He should just stop teasing us and finally change his last name to Peterstein.
Thank you for finally proving my point that being that you only defend trannies because they're mostly men but would call them out instantly if they were women, checkmate.
Oh, and puberty blockers aren’t like a temporary harmless thing, they screw shit up permanently.
I can't imagine how deranged and indoctrinated you would have to be to think that altering and fucking with your endocrinal system in any way, any age, especially puberty, doesn't drastically fuck you up. Even worse to claim that your little dancing at 6 years old is worse than blocking your natural hormones and mutilating your genitalia, these people should be lynched (Dom just look the other way man).
1937 was when Stalin went on a rampage killing everything and everyone in his way, she was by no means of any significant importance to him.
I mean, commies always kill anyone they think might be a problem.
Now you contradict yourself, because Stalin didn't kill her, he killed her husband, lover, etc. basically most men in her life. She did escape though which begs the question whether he would've killed her too had she stayed, though she doesn't really strike me as some mastermind, I'm sure Stalin could have gunned her down if he really wanted to.
Also, feminist running to Sweden.
Well, where else? As a Finn I really envy Iceland, I wish Finland too was some big island in the middle of the sea instead of being sandwiched by the worst of both worlds., on one side we have jews and other bolsheviks on other side we have feminists and other green league subhumans, though viewing it through a today's lens, I hate Sweden far more than I hate Russia.
You don't know what communism is
Oh no, you don't want to go down this one with him.
Hint: Feminist was a catalyst for the 1917 revolution, therefor communism = feminist ideology, just ignore the fact that later in 1937 Stalin killed most of her family and associates while she ran to Sweden and proceeded to have no influence in USSR.
North Korea does suck in just about everything, but ironically enough they have very simple and effective solution to these problems.
Why are you assuming that I dislike Imp? I never said that. The title is just a joke, I disagree with him on a number of things and have exchanged thousands of words with him arguing, but at the end of the day I don't have anything personal against him.
Compared with previous years, companies are making relatively fewer public statements in support of racial justice, despite the rise of the inclusive consumer
Is there really a rise of the ''inclusive consumer''? Lately I'm seeing more and more people openly against the woke garbage. I know it's just a knee jerk reaction but I like to believe the opposing force is rising.
There is a real opportunity for other industries to increase—in some cases from zero—their public monetary commitments to fighting racial injustice. In particular, companies employing a large share of Black workers could consider the impact of creating stronger internal company commitments, like making investments that help increase Black executive representation.
I'm not American so do remind me, doesn't this violate some of your amendments, if not that then laws about discrimination? Not that they care about being lawful, just curious.
I can help you write a poem in praise of a positive role model or an inspirational figure who ahs made a significant impact on society.
Jawohl! I know just the man!
That's different, fair. Admittedly, everything that I've ever read about him was of course written in Finnish so to me he is Lauri Törni.
You think a commie hears the name ''Lauri'' and has to double guess if this name that literally doesn't exist outside of Finland, is perhaps... Finnish?
Young women, meanwhile, often choose to study or work in Copenhagen (the Faroe Islands are part of the Kingdom of Denmark) or elsewhere in Europe.
Again, feminism tricking dumb young women into thinking stying some often useless degree or working some shit job in an urban prison is better than having a family in a smaller, nicer community.
They are shown plucking seabirds’ feathers, tending to goats or hauling the carcasses of a slaughtered pilot whales to shore. (Whale meat was once an important part of the Faroese diet, though the nation’s controversial whale and dolphin hunts now spark global outrage.)
This is a whole different story I should post probably, I've seen retards unironically claim that killing a whale is equivalent to killing humans because of how intelligent they are etc. never mind that one of these whales have fed dozens of people in this tough area for centuries.
Well that certainly explains more than a few things Imp.
Ukraine is not a puppet of the US or any other nation, it is an independent and free country and people who are fighting for their own freedom against brutal Russian oppression and tyranny.
Guy comes to this forum and sounds like a globalist giving a speech at WEF, you just forgot to mention ''our democracy'' and this would read even more than it already does like an average western politician giving a speech.
As far as I'm concerned pro-circumcision people are crazy and have a lot of issues, end of, leave my dick alone. there is no argument about hygiene, it's bullshit brainwashing.
Oy vey, that's islamophobic and antisemitic!
This is the result of cowards hiding behind a screen. They need to be more accountability for people who contribute to the problem of bullying. This needs to be made a felony and not classified as a suicide but a homicide. If 20 ppl cyber bullied then charge all 20.
Lol get a load of this faggot. If a bunch of strangers on the internet shitposting can lead you to offing yourself, maybe you're mentally ill? No! It's their fault, never theirs. Fucking subhumans.
I don't know how would you recreate ''ö'' in English, but that's definitely not the way. The closest thing that comes to mind is ''burn'' with a British accent. If it was Thornee it would sound much more similar to our original.
You are not entitled to a share of the wealth your system couldn't take from us.
Exactly, they aren't, it's called a prenup...
And I want to see all of them lose, I don't happen to turn a blind eye and even favorite deviants because they happen to be men, they're the rats of society. Waste of time to ''rehabilitate'' them, they have already chosen their fate, they're irredeemable. And are your Nazi remarks when talking to me specifically your way of making up for not calling me a stormfag for a worrying few days now? That's definitely not the way you'll convince me to side with you.
last time being gay was taboo.
Are those suppose to be the bad times now?
A war on gay people is a huge mistake that will only increase the power of marriage
Do you feel threatened? Otherwise why are you so defensive of your precious gays? I believe most straight men would chose a fruitful and normal relation ship with a woman, than letting fags marry each other and adopt children. And what power has marriage had in the past decades? None. The foundation of marriage and the fabric of family has been continuously getting tarnished by various leftist groups.
I don't think she is ever going to say anything smart or worth hearing. I just point out the cowardice of this autistic ''climate activist'' puppet keeping quiet on the Dutch farmer thing which was directly caused by her climate cult.
Please, there is no language more legible than Finnish, you read everything the way it's written, opposed to English, is it session or cession? Or the though, thought, through, tough, thorough? How about ''queue''? In Finnish you a see a word and you never think how it's pronounced, we just read it, while a lot of your native speakers still struggle to differentiate your and you're and their and they're lol...
I mean look at the English version of Törni from your forum name, ''Thorne'', not only is the H silent and completely useless, but pronounced in English it sounds nothing like Törni.
Imp, my statement multiple times has been to let the left cannibalize each other, you can view my posts where I share the same sentiment with the ''self defense'' tranny thread, the difference between me and you is that I want to see all of them cannibalize each other and cease to exist in society (Dom don't do it ffs), that means feminists, trannies, faggots, made up genders and sexualities, all of them, men or women.
Don't tell me you think I side with feminists because I don't think we should genocide all women now? I'm a Finnish man living in fucking Finland, I've seen feminism first hand much better than most people here ever will, do you really think I don't want to purge feminism as well?
How are most of those comments so ''based'' as they call it? Pleasant surprise I must admit.
You think it's just Beethoven? I can't find the video of that nigga nationalist (rofl) telling Louis Theroux how all of the famous Europeans from Shakespeare to various composers were all black.
Whew, it's almost like you've been brainwashed for decades after WW2 be it through media, through entertainment, and mainly through school curriculums from a young age. Ever wondered how you're not taught about anything regarding Weimar Republic, that is if you're even though it existed, but you ''know'' absolutely everything about those evil Germans who just woke up one day, rolled the dice and decided it's killing time.