This election is going to be hillarious once the liberals discover they can't just scream TTTTRRRRUUUUMMMMPPPPP!!! at the sky to win over many of the voters who have been shafted by them for years. Like Trump or not, most voters care about the exact same issues as American Conservatives.
It's not about people deciding to get away with more. It goes something like:
These people get away with more > they get away with more because they are held to lower standards > why are they held to lower standards? > they are held to lower standards because they are less capable.
And that the old repo for all the old manga, was shutdown due to the banks and no alternative was found?
What do you all use these days? Mangadex is okay, but certainly not as good as the older sites were.
It's so frustrating that the 'legitimate' options are so god awful. Even if you actually do find one that has the content you want for a reasonable price, the user interface is just fundamentally worse (every time I've seen it) than some kid's free site that just displays an image with nothing else. Not to mention that sometimes the translators completely bastardize the content (Zolo).
Imagine being a foreigner in another country and then acting like you have some right to berate your host country for being too anti foreigner
Why would they see a problem with that behaviour when they can't even see the problem as it happens in their own home nations?
And that's not really seen in other fandoms, not like in gaming
Well, in other fandoms it's just a passive consumption of a product, and discussion of that. Games are where people directly impact your own engagement with the product.
It's insane. We're at a point in history where there is literally no road map to copy, and retards are still doing things deliberately wrong just because it makes them money. Then they convince themselves that it's everyone else who's wrong because the money they made proves they did the right thing by lying.
Because you just didn't notice at the time
Yea man. Nobody paying attention was kind of the hallmark of that era. Maybe if they had been paying attention they could have actually done something with that, but instead they just let the feminists carpet bomb society and mass imported foreigners because the news told them they might not be able to order drive thru if they didn't sell their children's futures.
Even now, after everything which has happened, it's like pulling teeth to get anyone who was an adult then to actually recognize what's going on right in front of their faces.
They're trying to ruin it deliberately because of the massive negative impact that video games have had upon western civilization, wasting tremendous amounts of time on entertainment instead of doing the normal things, like starting a family, which are necessary for the survival of the species.
One big part of why this sort of content is being pushed so hard, in my opinion, is to deliberately conflate as many things as possible with what Epstein and those like him have been doing. To get as many people as possible on the left because they feel persecuted by the right's crusade, and as many people as possible on the right shooting their mouths so as to build the perception of broad and indiscriminate persecution.
And pay attention to this exact same formula being used for other subjects as well.
These idiots literally have zero clue what they're doing. They just data mine everyone's info to find correlations then take a sledgehammer to the world in some backwards attempt to hurt whoever it is they don't like.
One thing that will absolutely guarantee you failure in looking for
a good wifearm candy is giving a rat's ass what women's opinions are about basically anything.
What you're saying isn't wrong for a certain type of woman, but that type also doesn't tend to be good wife material.
And if a man she were attracted too just happened to enjoy attending pre-school story time himself, she wouldn't find that weird either.
The point she's making is that, overwhelmingly, the real men in the real world who collect Funko Pops do NOT give her the tingles.
being obsessed with these hobbies is not a downside so long as the man is productive and active
To me, this sounds very much like the arguments made for many LGBTQ issues. Sure, if people can do those things while also being good, upstanding citizens, then there's no problem. Yet a cursory glance at the real world tells you immediately that certain groups are very rarely good, upstanding members of society.
If you can do it, that's great for you. But way WAY too many people think they're the one responsible meth smoker.
Words aren't an entity of their own dude. You actually have to pay attention to the message if you want to understand how a person is using a word.
The way this person is using those words? Absolutely it's an earnest and honest assessment of the abysmal state which many modern men have learned to accept as normal for their lives.
Sure, but these things are not static. There is a flow to how information moves through the world and shifts over time. People are jacked up right now over what's going on in the US, but now that we're in election season they're going to have to actually face hard criticism face to face.