TheWestYearZero 6 points ago +6 / -0

You bigots should thnk about the great Afghani food they will be bringing.

And bacha bazi!


TheWestYearZero 16 points ago +16 / -0

Fluride has to be applied directly to teeth to be of any benefit. Adding it to your diet in the water has no benefit.

TheWestYearZero 3 points ago +3 / -0

Beside the point. Mass immigration is not a rational response to birth rates. It is a policy of race replacement.

TheWestYearZero 2 points ago +2 / -0

Westminster system. PM can pretty much call an election whenever he wishes.

TheWestYearZero 6 points ago +6 / -0

Same in australia. ex mining and farming, the unproductive housing sector is the economy.

the entire nation is parasitic on the quarry and the farm. you could run it just as well with one million people as with 25 million.

TheWestYearZero 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is very hard to envisage a life or possibilities for your children that you have not seen yourself.

TheWestYearZero 4 points ago +4 / -0

They want to teach the history of Partition?

How? It was and remains one of the most divisive (obviously) and controversial events of mass communal violence in subcontinental history.

Millions killed and raped in a massive orgy of inter-communal hatred and blood lust.

And it occured in living memory.

Yes, please, let's import that into Britain.

TheWestYearZero 18 points ago +21 / -3

I care because I have traditional human emotions where i care about the future and my loved ones.

I have not dulled or down-regulated these emotions with porn, promiscuity, drugs, materialism and short term attention-seeking.

TheWestYearZero 3 points ago +3 / -0

Boomers were not the ones who invented and marketed the Pill.

Nor tv programming.

Nor marketed communism.

Nor the Sexual revolution.

Nor Liberation Theology.

Nor the end of censorhip of pornography.

Their parents did all of that. The "Greatest Generation".

TheWestYearZero 8 points ago +8 / -0

Read a book. Commies (jews) took over the United States in the period 1880-1913.

The jewish immigration from Eastern Europe in that period, backed by Rothschild money, turned NewYork into a jewish city. They took control of the stock market, media and advertising, and banking for the entire nation.

They - with the involvement and funding of Rothschild front man Jacob Schiff - created the leftist politics in the USA. For example they created the NAACP as a way to weaponize blacks against white chiristans. It's leadership was almost entirely jews until very recently.

MLK was a jewish-funded communist agent.


Jews created radical (anti-Christian and anti-White) leftist politics in the United States and created and funded its Bolshevik parties. They worked fro mass immigration from Day One.

They installed comintern agents deep into american political life.

For one good example among thousands, see Samuel Dickstein (jew).

Samuel Dickstein (February 5, 1885 – April 22, 1954) was a Democratic Congressional Representative from New York (22-year tenure), a New York State Supreme Court Justice, and a Soviet spy.

Dickstein played a key role in establishing the committee that would become the House Committee on Un-American Activities, which he used to attack fascists, including Nazi sympathizers, and suspected communists. In 1999, authors Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev learned that Soviet files indicate that Dickstein was a paid agent of the NKVD.


What do you think people like Chuck Schumer are?

Do you think that their evil is just an accident?

It certainly didn't just start with boomers.

TheWestYearZero 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are a risk taker. Hope it doesn't go the wrong way for you one day.

TheWestYearZero 1 point ago +1 / -0

None of this heacy-handed stuff is being done in third world countries.

It is only being applied in Europe, USA and Australia/NZ.

TheWestYearZero 3 points ago +3 / -0

Entry level heroin and meth is what we need. Of course I don't mean for "children" children. I mean just for teens. Before they graduate to the adult opioids.

What?! What's wrong? What did I say?

TheWestYearZero 15 points ago +15 / -0

She'll be arrested and get twenty years if she mentions The Great Replacement.

TheWestYearZero 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everybody is missing the point that this only appears to affect people who read or write.

What portion of the population do neither? How many middle-aged people have not read a serious book since they left school?

And will the governemnt only be censoring materials in English? So what about Londonistan's most popular arabic or urdu newspapers, are they under the censorship cosh too?

Are they going to censor songs? The lyrics of rap music?

I live in a world of dummies.

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