Brought to you by the people that always say "someone is going to have to step up."
Another movie coming out called G20, where a black female president attends the G20 summit that is then taken over by (suprise) white terrorists and she goes around kicking their asses.
Pedro Pascal must have had a scheduling conflict.
That poor guy!
Plus apparently not too many jedi died from Order 66.
I call it "the BJ theory." Some people have to be unbelievably amazing at giving head in Hollywood to keep themselves getting jobs. I believe that's how Mindy Kaling and Awkwafina are still finding work.
I read somewhere there were no appointments yesterday due to it being a federal holiday. So of course, this is fake and gay.
Movie industry is following suit, look at Star Wars, MCU, hell anything Disney at this point.
IIRC, she's actually called King.
Agreed. I never see any pics from actual African women with braids, it's always bald.
Ok thanks. I'd just hate to buy something and it be riddled with tHe MeSsAgE
Two! She played twins!
Any recommendations? I've always been interested in it
Shhhhhh stop asking.
Either this person is stupid or from a different country; in America it's spelled defense.
Precisely, they are clamoring that he refused.
"Yea well Joe Rogan had Trump but denied Kamala so we changed our minds." Probably their thought process.
It's missing Moon Girl, who's another prodigy that's said to be the smartest person in the Marvel universe.
Opening the trailer with "what the hell" in a kids movie is a red flag.
Is it Xbox or Playstation?
Technically Russians are Asians
Everything Everywhere All at Once is probably my favorite over the past few years. It's depressing to see the state of not only movies/shows but gaming.