Skywise 14 points ago +14 / -0

“You will each receive the same standard, sub-standard training” - Commander Sark

Skywise 3 points ago +3 / -0

To be fair - I don’t think this crime needed bail. (He didn’t assault/kill anyone - just stole some luggage and he should see some jail time for that - but I doubt he was going to skip his court trial) OTOH - he should be fired already if he isn’t.

Skywise 10 points ago +10 / -0

That’s good - but he should’ve been fired on the spot

Skywise 9 points ago +9 / -0

It’s why they keep skipping over Mao’s new way of farming plan…

Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeahhh... if he's had a change in hearing we call that another stroke...

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's the background story on this? Did no protests happen at all?

by folx
Skywise 7 points ago +8 / -1

The wokeness stuff has been around basically forever in some form or another. (See people worshipping a golden calf in the Bible - prohibition in the US, Stalinism in Russia, etc) The trend in cartoons started around the late 60s/early 70s as part of the hippie revolution. See Yogis Ark, the relaunch of Tom and Jerry as great friends. Watch the first Electric Company episode and see how its writing is right out of todays wokeness playbooks.

If anything the difference between then (the 70s) and today is the complete disconnect from reality and rational thought which is part and parcel of typical communist movements. The point is to destroy the known so that you can’t make moral decisions yourself but must rely upon “the elite” to tell you what to think.

Skywise 3 points ago +4 / -1

Pfft - I only follow holo anime vtuber girls

Skywise 3 points ago +4 / -1

Tim’s missing the point for the trees for what the fans are upset with.

It’s not that Tim won’t dogpile on Eliza because she had her on - it’s that Tim won’t come out against Eliza’s campaign to censor and sue everyone who disagrees with her.

Second if it’s “no big deal” to him then why block The Quartering for calling him out for not supporting the effort to get Twitter to restore the blocked accounts? Surely that fully legal issue is well within his realm of normally discussable topics.

The first problem could’ve been called out by saying it’s a professional stance to not be responsible for guests actions (true) and he wasn’t going to get involved.

But when he blocked the Quartering it proved that he was A: tacitly defending her and B: Cares about the culture wars because he was personally offended and can’t use the “professional stance” excuse.

I like beanie man, don’t get me wrong, but given the people he’s managed to get on his show and his success it calls into question if he’s actually leading - or being led.

Skywise 6 points ago +7 / -1

You a youngling. I’ve been on slashdot since Bill Clinton was in office and it was the same with Bush Derangement Syndrome. Bush was Hitler trying to form an American Empire with his Iraq war and the US Government was EVIL and not to be trusted. Then Obama got into office and all was rainbows and fairy dust and the US Government was a benevolent entity that only served to help us.

Yknow … like now…

Skywise 4 points ago +4 / -0

WTH man?

Tell me the vax doesn’t work and is a globalist conspiracy to inject something into the herd without telling me the vax doesn’t work.

Skywise 18 points ago +18 / -0

So Justin Roilland is cancelled but Ezra Miller is a-ok and Ezra Miller ACTUALLY had sex with underage children. (allegedly)

Skywise 13 points ago +13 / -0

So uh… people with Frenchiness?

There’s a subtle bit of mind control here too and it’s no accident they included a nation state in the description.

The common rewording of “the French” will be “people who live in France” but that’s NOT the same thing. It allows the AP to further blur and mix illegal immigrants i with the actual citizens and furthers the global state religion.

Skywise 11 points ago +11 / -0

Put the shopkeeper in front of the store and block out the shelves and have the shopkeeper retrieve all the goods for their customers. It’s how it used to be before we were “civilized”

Skywise 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah - the post I reported was from a mod of that subreddit (though not in mod mode at the time)

Skywise 8 points ago +8 / -0

I got report warned in a college town subreddit (which has daily reports about how open and welcoming their college town is to LGBTQIABCXYZ peeples) where somebody posted how his college town is not a welcoming place and hates those kind of people to a LGBTQIABCXYZ person asking it the college town was “safe” for LGBTQIABCXYZ peeples.

Reported the post for misinformation and was promptly reported by the troon mod for abuse because that was obviously a “factual” statement (except for all the times it isn’t - obviously they need to keep manufacturing victim status.)

by folx
Skywise 49 points ago +49 / -0

He was trained from age 8 for daily education for years - of course he'd be a master artist!

ok numbnuts... explain public schooling then...

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

While there's been a social attempt to eradicate the concept of "biological differences by genetic upbringing" (and one could posit that this current trend of 'genetic equity' is some pseudo-intellectual way of addressing that and thus "swinging in the other direction") The reality is that anybody that actually knew what was going on could see the problem but the faith/hope was that education and work could overcome the differences (and in a lot of cases it does).

The problem is that this isn't just "race" issue by color - The irish are not the dutch are not the italians are not the greeks are not the germans, etc; But that there's this inspid retarded notion by 'the elite' that it's all white vs black.

tl;dr - Yes Star Trek was showing an ideological narrative of the future where ALL THE RACES/NATIONS had come together in peace per humanitarian norms of the day. But I don't consider that woke by any stretch of the imagination - just a future where the world could work together in peace. By TNG this had been warped into the woke notion of social justice - because that's where Roddenberry had deluded himself into. (We DoNt uSe MoNeY bEcAuSe We SuRvIvE oN tHe GaS oF oUr OwN fArTs)

Skywise 18 points ago +18 / -0

WeRe An ApOlItIcAl BrEwERy, CoMe JoIn Us NeXt WeEk FoR oUr DrAg ShOw! BrInG tHe KiDs!

Skywise 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Ich Bin Ein Berliner!”

One commenter wrote: “The white culture of thinking you can identify as a person of germanic heritage simply because you like something about that culture. It is not appreciation. It is exactly the theft and erasure that live at the origin of genocide, enslavement, and colonialism.”

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