Time to go back to calling them Cumdumpsters like it's 2007 on 4chan
Matt made a deal with Ben, and now instead of serious interviews with the perpetrators and victims of the trans scam, he is reduced to this insincere phony garbage.
It's all so tiresome.
Firefox is fucking dead at this point.
the tradcons
No, the uniparty.
It'll be claimed by a disproportionately Jewish entity, who will sell it to a man who will pay them double what the house is worth through mortgage payments. His wife will then steal it from him in a no-fault divorce as advocated by disproportionately Jewish female authors and disproportionately Jewish male lawyers. Wealth generated through actual labour and production will thus be slowly filtered into the hands of those who do no such work. The process slowlly repeats, again and again, over and over, with a banking cartel siphoning from all, everywhere, forever.
Single women, particularly the divorced. Because they stole them.
And then when they die, a bank will take them.
There really is no getting your mind off anything other than women.
Because the people who tell me it exists are the same people who literally are women.
Let me get this straight...
Your reasoning is that it can't be true because there are women who believe it....?
When your female radiologist tells you that you have a tumor, are you going to disbelieve her, or will you be accusing her of putting it there? should we discard this whole 'radiation comes from inside the atom?' Nonsense as female supremacist science, ascribing a 'birthing' nature to a rounded, feminine form orbitted by electron 'beta males'?
The 'antisemitic trope' is older than European civilization, and it bubbles up time and time again, century after century, for millenia, anywhere one finds a Jewish population that, again and again, through usury and insularity, gets rich and ends up owning everything despite doing no work,.. this is the brainchild of women? Some female scheme through the ages? ...To what end?
It doesn't matter where the Jews go. Every population they ever interacted with after the fall of Jerusalem ended up accusing them of the same subvert-and-financially-control-our-hosts scheme.
Tell me, who was the shadow female puppet master that made Edward Longshanks remove the Jews from Britain? Was Mohammed's wife whispering in his ear? Did Hitler meet a girl in Vienna, and just didn't tell us about her?
Seriously, I wanna know.
How do you manage to be willfully blind to Jewish domination?
'Hispanic' isn't an ethnicity. Hilariously, its's arguably a 'white supremacist' term that exists to seperate settlers of English colonies from those of Spanish colonies, lumping the Spanish settlers of central and south America in with the natives to perform the feat of simultaneously minimizing both the European ancestry of the whites among them and the indigenous origins of the non-whites among them.
Even more hilariously, 'latinx' is a wokefaggot term that changes absolutely nothing and does the exact same thing.
This makes this twitter community note possibly the dumbest one I've seen so far.
Our conquerors will laugh at us.
The sooner we replace actors, artists and prostitutes with robots, the better.
So he's finally learned that he never should've apologized for the 'grab em by the pussy' comment, because it's precisely as he said: When you're a star, they let you do it.
Hispanic name
I would have more respect for them if they advocated for slavery.
Declare the pope a heretic and break off.
Blacks are just 13% of US population, and on top of that their lack of money makes them a much smaller percentage of paying customers.
It's completely logical that marketing to them is not a concern. That's not a conversation from sixty years ago, that's a conversation from 2014. Media should cater to its consumers.
If I were Russian, I'd vote for Putin, too.
Russia could have been been welcomed into the fold of the 'the global north'. That is what should have happened 20 years ago. Instead, Russia has received 20 years of NATO creeping toward it, and 20 years of still being used as a go-to bogeyman for anything and everything.
Kinda seems like the old net of the 90s.
It runs at a similar speed
>defund the police!
>abolish prison time for theft!
>America Is Obsessed With Vigilantism
You must pick a minimum of two.
He didn't, but others have declared him dead many times over the last two years.
Note how the flat-earthers and ancient aliens people don't get cracked down on.
You only need to crack down on dissenters when they are dissenting against a lie.
the public are running into the arms of Labour.
And literally doesn't matter because LAB/CON is full uniparty just like DEM/GOP in the US.
Liz Truss was never supposed to become Prime Minister. The machine glitched and the party didn't vote the way the WEF wanted them to. The moment this happened, TPTB sprang into action to do everything in their power to get her out as soon as possible.
She didn't fail because of feminism, she failed because she was never supposed to succeed in the first place.
This is not Arthur Chu.
Anyway, the fact that someone who wrote that the 'bare essentials of femaleness are an open mouth, expectant hole, and blank stare', speaks volumes of what a house of lies this marxist intersectional ideology is.
That is a 4chan /r9k/ incel tier statement, that would be sufficient to get most people fired from any job they held, but since it came from a troon, A+, wow, amazing!
There are no standards. Three is no reality or truth. It is purely about empowering themselves, and disempowering you, because they want you dead, your children raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny.