Star Wars ends for me after the Clone Wars series. Maybe Rebels. ALL the Disney movies and series suck after that - including the Mandalorian.
Although for full disclosure I did see TFA and TLJ (refuse to watch ROS), Solo and Rogue One. I don't have Disney+ tho and watch Mando at a friend's place.
Disney itself has become hot work garbage in all aspects - I think Wreck it Ralph was the last good movie they put out and they've succeeded in destroying both Disney and Pixar animation studios.
The author:
Some of her other works:
Whether chronicling weather patterns or satirically reporting on penguin mischief, this writing provided expedition members with a set of practices to help them survive the perpetual darkness and harshness of polar winters. The extreme climates these explorers experienced is continuous with climate change today. Polar exploration writing, Blum contends, offers strategies for confronting and reckoning with the extreme environment of the present.
Ehhh - I don't buy this one. 48 hour rule. I don't think Putin was invading just to take out the "biowarfare" centers either. it's certainly plausible given that Obama already moved biowarfare research of one type to China to avoid US laws that he and Biden would easily do it in Ukraine too under the guise of "studying cures for Anthrax" but I highly doubt that it was actually being produced there in any amount of consequence.
BTW - here's the story about how the SJWs got a book cancelled not 5 weeks ago because it was co-authored by a leader of AZOV - the Ukraininan Separatist army and about how these people were despicable neo-Nazis.
I wonder what they think about them these days?
It's almost like that's the outcome SOMEONE wanted from the beginning.
Who's isolating WHOM here? It seems to me the EU is in serious trouble as they seem to be cut off from energy AND food now.
Meanwhile the US is still buying Russian oil and the DNC REFUSES to let the Senate pass a bill to block such purchases.
is China deepfaking the west?
That's the point. Aunt Jemima was actually based on a real black woman who wasn't a slave and her descendants were still receiving royalties from her image' use. I think it's in Quebec that that a Poutine restaurant is changing their name because it's too close to Putin. It doesn't matter in Current Year - what matters is what the sheep are told to think.
Many Islamic countries ban dogs because Islam supposedly forbids it… While I’m not sure that’s the reason here - there’s a LOT of “Islamic” coincidences in the more bizarre actions the west Lee nations have taken over the past couple of years. (Like banning alcohol)
Chapek had announced that Disney wasn't going to do political stuff like this anymore and that's why they funded both sides of the argument.
That lasted all of about 30 days...