Sumsuch 4 points ago +4 / -0

As long as people treat "Owners" as the lorekeepers rather than the creators

Thank you for succinctly putting in to words the beef I've got with most of western media.

Sumsuch 27 points ago +28 / -1

Look, I can accept that he was angry/unhinged enough to murder children, but do you really believe that he'd be evil enough to LIE?

Sumsuch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seriously what changed?

Grifters seeking to manipulate and subvert our society were welcomed in with open arms. Borders exist for a reason.

Sumsuch 14 points ago +14 / -0

It really loses a lot of it's appeal without the context of the age of unfettered materialism in which it was born. At that point in history there was pretty much nobody anywhere who actually cared about, or even noticed, the problems with western economies which are more or less public knowledge these days.

Sumsuch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Forced medical procedures aren't cool regardless of how you dress it up.

Sumsuch 3 points ago +4 / -1

Vitriol is an important substance used in the process. It's also what you expose people to, in order to either destroy them or provoke them to overcome the relentless antagonism and become much stronger versions of themselves.

Check out "the green lion eating the Sun" if you're interested in learning more.

Sumsuch 5 points ago +5 / -0

Beats me. I can't know who's behind any particular post. Which is the intention.

Sumsuch 2 points ago +2 / -0

The types of people who obsess over such things SUCK at making their own things though.

Sumsuch 2 points ago +2 / -0

He was the “journalist” who... completely misrepresented the answers he got

I was taught to never talk to journalists, for this exact reason, long before any of this nonsense began. That's just what they do. Even if there's no malicious intent, they rarely actually understand what they're writing about.

Sumsuch 6 points ago +6 / -0

You're missing the part where all our foreign adversaries, with full access to the same Internet forums we use, stoke the fires of conflict. That and our own domestic despots who allow such a system to persist, to stifle and confuse any serious criticisms of their own actions. Then of course there are the technocrats who encourage all of the above while they quietly install the systems intended to control humanity. Behind all of it are the false gods who jerk each other off behind closed doors, pretending that they're secretly controlling all the stupid little people bickering with each other, while really they're just insulated from reality by vast quantities of money.

Did I miss anything?

Sumsuch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Disagree with me on what? Do you think Yoisi isn't spamming the board about how much he hates her? O.o

Sumsuch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know why any of you were expecting much from this one.

Sumsuch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Moving away from that to an explicit, game-rules approach to society has been a disaster.

Well, if you want some idea of why they hate games so much: I was actually the best gamer in the world at one point, and they've been trying to recruit me to help them "gamify" life since them. But instead of buying in to their plans I've been spending my time calling them retarded in increasingly elaborate detail for even attempting such a thing.

I guess the world before now was built upon copying notable individuals. Yet rather than actually being successful at controlling the world as they imagined they had been, the world had routed it's way around their bullshit and found a way to persist in spite of it. Now that they're employing increasingly forceful technologies in an attempt to fix what they consider to be flaws in their plans, they are instead removing everything which used to be keeping them alive despite their insanity.

It's quite sad, and they're not going to stop, since they're already thousands of years invested in their scheming. Best make plans for how you're going to roll with the fall once it all comes to a head.

Sumsuch 6 points ago +6 / -0

The problem, as I see it, is that those running society are attempting to "take over" the natural world and replace it with a curated, sanitized, version of reality written by themselves. Because of this, it becomes necessary for them to account for everything which exists in their falsified narrative. So now there is a contrived conflict being presented to the population, to attempt to force people to choose between either accepting every perverse notion under the sun as an open part of society, or to wield the technological powers being created to dictate everyone's lives to an extreme degree. The common thread running through it all being the technocrats/false gods asserting that they WILL take over, and as long as people continue to follow their narratives their plan progresses.

Sumsuch 23 points ago +28 / -5

My god, just rub one out to her pics and be done with it Yoisi. You don't have to involve the entire board in your hatecrush on her.

Sumsuch 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've got bad news for you dude. It's not serial killers specifically. That's just one of the surest signs that the guy isn't a raging pussy who obsesses over what women do/don't want, and does what they want instead, fuck everyone else.

Sumsuch 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can't believe that pandering to 3% of the population doesn't make us more popular with the other 97%!

Sumsuch 25 points ago +26 / -1

Oh hey, look: A country which is committing genocide is actively seizing the territory of their neighbours.

Sumsuch 24 points ago +24 / -0

the way they "caught" him was suspicious to say the least

They can't admit to employing classified and illegal surveillance tech, so they have to invent some sort of bullshit explanation.

Sumsuch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Battlestar Galacitca was a massive disappointment.

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