Skywise -10 points ago +2 / -12

Golly - look at all the troll shills that hate a video pointing out astroturfing by Kamala and the DNC that suddenly have to downvote this...

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

So... does this mean that JD Vance is a "real" man then and not a soyboy?

Skywise 8 points ago +8 / -0

So we’re back to women are defenseless, helpless creatures again?

I thought women were Mary-sues who were bigger and stronger than all men and saying otherwise is a hateful stereotype? (Except when it’s politically expedient)

Skywise -20 points ago +1 / -21

I bet you judge books by their cover, too.

Or did the video hit a little close to home?

Skywise 13 points ago +13 / -0

Yeah - this started happening during the latter Obama years around the same time Global Warming got rebranded as Climate Change.

Suddenly “a consensus of scientists” meant something was true and inarguable and thus was coming on tech forums where just weeks previously truth was what could be PROVEN.

Like with Covid it was amazing to see so-called intellectuals suddenly spew meaningless rhetoric and claim it was science.

Consensus isn’t science.

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

Has Elon ever said he’s a Christian? I’ve only heard him stand up and defend Liberty and individuality and if tranny here confuses that with Christianity, well maybe he’s subconsciously understanding reality…

Certainly doesn’t understand his…

Skywise 3 points ago +4 / -1

I agree with him in the sense that Britain has atrocity after atrocity and almost zero protests… then labor gets into power with a landslide and an Obama communist sycophant at the helm and NOW there’s suddenly a flurry of violent riots while at the same time Keir announces a power grab against muh evil Nazi rightists?

The same time every other newly elected communist government, including the US, is imprisoning the opposition,

Shades of Charlottesville… Shades of J6…

But not one peep against the violence of BLM or Antifa or Muslim/immigrant sacking of the cities they’ve infested?

Yeah… it has a whiff of manufactured outrage…

Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0


I’m old enough to vaguely remember how it was before massive over regulation in the US and definitely long before Obamacare.

Doctors visits were cheap and you often just paid a flat rate, in cash, for services rendered, no insurance involved. This would be early 90s and I paid about $15/visit or roughly the cost of a full tank of gas. I was able to get seen the day I had an urgent issue - not schedule it for days/weeks down the road. (Stuff like physicals and full checkups had to be, but that’s obviously a longer chunk of time)

Doc offices were more like dentists. Independent and not beholden to some crushing hospital conglomerate, let alone Medicare. So doctors had far less overhead costs, let alone oversight, and could actually do what they got into medicine to do… help people.

Oh yeah - NO paperwork on your part asking you to update your health history every visit!

My doc at the time was a 300lb guy, divorced and a smoker. Best doc I’ve had to this day.

Skywise 22 points ago +22 / -0

Not black men… not maoi men… not Hispanic men… not Indian, Chinese, South African, etc etc men

Just women. Transwomen preferred.

How about some Republican women? Are “we” diverse enough for that?

Skywise 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's called WEATHER. Natural forces (the sun, moon, volcanic reactions, geothermal reactions, tectonic shifts) are THOUSANDS of times more altering to "climate change" than anything man does.

Can man alter the local ENVIRONMENT? YES. See smog in Los Angeles years ago, see all the waste flushed into the waters. We call that pollution. See what Japan has done to get more landmass, converting land to towns and cities - we call that building. I'm all for cleaning up pollution and reducing public waste (I draw the line at plastic straws though).

So what IS Climate Change, the thing you think you're all excited about because you've been appropriately educated on but are just a brainwashed propagandized NPC on? It's all about the CARBON OFFSETS. Y'know... that stuff cars and coal burning put into the air? Enron effectively monetized carbon by creating carbon CREDITS. How does a company get to be net zero and "fight Climate Change(tm)"? Well.. by first reducing their carbon burning... Buying energy from wind and solar farms and not coal... but that's nigh impossible now so how else do you do it? Well by buying CARBON CREDITS which nullify your CARBON OFFSETS. Those credits are supposed to go to things like building out the rain forests and protecting them or building new wind and solar farms, etc; But funny thing... turns out that almost never happens... the money (like taxes) goes to other things. And this is what the WHOLE "Climate Change" scam is all about. It's not about solving carbon pollution, because if it WERE, we'd all be going nuclear which is clean, safe and provides more than enough energy for the populace - it's about embezzling money and you have to keep the carbon pollution around to... well... keep the spice flowing...

Skywise 10 points ago +10 / -0

Climate change isn't real let alone anthropogenic.

Destroying whole forests and farmland for cheap/dense housing to hold all the illegal immigrants who won't fix their shit in their lands? Yeah - that's real. Think that affects the water supplies in the area? Oh yeah. (Wondering why there's a drought in California when rainfalls have been statistically average? That's why) Think that affects the energy supply? medical supply? police? cars?

Now do you think anybody in California REALLY cares about "Climate Change"? Or is that just a lie, created by Enron, to create the first bitcoin and told to children to get them to eat their bugs ?

Skywise 10 points ago +10 / -0

Who do you think has been pushing climate and tranny change for the past 8 years? Communists? No - it's been businessmen and bankers.

Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0

It'd also be a good way to boost their sales of Arrow Lake. Oh hey there corporate customerino's we'll offer you this 10% discount to trade in your old 13-14th gen processors for our brand spanking new 15th gen CPUs that don't have this problem!

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

No no - it's Democratic Socialism - get with the times.

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

We will save Democracy by insuring that the people only vote the way we want them to and only our candidates are selected...

Skywise 20 points ago +20 / -0

These people just pushed out a kernel level update to EVERY computer that asked for it?! No staggered roll out?!

(And probably written by some green haired trans-woman who asked ChatGPT what to code…)

Skywise 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yes - it IS wrong to play that game and until the left STOPS playing it (and they haven’t) then make them own up their own rules.

Skywise 16 points ago +16 / -0

Being a communist means it's never your fault.

Skywise 40 points ago +40 / -0

He wasn’t blindsided - I’m sure he and Kyle were discussing the same sentiment before the concert.

But it’s nice to see the left feel the heat for once.

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

It’s copium. We do it on our side too.

I entertained the notion for about a minute to play “what if?” but aside from the fact that there’s no way to be that accurate a shot without Trump himself getting killed, who’s going to sacrifice their life to take the “fake” and “super accurate” shot for a political stunt?!

You want conspiracy theory? As “not a military guy” I think Biden ordered it.

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