SparkMandrill83 -4 points ago +1 / -5

I dont agree with what happened to the J6 people, but they were not arrested for hate speech, they were arrested for trespassing and such. The vast majority of j6 people who didnt go inside have not been arrested.

SparkMandrill83 6 points ago +16 / -10

Some excellent points brought up in the article but

Conservatives must wake up; their beloved constitutional republic does not work.

is a sentiment im really sick of reading from these try-hard neofascist types. The examples brought up is stuff like COVID lockdowns, but the US had the least restrictive lockdowns in the entire world. The US does not have the problem of rape gangs that other countries have, because of guns. The US has yet to arrest people for hate speech like other countries have. The constitution has been the number one thing holding the left at bay in this country, and this attitude that just because we're experiencing some turbulence, the whole system needs to be thrown away, smells to me of an agenda, like telling someone to drop their shields just because they took a few hits but are overall still very protected.

Ultimately, the power of the left and the establishment comes from one thing, lies. The more normies wake up, the harder it will be for them to push their agenda. And you know what weapons we use in their campaign of lies? Free Speech, and The Right to Bear Arms.

SparkMandrill83 14 points ago +14 / -0

Remember when a bunch of german women were caught trading young refugee boys with each other, and they worked in the government?

SparkMandrill83 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anything that gets women out of the office is a huge win. This is based

SparkMandrill83 45 points ago +45 / -0

Today in "Feminists getting exactly what they deserve!" Have sex with the smelly, violent migrant, bigot!

SparkMandrill83 6 points ago +6 / -0

I bet it wouldn't take more then a scratch to reveal what civilization you care most about

SparkMandrill83 10 points ago +14 / -4

Muslims have lived peacefully with Christians in that region for centuries. The recent strain of extremists are Israeli bred, and would not exist if the west wasn't constantly fucking with them.

SparkMandrill83 16 points ago +16 / -0

The German government is guilty of abetting rapists. Will the German people ever see justice for it or are they going to continue to be the biggest bootlickers in Europe?

SparkMandrill83 28 points ago +28 / -0

https://www.thomasmassie.com/ if you want to donate to his campaign. He's one of the very few standing up to Zionists for MAGA principles. I'm not in Kentucky but he got my support.

SparkMandrill83 15 points ago +15 / -0

Wait, brain worms are a real thing? I thought it was just something online leftists said to be vulgar

SparkMandrill83 4 points ago +6 / -2

Tried to have sex with a dog? Maybe he is a white woman after all

SparkMandrill83 8 points ago +8 / -0

They're golems of the state, period. That's literally thier job description. Don't even need to bring Israel into it.

SparkMandrill83 8 points ago +8 / -0

Disrupting a pro Palestine protest is not even coming close to saving America. It actually, in a way, does the opposite.

SparkMandrill83 10 points ago +11 / -1

Jewish moment. Real women do not have this much hate on thier hearts for men

SparkMandrill83 6 points ago +6 / -0

I remember that too. T_D was more based then people give it credit for, sometimes

SparkMandrill83 7 points ago +9 / -2

I know how Candace started but I don't see what she's done lately to be called a grifter. I feel like at some point she deserves some forgiveness

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