Rockwellwuzright 3 points ago +3 / -0

Being tolerant gets people no where as it's pathetic behaviour.

Admittedly I'm not black but if I robbed your house, stole your prize possessions.

If you knew it was me but did nothing about it I'm going to rob your house again.

If you come to my house kick the door down, put a gun to my head... I'm giving you your stuff back plus I'm not robbing your house again.

Allowing this will make everything 10000x worse.

Rockwellwuzright 16 points ago +16 / -0

America is allowing an invasion at the southern border.

The right answer would be if he tried this in Eastern Europe. That way this African would be in a cemetery.

Rockwellwuzright 8 points ago +11 / -3

Tommy Robinson the controlled opposition jew will be just fine.

Rockwellwuzright 18 points ago +18 / -0

Those posts could be from anyone.

Bots, paid shills from Tel Aviv.

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