They are lying* that he refused.
And the children of these atypical blacks will regress to the mean of their kind and turn the place into Hell.
Happened everywhere that thought they were smarter than those ''racist US Whites'' and were delusional enough to think that simply screening the first generation they let in would prevent the same problems from occuring.
Yes I have looked into the Duesberg Hypothesis and I was throughoutly unconvinced.
What sealed the deal for me was the outcomes of the usual suspect drug-using turbo-whores HIV+ going on antiretrovirals not dying of AIDS, while the similar drug-using HIV+ whores who did not take antiretrovirals died of AIDS.
None of this is an excuse for drug abuse and promiscuous sex. As monkeypox proved yet again, those behaviors cause the emergence of new STDs.
There was no reasonable suspicion of rabies to have.
Whatever excuse they gave to kill the tamed animals are bullshit.
They just wanted to kill them to humiliate their victims and make sure they wouldn't get their rescued pets back.
A retarded woman filed a complaint because she felt the squirrel was being ''exploited''.
So she got it killed instead of letting the family caring for it lovingly post cute videos that generated revenues.
And I will add : cared for it lovingly for seven years after rescuing it from death.
Fuck this ZOG.
Just another less direct way Kamala uses sex to advance her political career. /s
Some argued the same about pornography ( and violent videogames ). The fact is although those have their own problems, none of them cause an increase in rape or violence.
There is nothing ''authentic'' about woke revisionism.
They say they dislike them because they were trained by feminazis to think this is the acceptable answer.
They often also say they dislike right-wing gym bros despite begging to get picked by one.
Pay attention to what women do, not what they say.
If you are considering a long term relationship, a woman who worships feminism should be a no.
If it's for degenerate promiscuous sex, women might claim that they will only fuck femimnist men, but Chad could vote for Hitler and they would still fuck him.
I think it has everything to do with monkeypox causing visible, painful sores and only a special kind of degenerate will fuck a bunch of people despite that.
HIV/AIDS dosen't have nearly an as skewed distribution, although sex pests who do anal sex are still disproportionately spreading HIV, it's nowhere near 98-99% of cases. ( It's up to 50% homos, though. )
Before better testing, HIV/AIDS also had a very long ''quiet'' phase, meaning for years, cases were the first infected who had progressed to AIDS : gay/bi turbo-whores, before it trickled-down discretly among a significant number of heterosexuals who then spent months/years not knowing they had it.
No such factor with Monkeypox. There is no discretion there. It causes visible, uncomfortable to downright highly painful sores. And after natural infection, it results in lifelong immunity.
It takes a special kind of turbo-degenerate to think ''lol, must be my herpes, I'll still fuck a bunch of random people and take drugs if the pain interferes with my weekly orgies''.
Death by cross-kun trope.
Peak gaslighting was ''everyone is at risk'' of a disease that infected 98% to 99% gay males ( no matter what they identify ), a handful of women who had sex with bisexual men, a handful of children and dogs sexually-abused by a few pedo-gay-whores.
I'll add it to my list then.
Looks like the sort of horror story that fit best as a movie and shouldn't be stretched into a series.
The animation looks cool.
I don't have a problem with games that have their niche and the developpers knowing how to cater to their fan base.
However, here I presume 0.05% of the fan base actually desire the troon pronoun flagellation ritual scene and the rest of the troon stuff, and 5% want the racial diversity. This isn't organic. The ''strong whammen'' fantasy in most games and media however seems popular.
It's so predictable that when the cartoon I'm currently watching ( a 5.5/10 Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead ) had a ''badass masked samurai slicing zombies up like a pro'', I automatically assumed ''this is going to be a woman. probably a foreigner. you're not suverting my expectations, you're annoying me''.
And it was a female foreigner.
Sounds on par with woke ''authors''. You just can't express yourself in a way that dosen't bend the knee to their ideology in their walled garden.
You'll notice that even the absolute most evil villains in movies will not use no-no-words that offend whamen, Alphabet people, and non-Whites.
Is this another instance of ''a Liberal is a Conservative who hasen't been mugged yet''?
Spoken cringe winner would be ''pokemon go to the polls''.
Videogame cringe is a tie between pronoun blasphemy self-flagelation in Dragon Age The Faguard and Fortnite Harris ''Terms of Service don't apply to Democrats'' server.
An open wound in perpetual state of infections and trying to close shut.
Sorry, ''nice mAdam's apple''.
A slur against who? Meth addicts?
Woke woman outputting half the productivity, expects full pay.
My God these are ugly.