SoctaticMethod1 56 points ago +56 / -0

I'd wish my kid wasn't dead or had a weapon to defend himself even if it killed the other guy, are these people even his parents?

First priority is your child's safety, if you let 'muh ideology' take precedence in front of that, you ain't a parent, you're an NPC that so happens to have a working womb.

SoctaticMethod1 7 points ago +7 / -0

There are fanboys still? I might be on the more normie streams as it seems more a growing RESENTMENT of the main studios.

Like there weren't that many Sony fanboys rallying to the call when they fucked with Helldivers 2 and Stellar Blade, Xbox fanboys are non existent with how the only exclusive recently of Halo was sort of left to rot than get the support required and when it comes to fanboys of major franchises, they're more saying just graphically update past games because you lack the creativity to make a new installment.

Maybe there's more 'hard-core gamer ' forums where fanboys exist but the mood I'm sensing is more 'these companies are run by idiots' than any fanboy admiration.

SoctaticMethod1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Portugal laughing in genocides

French system resulted in the Vietnam war

Spain...well their shit just getting stolen by 'privateers' and then got bodied by America, less bad than South American rulers though

Overall, Brits weren't the worst, I'd say the worst thing they did was not federalise the empire so that de colonisation never happened.

SoctaticMethod1 10 points ago +10 / -0

Out of ALL the climate change they say will 'end the world' why can't I have the one we REALLY need?

Just one big shift on a certain fault line, that's not too hard, not like I'm asking for Yellowstone to blow it's top.

SoctaticMethod1 12 points ago +12 / -0

We only have the tech to maim and sterilise, not transtition male to female and reverse.

If we did, we'd have a solution for all the submissive men /s

It's the same kind of word and term manipulation as communism, sure your ALL equal, equally under the same boot with less resources, fully reliant on the state to survive.

SoctaticMethod1 4 points ago +4 / -0

50/50 on that.

I got bets on the entire state collapsing under the weight of it's own incompetence and being divided into fiefdoms ruled by those that can maintain authority (Islamic caliphates, former non woke military, old school football hooligans etc).

SoctaticMethod1 11 points ago +12 / -1

Too many negatives and risks that surrogacy was never a viable option, you'd probably be safer raising some orphan that escaped from a commie state than risk your kid in the womb of a woman that trades life for cash.

You're best off waiting for artificial wombs if you want to fully avoid the traditional route.

SoctaticMethod1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, when I can call the British empire 'the most infamous international drug cartel and grandiose thieves as they'd display what they stolen' and that isn't leftist hyperbole but historical fact, they have a point to shoot at the redcoats...

Though credit where credit is due, they did have a style about it since a lot of those former colonies VOLUNTARILY joined the commonwealth after, like inviting the guy that robbed you to Sunday lunch.

SoctaticMethod1 6 points ago +6 / -0

Pretty much, I kinda view the BBC as irrelevant the day that the Top Gear guys left and joined Amazon. That was the final indicator given their style that the BBC was going more woke. Just looking at any of the current stuff and they are uninspired hacks desperate for government funds or monopoly bucks from Disney or organisations like them.

In a lot of media organisations, you'll have that one guy or guys that at least gave the organisation credibility, once they go for ANY other reason than retire from old age, chances are high they left than be neutered.

SoctaticMethod1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty much, whereas their attempts at politicking is usually dumbed down, retarded and full of 'I'm right because I say I'm right!'

While in a lot of anime there's a whole lot of nuance, I mean just look at Gundam and Evangelion, we went in for giant robots, left having a philosophical debate!

SoctaticMethod1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tiberium Sun was my first C&C game (my first Westwood game was Dune 2000) and loved the campaign playing as McNeil or Anton, the music, cutscenes with the right amount of seriousness and cheese.

Did prefer the GDI campaign just because starting missions to valves with EVA announcing reinforcements coming by dropships delivering Titans and troops was badass to me.

SoctaticMethod1 22 points ago +22 / -0

It's probably why they're panicking so much about funding nowadays. Once the older generation that's been conditioned to accept the licence fee as a necessary tax dies off, it'd be very easy for the younger generations to have enough vote share that scrapping it would seem inevitable.

SoctaticMethod1 43 points ago +43 / -0

A game that had no beautiful women loved by people that will NEVER be women.

At least if we go player numbers, they were ACCURATELY represented in terms of economic value..

SoctaticMethod1 18 points ago +19 / -1

Every side in this is awful for this poor kid but I do like the weakening of surrogacy as a legal means of child trafficking.

My main concern is these retards will at least attempt to do the same to sperm donors which is completely different as a psycho woman could shove a used condom into her virgina and the guy might be considered a sperm donor. I know there have been attempts to get child support from sperm donors so that might go too as a method to help an couple where the guy is infertile or has genetic issues not wanting to pass on.

SoctaticMethod1 30 points ago +30 / -0

Mostly because they REALLY don't understand the public who aren't NPCs, they can't understand why people want to live in a safe, prosperous place even if that means (because of) no 'diversity'

SoctaticMethod1 20 points ago +20 / -0

Wait Darth Vader and General Solomon from Tiberium Sun is gone, shit there goes my happy day. Requiescat in pace.

SoctaticMethod1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I might be getting confused with another European country but I think it was Britain where some amateur archaeologist finds something like gold coins, jewelry etc but when they go to announce what they find they have it seized from them and only get a placard next to it in a museum, no monetary reward or the option to sell it to a private collector.

SoctaticMethod1 9 points ago +9 / -0

They really need to draft anyone? Like has ANY IDF planes been shot down since they started this?

SoctaticMethod1 21 points ago +21 / -0

Repeating how much of a joke the UK police are that won't be long before they steal candy from babies because the baby was scared of the stranger who happens to not be White like parents..

SoctaticMethod1 41 points ago +41 / -0

Does anyone get the hint from this scorched earth campaign Dems are doing against ANY opposition that they might not be that confident in winning?

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