Alot of illegal guns in Canada are smuggled through a Mohawk town that spawns across the border of Québec, the USA and Canada.
The Canadian government dosen't do anything about that because that would be racist. Honk honk.
The polytechnique shooting, perpetrated by Gamil Gharbi, whitewashed by the media, who had changed his name to Marc Lépine. ( North-African father, European mother )
Final Fantasy games were censored outside Japan because some Espers and bosses have the bare minimum to hide nipples and vagina.
Some stuff made it past, however :
''I enjoy playing cool characters with actual life experience''
You had 3 Witcher games with Geralt to enjoy that and Ciri already gained some exprience in the 3rd game.
Also, why would Geralt put Ciri through the trial that is more likely to kill her than not? He dosen't want to kill her. She already has more power than him. This makes no sense.
We know why. Girboss skinsuit Ciri had to be the REAL Witcher now. She just had to. Ciri Sue has to be better than men at everything, not just at her thing. So The Witcher she must be.
There is no bottom in the barrel of Biden handlers' depravity.
Emmitt or something some black guy, didn't she admit she lied decades after his murder
No. Someone else claimed she did, but she did not do such thing.
Had she been jailed for what she did to the Duke Lacrosse team, she wouldn't have been able to murder someone later.
I expected worse. She looks like a 45 years old lady who got botox.
Is this the edgy way to highlight the need for more moderators by trolling the mod?
Might work.
An albinog?
That's a job for Goblin Slayer.
Joke aside it seems this is just a case of extremely rare diseases devastating a poor White child.
We know it's Middle-Eastern muslims and/or sub-Saharian muslims.
Did Trudeau forget as a Prime Minister, he's not supposed to lament the defeat of the other candidate and insult the voters of his nextdoor ally for picking their President?
A state law for something that is for the relevant sports league to decide ( the flag stuff ) is not good.
Just enforce the actual laws. I'm pretty sure a brawl is illegal.
''You made the bread too expensive and the circus lame and gay.'' was the best summary of why Democrats lost last election.
Republicans are only slowing down the collapse.
Tim ''one billion immigants sounds great, as long as they come here legally'' Pool, the far-right danger to Our Democracy.
Randomly encountered this and I thought you would enjoy the joke.
Surprising normie based joke.
Oh I get to post this parody of the 2016 remake's PR hsopital visit.
A camera light flashes as I drift into the abyss
Case in point, Hogwarts Legacy, commercial success, has a troon character and full of browns in 1800's Scotland.
At least you can mod the game to remove those.
“I'm not making excuses for my actions, but I'm saying I'm not a bad person and I know that I did not intend to kill Mary Kay Holthus,” he said.
He is a bad person.
hogwarts legacy
Based Mods -> Browse -> Hogwarts Legacy -> Historically-acurate 1800's Hogwarts.
Immigration inflicts more long-term damage to a country than getting nuked twice.
And then one day, some people hated them, for no reason at all.
The British ofbuscate statistics as much as possible.
The later graphs by muslim population is closer to reality. But as you said, the police delibetarely ignore crimes comited by middle-easterners.
You don't hate the media enough.
She's 84. Whoever is still alive at that point is highly likely to die.