Skywise 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's actually their only strategy they've ever had.

In the 90s it was "for the children" and trumpeted by the DNC and the Clintons. You couldn't say or do anything because it would harm - The Children(tm)(r).

When Bob Dole debated Clinton on his taxation policy that increased punitive taxes for DNC pet projects, Bill responded with "No attack has ever fed a hungry child." And the media declared Bill the winner.

Note that the quote is memory holed now and does NOT come up with a general search.


Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a hypothesis floating around that the original food pyramid (with lots of carbs) was intentionally made to "cull the herd". It was also, at the time, a sustainable source of food. If you can find the health books of the day of the early 1900s you'll see that they realized that excess carbs were bad and protein was good. But protein was and is hard to come by for the poor.

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like this new rationale strategy - I'm not anti-gun control, I'm pro-self defense and I'm here to continue this important conversation.

Skywise 7 points ago +7 / -0

Best Line:

Use your Eric Michael Dyson words so you can sound intelligent.

Skywise 10 points ago +10 / -0

There's actually a very VERY small pool of filmmakers now who are all funded from woke controlled corporations who also own the news networks. Disney (ABC/ESPN/FOX/Marvel Comics/Star Wars/Hulu) Universal (NBC/Comcast) Warner Bros (HBO/CNN/DC Comics/Cartoon Network/ATT) Paramount/Viacom(CBS) Netflix

That's it - Those 5 content providers also control the US' major news organizations with FOX still being an outlier, and a good chunk of the internet in the US. You can have hundreds of film producers but, ultimately, they're told what to make by those paying the bills - and that would be one of these 5 who've all coordinated their social justice policies.

It's time for some competition...

Skywise 25 points ago +25 / -0

If only we sacrificed some virgins climate change could go away!

(Or my older favorite saying "Climate Change" is the story leftist parents tell their children to get them to eat their vegetables and go to bed on time!)

Skywise 14 points ago +14 / -0

My understanding is that Discord is rated as 12+ in the app store but because there's NSFW stuff on Discord, Apple has demanded that Discord set the rating to 17+.

But Discord doesn't want to do this because they want the gamer kids to use it so they're going to just shut down NSFW access to all iOS users and keep it at 12+

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Snopes has verified that that was Jefferson's original quote - being as prophetic as he was people at the time didn't understand and omitted "dollar" from future printings.

Skywise 23 points ago +23 / -0

ThEy CaNt Be RaCiSt BeCaUsE ThEy HaVe No PrIvELeGe

Skywise 15 points ago +16 / -1

White people WALKED through the US Capitol and then obeyed orders to disperse and then OBEYED the curfew and that was considered sedition!

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because Dollar Tree stores are all that are left there after last Summer's vibrant and colorful and peaceful protests.

Skywise 20 points ago +20 / -0

Oh BS - they only know 6 MONTHS because they've been tracking people that took the vaccine SIX MONTHS ago and, gasp, discovered they could still produce antibodies.

Before they did this study they thought people would need boosters because the studies of people that had it didn't have COVID antibodies after THREE MONTHS. (But they never tested if the body would produce new ones quickly!)

Never mind the fact that ALL KNOWN IMMUNIZATIONS LAST IN ORDER OF MULTIPLE YEARS. Covid is just magickally different.

It's f-ing clown world by our so called "learned" leaders.

Again, following the model of the 1918 Spanish Flu (so insensitive), it lasted 18 months and died out on its own from herd immunity with NO VACCINES. That's roughly labor day THIS YEAR and, yes, there was a 4th wave in the spring of 1919.

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

Shush - you're going to ruin his socialist utopian fantasy!

Picard's vineyard contradicts TNG's WRITERS who would spew vapid ideas about moving beyond the "needs of money" while simultaneously pontificating on "pursuing lofty goals of personal betterment and society". Completely ignoring the facts that money is a TOOL to facilitate trade - that trade NEVER goes away, even in a communist society - that the writers think their writing stories is as important if not MORE important to trade than the necessities of life like... food... medicine... house building, etc; (all of which the writers waive away with "replicators" that provide all the needs and comforts a human could ever want and which idiots, like this OP, have even written thesis on a "post scarcity society") and you see that the writers for the ST:TOS episode "This Side of Paradise" are far FAR more smarter than anyone writing ANY "commercial" fiction we have today.

(McCoy is resting under a tree, with a tall glass of mint julep in his hand.) ELIAS: Well, Doctor, I've been thinking about what sort of work I could assign you to. MCCOY: What do you mean, what sort of work? I'm a doctor. ELIAS: Not any more, of course. We don't need you. Not as a doctor. MCCOY: Oh, no? Would you like to see how fast I can put you in a hospital? ELIAS: I am the leader of this colony. I'll assign you whatever work I think suitable. MCCOY: Just a minute. You'd better make me a mechanic. Then I can treat little tin gods like you. (He punches Elias) Sorry, Sandoval. I don't know what made me do that. ELIAS: We've done nothing here. No accomplishments, no progress. Three years wasted. We wanted to make this planet a garden. MCCOY: You can't stay here. You can't survive without the spores. After you've cleared at the Starbase, you could be relocated. It depends upon what you want. ELIAS: I think I'd, I think we'd like to get some work done. The work we started out to do.

Skywise 14 points ago +15 / -1

It's funny - before TNG had reallly taken off I took a philosophy course in college from a devout leftist who decried TOS Star Trek's "imperialist and colonialist" thinking.

TOS was not and is not "communist" - Roddenberry was a classical liberalist back in the 60s before believing his own mythology and turning socialist in the 80s. TNG is undoubtedly socialist if not communist in its run and sequels.

Many of the TOS are, if anything, stricly anti-Communist (see the episode - This Side of Paradise where spores turn a colony into effective communists with no needs or wants) or "The Way to Eden" (aka the Space Hippies episode) which, if anything, shows that AntiFa of yesterday is the Hippies of yesterday.

Does THIS sound like communism to anyone here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deq6_p47g54

Meanwhile TNG went into meaningless and inspid platitudes of "We've moved beyond the seeking of money or fame" - which is utter, contradictory BS - why else shove everyone into a grand starship for exploration... for "fun"? While simultaneously supporting the evil methodology of wiping peoples memories to protect the prime directive (a tactic which Babylon 5 rightly mocked)

No, sorry Virginia, Star Trek is NOT communist.

Skywise 36 points ago +37 / -1

Punch a communist.

it's fun and they deserve it.

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've seen the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Mayer Wiener."

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

“New level of cringe” ... You keep using that phrase... I don’t think it means what you think it means...

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

Running man.

Soylent green surprisingly enough...

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

“Put me back in the matrix!”

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't believe there was supposed to be one.

I've actually searched around for this myself because I (and a lot of others) swear this idea sounds familiar. But I've never turned anything up and that might just be a false memory on our part.

At the time the movie was made one of the big "social justice actions" of the day was to "save the trees". Unironically it was this movement the led directly to paper products being replaced by plastic and plastic casing. This was far FAR better for the environment because plastic was recyclable and biodegradeable! Long story short, we see how THAT turned out and now there's a race BACK to paper products.

Anyway - I think the whole point was the typical meta "replace what works with an ideological solution that's more complex, less effective and sometimes nonsensical"

Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0

ha ha ha - he doesn't know how to use the 3 seashells!

Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lots of parallels to today here... But they've splashed in Alinsky's rules for radicals, keeping the "True" leader hidden.

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