, ever disarm.

Throwawaycuzmeh 15 points ago +15 / -0

Why wouldn't they engage in obvious fraud? Leftist police won't arrest them, leftist lawyers won't charge them, leftist judges won't convict them, leftist media won't cover them. We don't live in a nation of laws.

Throwawaycuzmeh 9 points ago +9 / -0

In the end, the Russia hoax succeeded in derailing Trump's first term just long enough that his inevitable dust-up with big tech came too late. They have half the country legitimately brainwashed.

Throwawaycuzmeh 23 points ago +28 / -5

They were taught to be this way. By a very specific group of people. We aren't allowed to discuss them.

Throwawaycuzmeh 24 points ago +24 / -0

It's easy to prove it. If you're a threat to the leftist power structure in any way, you're guilty. If you're a good little leftist, you're innocent.

Throwawaycuzmeh 14 points ago +14 / -0

This perfectly explains how the "white male" vote supposedly betrayed Trump in favor of Biden. That shit made zero sense, and now we know why. This election was a blowout for Trump. There's no way he made significant inroads among every minority voting bloc AND women but still lost.

Throwawaycuzmeh 3 points ago +3 / -0

In the pantheon of things you don't really want to say out loud, this is on par with "opposing globalism = anti-Semitism".

Throwawaycuzmeh 34 points ago +34 / -0

Leftists: all of our regulatory bodies have been captured by the very industries they were meant to regulate.

Also leftists: if we can trust anyone to protect us from voter fraud, it's the top government official in charge of voter fraud investigation.

Throwawaycuzmeh 30 points ago +30 / -0

<Stephen Totilo shits himself in public>

Everyone: can you believe Stephen Totilo shit himself in public lol

Stephen Totilo: everyone is talking about me!

Throwawaycuzmeh 56 points ago +56 / -0

The rest of the msm is trying to frame this as a knock-on effect from Trump's "defeat" rather than Fox conveniently choosing election week as the perfect time to turn hard left/neocons.

I'm guessing the lefty owners at Fox News pegged the rigged election as their best opportunity to "shock" their conservative viewers into the alternate reality of neocon/leftist news media. They decided to rip off that band-aid at the exact moment people were reeling from the "loss", and then maybe they would accept a 180 degree shift in coverage.

Looks like nope.

Throwawaycuzmeh 30 points ago +30 / -0

The review actually addresses this dissonance. You can't kill civilians in Valhalla, but you burn down their livelihood. Besides, I'm guessing just about every able bodied man in the village is an "enemy combatant" in those times.

My original point: you would never see a game journo pining for the "realism" of murdering Muslims or Jews.

Throwawaycuzmeh 15 points ago +16 / -1

Women entered the work force and split their husband's wages. We started throwing trillions down the black hole that is the welfare state. We allowed big business to offshore, exfiltrate, and insulate themselves. In a nutshell: everyone raided the prosperity of America simultaneously, mostly under the guise of feminism, social justice, and globalism, and that coalition of leftists and moneyed interests have been running amok ever since. Demographic reform was mostly about destroying the white men who would've fought back.

Throwawaycuzmeh 29 points ago +29 / -0

And all the while, that crucial middle ground, those people who recognise that there certainly are voting irregularities in the American system and that, notwithstanding, Donald Trump lost the election, is vacated

What a retarded sentence. Those irregularities occurred in precisely the states that decided the election. How could a person simultaneously believe the election was rife with such irregularities and that Trump lost regardless? If that's Murray's idea of a "middle ground", then that middle ground isn't "vanishing" - it never even existed. Because it makes no sense.

Also, is he going to acknowledge that every example he gives of denial of reality happens to be the democrats? This "both sides" bullshit is stupid. Exactly one group of people is dragging this country towards civil war. Spoiler: it's the side trying to radically alter every single facet of American life.

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