TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gameplay of that WW1 game I posted about. Devs talk over it to show their decisions.

I got the chance to play the demo during Nextfest on Steam. I think it had some teething issues, but it is absolutely something I am still looking forward to.

Agatha Harkness' show has been changed to TBD. It was part of the new Marvel Disney+ shows.

Expect this to start happening a lot more. Despite both SJW's trying to happy-talk the situation, and Culture Warriors being blackpilled about ESG things, Disney finally had to admit during their last investor call that they are in a bad financial situation. And you know damn well that even with that, the situation is worse than they would be willing to admit. So expect Disney to have to start doing things that they would have never done before.

And for Iger to be grinding his teeth the entire time, because in a lot of cases it means destroying his own pet projects or his own legacy.

The 150 kilometer long building, that was supposedly vaporware, has been approved for construction.

Lol. Lmao even. Just Saudi Arabian things.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

He probably forgot again because Nuland was wondering out loud about the possibility of arming Ukraine with 5th-Gen fighters (like the F-22). Of course, that seems more like "big ask" negotiation so that when they get down to the F-16's they were already going to send, they can tell Russia "Look, we de-escalated!"

Right before the Ukrainian Air Force de-escalates a large chunk of the Russia Air Force. What I wouldnt give to see someone finally reach out and touch those MiG's that have been taking the long-range pot-shots from inside Russia.

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

She didnt apologize. In fact, she streamed the game for the 3rd time now yesterday, and started it off by directly telling the "Twitter freaks" fuck you. And has in general refused to apologize for playing the game.

The closest she ever got to an "apology" to them was when she was, with tears in her eyes, telling them that hatred does nothing but breed hatred, and you need kindness to change people's minds.

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

With Warner Broes at the helm, it could honestly go either way. They have released based works even in the recent past, but every time they do that they turn around and release the wokest trash known to man. That quote higher up the thread certainly doesnt help.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

What would you think of someone who said the same thing about that fake country?

And this is at least part of the reason I dont normally engage with you on this topic, and probably wont after I say my peace here (but its the start of my weekend, so I am feeling saucy).

Even at a starting basis point, we are already too wildly different from each other to even conceivably have the argument. Ukraine exist. It existed since the Middle Ages. It continued to have it's own language and culture even after it was occupied by the Russia's. It attempted to break away when the Soviet Union was forming and failed (and was brutalized as punishment). Then when that evil empire imploded, they ran screaming for the door like so many other former Soviet states, finally becoming free and independent in the process, much like the Poles and Baltics before them. They have had a good 30 years of being independent and doing their own thing, for the first time in centuries. And now they have their former overlord coming back to try and drag them back to their decaying land because they want some former glory, and wont take no for an answer.

And even if you didnt believe Ukraine existed before, well congratulations: It exist now. Because you united a people against a common enemy and gave them a reason to fight. Much like how there was no United States until the British opened fire at Lexington.

I say again: Is it any wonder that Ukraine's response was to channel their inner Pole, cry "Never again", and shoot the bastards in the face. And I say: Give'em hell. And here's a bigger gun to do it with. Gotta make sure they stay dead after all (like how 9mm only kills the body, but .45ACP kills the soul).

But when it comes to Russia, Poles and the Baltics unfortunately suffer from an irrationality of the highest order.

More like "The sanest and most rational reaction known to man."

Hard to believe that they are lukewarm about being allies with people who blow up their pipelines.

You know what? Fine. Fair point. But at the same time, Trump tried to warn them of this exact issue, and what was Germany's response? To smugly laugh and declare him to be a buffoon. So forgive me if I am not going to lose too much sleep over Germany once again suffering the consequences of its own actions (much like unilaterally declaring the EU open to migrants). And I say that as someone who is descended from Germans. But then like many others we did flee to America, so maybe there is some inbred hate for the old Fatherland in there somewhere (could also explain the attachment to Poland).

I'm sure Russia is also willing to accept a rump United States consisting of just Virginia and Maryland, provided that it behaves itself and does not interfere in any way with Russia's regional ambitions.

They are certainly welcome to try. Something tells me that they would be far less successful in that endeavor though.

It's ironic that as a "nationalist" you fully support Victoria Nuland and other bloodthirsty neocons to get "handsy" with Ukraine and even determine who the next Prime Minister is going to be.

And what happens if we pick someone they dont like? Then they will probably overthrow them, as happened to many American-backed regimes throughout the Cold War. So I really dont see what proof that it was bad for them in the long run. You dont get a movement like that out of nowhere, in the opposite way as we see the Woke on the backfoot and starting to fall since they cant manifest a grassroots support network.

Jingoism ill suits someone who purports to think for himself.

I suppose call it the backlash to all of the attempts to tear down my country. I am thoroughly sick, tired, and done with caring about what a bunch of sniveling European elitist think the US should be. I would rather be the American the Chinese and Russians think we are. Minus the Woke aspects of course, but consider most of those ideals come from France....

Ukraine doesn't exist.

See first paragraph.

Being propagandized for 8 years with anti-Russian propaganda and war fevor will do a number on you.

You seem to think I have been swimming in some sort of MSM slurry and being told what to think about all of this by the likes of Brian Stelter and Chris Cumuo. I have based my opinion on the war, from the very beginning, off of Raw combat footage. Not even with commentary, because there is no need. Video doesnt lie when you are watching it go down live. And it hasnt been just Ukrainian either. I have seen from the Russian side of the line as well, because like usual I dont trust just one side.

Do you know why I am so anti-Russia in this regard? Because I have listened to them. And their own news of the war, and their attempts to spin their failures, are so delusional I have seen SJW's that were more comprehensible. They lie about things I know didnt happen because I watched it happen. They still operate under a delusion that they would be able to overrun Europe, and that they should when they are done in Ukraine (that sound you hear is Poland giddy in the corner and itching for a fight). They are honestly starting to sound not too far off from what I remember of Soviet newscasters. So I question why you and others take them at face value either, when it is obvious to anyone who watches the damn footage you are being lied to. Just compare a map of Ukraine now to a map about a year ago, and tell me with a straight face Russia will win this. Maybe Donbass, but Ukraine will stand defiant. And I can live with that.

Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to go find Supreme. I imagine we can clink some beers and share some popcorn watching the latest Russian tank turret throwing competition. I also heard Wagner is hold the events for "Who wants the last magazine?" deathmatch tonight.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wouldn’t know directly, but my fiancé is a bisexual woman so I hear about it second hand from her. She also gets turned off by all of the extreme Trans stuff (especially when they go after kids, which moves her from “annoyed” to “stark raving mad”). And she can say with confidence that she has suffered more hate from SJWs than she ever did from the Evangelicals.

Which is a rather impressive feat when you think about it.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

Because the Chinese are incredibly wasteful about that sort of stuff. Its the same reason that a lot of animals have been driven to near extinction because they need one or two parts from it for traditional Chinese "medicine."

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +2 / -1

A while back you posted something like "Slava Ukraini! Burn Russia to the ground".

You perhaps put too much thought into something that was posted partially in jest.

One would not post Baltic-tier cringe like that if one were not affected by Western media propaganda.

My brother in Christ, I consider the Baltics the best part of Europe, and I have spent several years trying to argue with my government that we need to shut down American bases in Germany to move them to Poland. Entirely on the grounds that they actually appreciate us as allies while the Germans are lukewarm at best. Hell, another commenter on here suggested reforming the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and its an idea I definitely wouldnt say no to.

Because historically speaking, about the only time I havent thought that Russia deserved to be repeatedly kicked in the taint was when Peter the Great was in charge. Just about every other time, I have rooted for their enemy: From the Austrians, to the Prussians, to the Polish, to the Japanese.

People who support Ukraine fall into two categories:

And then I suppose there is me: An American nationalist, who was willing to accept Russia after the Soviet Union collapse, but lost that support when they started getting handsy with Ukraine back in 2014 (because unlike a lot of others, I have been following it all since then). And who wants to pimpslap Russia to the ground so I can turn to China and tell them "Got any funny ideas about Taiwan? Didnt think so."

Polish and they for very good reasons do not want Russia on their borders.

And Ukraine doesnt? They have had their culture stolen by Russia, sometimes literally (it was quite the shock to start learning a lot of Russian culture I like was actually Ukrainian), they were oppressed relentlessly by the Soviets much like the Irish were by the British, they were genocided on numerous occasions by the Russians, had the Russians start dicking around in their lands by arming up an insurgency, and then steal some of their land in what was for all intents and purposes an undeclared invasion.

Is it any wonder that the Ukrainian response to the Russians showing up and saying "You are our long lost brothers, and we are here to reunite with you!" was to shot them in the fucking face. Repeatedly.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

IIRC, that was in an interview rather than in court, so its not on the record legally speaking. Now of course, his lawyer would have to pull off the mother of all arguments to make it so that that interview would be kept out of the court in this case, but it is a non-zero chance (just that non-zero is like 1%, if we are generous).

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

You want to know what I thought was an even bigger boon on the whole "anti-trans/left" PR front? There was a stream a few days ago where Silver responded to the situation when it was first blowing up. And in tears, she pleaded with the people doing this that they stop doing it. Because (to paraphrase) "All you are doing is creating hatred. And so when people think of LGBT issues and people, they will remember that hatred, and respond with hatred of their own. It has to stop, because the only way you can change peoples minds are with kindness."

And how did they respond to this? By increasing the bullying, the harassment, roping her mom into it as well (but not her brother. Funny that), and saying that she was "weaponizing cis-woman tears" to attack trans people.

You know damn well tons of people who had been on the fence saw that, and the response. And It doesnt take a rocket surgeon to know that Silvers fear will ring true. And as someone who is more supportive of those issues than most on this forum, the only thing I can say is: They did it to themselves.

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

Meanwhile, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the Vtubers who have shown their IRL appearance are usually very similar to their avatars, with whatever exaggeration they chose to go with (ie: wolf girl in this case). Which is to say, they are usually rather attractive women.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

The more amazing thing to me is they are making the same argument now they made then, and not even seeing it. And they accuse you and me of being the brainwashed ones.

TheModernDaVinci 28 points ago +28 / -0

As another comment pointed out, Gaige is also on the witness stand admitting to approaching with a weapon drawn and attempt to kill!

So, what exactly can they do for what is clearly malicious prosecution?

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

While I agree with most of what you posted, I am going to be contest your outlook on Trump on the Isolationist front. While he may be more isolationist minded than typical Republican hawks, everything I have seen is that he is more in the vein of the old "Speak Softly, carry a big stick" style of "isolation" practiced by T. Roosevelt.

Which is to say, he would generally avoid boots on the ground and getting directly involved, but he would pimpslap a ho if needed.

When Assad dropped chemical weapons on the rebels in Syria, Trump ordered the airstrip the chemical attack was launched from flattened with mass cruise missile strike. Suddenly, the chemical attacks stopped.

When Putin started dicking around in Donbass more, Trump broke from the old Obama policy and started authorizing heavy weapons to be sold to Ukraine. Which probably was a godsend because it allowed them to have some knowledge when the time came for a true war.

When some Wagner forces in Syria attempted to attack a US outpost to try and intimidate us, Mattis and Trump gave the order to have them laid the fuck out.

And of course, bringing N. Korea to the negotiating table by responding with "My button's bigger" when they tried to intimidate with nukes yet again.

However, I will concede that he (or at least a ton of his supporters and cohorts) have moved toward a true isolationist policy instead of the "Keep them cowed through fear" style that actually works.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it has fractured more than anything. At the same time AAA games are dying out and becoming just as soulless and crappy as everything else, a lot of particular genres are going strong or even coming back (RTS is having a renaissance right now). And there have also been a ton of indie and AA-tier games being made that are better than many of the AAA titles out there.

Which is why I would insist that Gaming is still at its peak. It only looks bad if you limit yourself to AAA.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +7 / -1

Yep. If anything, NATO is expanding. And Russia has no one to blame but itself for that. NATO WAS starting to fall apart since no one believed it was needed anymore, and the US was starting to get sick and tired of paying for Europe's defense while they got fat and lazy doing nothing. There was a lot of talk in the US of getting out of NATO if it wasnt going to hold up its end of the deal, and negotiating direct alliances with the people we cared about like Poland and the UK.

Then Russia goes full retard, goes screaming into Ukraine, and everyone goes "Oh wait. I guess Russia is still a threat. Better beef up NATO." And a lot of nations that were left out before said "Hey, can we join the 'Fuck Russia' club?" All because of the baboon brain that is Putin gloriously misreading the room.

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

Probably not wrong on multiple fronts.

The Line was probably still one of my favorite of their projects though, just for how hilariously over the top it was on the non-credible front.

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

No one tell them about the fact that the local tribes have done pow-wows to honor and support the Chiefs because they are fans too. I think that may be too much for the Leftist to take.

TheModernDaVinci 11 points ago +11 / -0

The Kansas City Star

Oh good, "MSNBC on the Plains" is trying to tear down one of the most popular players in the state. I am sure this will go over well for them. After all, its not like the only people who read that paper are the fart sniffers in Overland Park and Lawrence. They have so much respect out here.

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

What are you talking about. The MCU wrapped up with Endgame, the ultimate evil of the galaxy was defeated, Everyone went their own ways to live their lives (which involved Cap finally living out his life with Peggy), and there has been nothing after Endgame because you would be stupid to think you could top that.

Well, I guess there was that one Spiderman movie, but that didnt really go anywhere so it is fun as a stand alone.

Boy, it sure is a good thing that Disney and Marvel are not run by a bunch of narcissist that dont know the meaning of the phrase "Quit while you're ahead."

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

Essentially, they were claiming a lot of the "sleeker" mechs (like the Phoenix Hawk) were infringement on Robotech. Here is a list of the affected mechs and the various lawsuits (FASA being one of the parties too).

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doubly so because they were largely responsible for gimping MechWarrior early on, and trying to get rid of entire mech classes because "They look too much like our mechs! COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT!"

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honestly, I dont really care where the stuff I want to watch falls on any list. I will watch what I want to watch, and no one can stop me.

To that end, I recently finished up with SpyxFamily, and am about halfway through Eight-Six: 86. Finally getting around to Chainsaw Man is probably next on the list, and then either between My Dress-up Darling (started watching, didnt finish), Fire Force, or Beast Tamer.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only possible ideas I have are “retarded” (which AFAIK is allowed here) or they think there is a slur hidden in the Latin (which is literally just Cato’s famous phrase modified to “And Furthermore, China must be destroyed.”)

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