If you are for public transport and walkable cities, you must be against tolerance for the lowlifes that make people retreat into private transportation for their own safety.
Not really. Their game is to coerce people into giving up their private transportation, so there's no need to solve the lowlife problem. The people pushing this will be exempt from having to live in the hellhole they created as usual. That's why busing illegals to blue cities was a genius move. It's amazing how quickly things change when the people causing the problem can't push the consequences onto everyone else.
Can't they engage in moral activism without pushing feminist talking points? Can't they find influencers that didn't just "find God" when they needed a beta cuck to pay for their years on the CC? That's a scam the manosphere has been calling out for over a decade. It would be easier to assume good faith if they weren't doing that shit. Their complaints about attractive female characters in games might even be somewhat understandable (at least considering their worldview) if they weren't blatantly ignoring the bigger fish we have to fry.
Yeah that's fair. I've seen them used interchangeablely as well so I understand your suspicion. I personally would have used "tradthot" in this case. I'm a MGTOW myself but I have respect for actual trads even if I don't always agree with them. MGTOW wouldn't be necessary for most men if actual trads were running the show.
You're either very lucky or know how to select good churches. I don't deny that good ones exist. I just know that the ones I've tried either follow the woke religion or do the tradcuck thing where only men are held to any standards, and from what I've read in men's spaces I'm not the only one who's encountered this problem. I think a lot of it is just deciding to be a business instead of preaching the word of Christ. They're not going to bite the hand that feeds them (the single mothers in their congregation) and the tradcuck shtick is an attempt to appeal to men who are sick of being expected to worship the LGBTQPZ+.
It really depends on the church and how much they rely on single mommies looking for a chump to rob blind to keep butts in pews. But honestly it's just one manifestation of a bigger problem, which is tradcuck "right wingers" pushing marriage on men without pushing women to be marriageable. Churches are just one of the few places they still have a platform since feminists who don't bother with the LARP have pushed them out of all the other institutions.
It's because tradcucks are barely disguised feminists who think men exist to serve women. It's the same exact scam, they're just a little better at marketing it. The whores that men give up their hobbies for despise them anyway, because the men women are creaming themselves for don't have to give up their hobbies. It's just the typical wealth extraction scam after they lose their game of musical dicks. Certain churches are the worst offenders. They try to shame men into pairing up with "born again virgin" single mothers then wonder why membership is cratering.
I'm the last guy to defend a woman regardless of the circumstances, but it seemed borderline at best to me. Like I can see why she may have seemed cunty when I have my cunt detector on, but it's not something I would have picked up on if I hadn't been looking for it because of others bringing it up. I think he just expected yet another slap on the wrist and chimped out when he realized he was finally going to be held accountable for his nigger shit.
One thing I've thought about a lot is that average men are much more aware of the treatment that top 10 percenters are getting from women than they were in previous generations. Men are pretty willing to jump through hoops and put up with the kind crap that average men have to in order to date if they simply see it as the price of admission. But if they see Mr. Hawt Guy walk in and have shit handed to him on a silver platter putting up with all that shit becomes a lot harder to justify. I know watching Chads get handed sex and dating just for existing killed any willingness I had to put effort into trying to date. You're just paying for sex at that point, and if you're gonna do that it's cheaper by the hour. There are obviously plenty of other reasons men are checking out and the OP describes one. But I really do think that widespread knowledge of AF/BB is playing a major role in killing men's interest in dating.