Skywise 8 points ago +8 / -0

I’m old enough to remember when they castigated Tony Blair for being W Bush’ lapdog and demanded the UK get out of the war and support Iraq.

But then this is a “good war” because the leftists started it.

Skywise 7 points ago +7 / -0

Agreed - and these are the same people who will tell you that their current thing (tm) is absolute truth!

Skywise 5 points ago +6 / -1

I came of age in the late 70s/early 80s so my interpretation of the LOTR popularity comes from it being universally-loved by the Hippies and Stoners (indeed I have several stoner/leftist friends who will still wax poetic about Tolkien). So I've always associated a center-left mindset as being open minded (not compared to today!)

Maybe I'm just "right enough" that I see Tolkien's works and rationale as universal truths (neither right nor left but pertaining to the human condition). If anything Christ was a classical-liberal of His day.

Regardless - "far right" is just a complete mis-definition. But then these are the same people who adore Harry Potter but will destroy Rowling for wrong-think. (Bring us Barabbas indeed!)

by Cascade
Skywise 8 points ago +8 / -0

Oh.. I like her more now!

Every leftist stereotype wrapped up in a conservative package!

Skywise 12 points ago +12 / -0

Again with the stupid leftists -

If they feel SO strongly about “voices” then the constitution should be amended to return those territories to the people and no longer make them part of Australia.

But they won’t - because this is about maintaining power.

Skywise 24 points ago +24 / -0

Far… Right’s… Tolkien Mania?!

I think they’ve been smoking too much of the hobbits leaf!

Skywise 8 points ago +8 / -0

We grant ourselves emer-gen-cee powas to create a grand army of duh republic "I love democracy..."

Skywise 24 points ago +24 / -0

That makes ZERO sense.

Unless their math says they’ll gain 10% of LGBT wine moms but only lose 5% of their base but even then they’re not just going after a new market but actively attacking the base.

No - these are leaders that don’t WANT the base because they’re “the enemy” and they’ll only support the market they like - even if it kills the company.

Skywise 7 points ago +7 / -0

What total, utter, unmitigated, BS.

So, like, Predator, is, like, all about tacticool and 9/11 Capital Insurrection, George W. Bush Donald Trump Patriarchy, colonialism, evil America, racist (oops, black guy in the movies can't play that card) allegory for our times. I. m. smrt.

No you stupid twit - Predator was, and is, a leftist allegory for America's follies in Vietnam. They SAID SO AT THE TIME. Aliens was, too. THAT'S why the "gay leftist poet" wrote the novelization (and was probably getting off on the men).

The sheer, utter, idiocracy of this piece and this stupid twit who still hasn't grown up and probably goes to male bonding weekend camping trips to 'discover' his masculinity which he wants to abandon anyway and will NEVER understand the horrors and the sacrifices made by the men in Vietnam for American corporatism continued to be played out TODAY. (missing the point for the trees). Probably doesn't even know of the existence of the movie Born on the 4th of July, either.

God I hate this timeline.

by folx
Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0


Somebody reset the timeline…

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nope - It's up to the party bosses to vet their candidates but state laws and policies (the primary system and open primaries) in general have tended to destroy the concept of the party so everything's interchangeable.

There's no reason die hard conservatives could do the same to the DNC.

Skywise 6 points ago +6 / -0

They’re going full on acceleration into shutting down the world and instituting a one world communist government.

Skywise 7 points ago +8 / -1

Oh, please - it’s “muh conservatives”

Many in the adult entertainment industry have speculated that conservative anti-porn organizations like the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (formerly Morality In Media) and Exodus Cry have been putting political pressure on companies to cut off financial resources for adult performers.

BS - This is coming from the leftists. Anybody remember Obama’s consumer financial protection bureau? Don’t you think the CFPB would be right on top of protecting these accounts? Nope - this is what the CFPB endorses. Social control through banking.

Skywise 31 points ago +31 / -0

Since I posted the story of his “arrest” tis only fair I post the correction!

Skywise 5 points ago +5 / -0

Queue Leslie Nielsen “Nothing to see here, move along”

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

Analpundit was never conservative and this got borne out during the Obama years.

At best he’s a centrist who got temporarily red pulled after 9/11 but rapidly turned back when W mucked things up and Obama came along (not unlike little green footballs blog)

For me it was when Obama came into office that I noticed Analpundits changes and that he was effectively a poser. Obama could do no wrong - things that he attacked W for got a pass with Obama (or even praised) and speaking Ill of Obama or pointing out atheist fallacies was verboten on the Hot Air blog.

When Biden says he works with Republicans he’s talking about Analpundit.

What Trump did was put a glaring spotlight on all of this and much of the GOPe and how far out of touch they were. I had readily expected Jeb Jeb to adopt some of Trumps talking points during the primaries of 2016 as Trump was talking plainly about immigration issues and how the government was more concerned about helping other nations than our own people. Sure, the rhetoric was strong and harsh but the underlying ideas were correct for what the GOP claimed to stand for (and the DNC for that matter)

What shocked me was the complete rejection by Jeb Jeb and actually defending open borders and spending more money on other nations and the bureaucratic state. He couldn’t even lie about it to get the nomination - he just outright rejected it!

Analpundit did the same thing - orange man bad even if he’s saying what I said for the past 8 years.

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