RaceCreatesCulture 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, yes. We are in agreement. I didn't mean men should treat women how women want to be treated because women want to be treated better than they deserve without earning the proper respect to be treated that way. I do in fact mean it more in the misogynistic way. A mosquito wants you to stand around and do nothing so it can suck your blood. Equality dictates you treat a mosquito like a human which obviously is stupid. I'm saying you shouldn't treat a mosquito like a human as per "feminism" but you should treat the mosquito as a mosquito ought to be treated which is to squash it. Never treat the mosquito how the mosquito wants to be treated or you'll just be setting yourself up to be exploited like a worthless simp. Treat the mosquito how it deserves to be treated based on how it engages with you. It sucks your blood then squash it.

But what I am saying too is sometimes guys do treat women too much like ones of guys when she really isn't and that causes a lot of issues with both men and women when guys do this.

RaceCreatesCulture 5 points ago +5 / -0

Correct and the men who realize what's going on and try to act what's in their nature, end up vilified by the groups which makes them feel alienated and secluded leading to depression and other problems.

RaceCreatesCulture 7 points ago +7 / -0

I will say one other thing.

I do believe men do in fact need to change their behavior around women. Men and women are different. The kinds of things men do with other men to build respect/comradery and to test the men are not things men should be doing to women. Too many men make the mistake of treating women as equal to men when women are not equal to men at all. Men should be treating women as if the women cannot handle confrontation, conflict or anything too disruptive to their feelings. Men should be aware that women internalize everything and that women don't understand how to separate themselves from generalizations. This means men should in fact be "softer" around women because women can't handle men being truly men around women.

This is why it's very very important for men to get involved in male only activities that have 0 women. Men need these all boys clubs so men can be men. With women invading men's spaces and trying to make sure everything is mixed, it has made it more difficult for men to truly be men but this is very important. Men can't be tippy toeing around women's sensitivities their whole life, they need an opportunity to be men. Try to join some sort of sport, group, activity, etc... that is men only and focus on developing male only comradery without women. Then the times you do engage with women, make sure to treat the women differently because women cannot truly handle being treated the same way men treat men because they are women and they are different.

Equality is an entirely false notion and the men who keep trying to treat women as equal to men are going to keep fucking up. Women are not equal to men, the end. You don't treat a dog the same way you treat a cat because you know they're different. You expect different behaviors and you accomodate the differences. That is how you must treat women. Don't treat them as equal to men, treat women like women.

RaceCreatesCulture 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm out and about in the community all the time doing things. Like 3 days a week I'm out meeting people and doing things. I can say without a doubt, it's women that need their behavior changed. Men in general are way more friendly and contribute far more. In general, women are highly egotistical and especially the ones involved in the community. I imagine the well behaved women are just at home with their kids.

RaceCreatesCulture 36 points ago +36 / -0

Hating equally is just as bad as the social justice promotion of equality. Some people and groups of people deserve to be hated more than others. We are not all equal.

If you don't understand why jews should be hated more than other groups, I'd gladly share some evidence to sway you. Something tells me you don't really care though because you could look into that yourself if you really wanted to already...

RaceCreatesCulture 59 points ago +59 / -0

Oy vey, you should hate on Americans instead of jews!

RaceCreatesCulture 12 points ago +12 / -0

People forget what Libertarians were like before Social Justice infiltrated them and destroyed them.

RaceCreatesCulture 0 points ago +1 / -1

Trust me, I wouldn't be corrupted. Just give me all the power. Thanks. You're already ruled by a bunch of corrupt fucks so you've got nothing to lose letting me rule you instead.

RaceCreatesCulture 1 point ago +2 / -1

Bolsheviks were jews. I am against jews. I would not have powered the Bolshevik movement because it's jewish.

RaceCreatesCulture 1 point ago +2 / -1

The corruption is from the jews who have all the money and influence. Restricted suffrage wouldn't change the outcome.

And yes, I do want absolute power in the way I want which would be better than the way others want. I would never be corrupted because it's me and I'll always do what's best for me.

RaceCreatesCulture 4 points ago +4 / -0

Correct, I meant it more as similar in how they take out their frustrations. I sympathize more with Incels than these women. These women made their own bed. The Incels had no chance to begin with.

RaceCreatesCulture 4 points ago +4 / -0

As a single guy in my mid 30s who is still trying to date, sadly, the only women left it seems are exactly this kind of woman.

I once got invited back to a girl's house who literally had a book titled: "how to date men when you hate men" next to her night table.

It seems women can't handle men not being what they want the men to be worse than men. There's actually significant overlap between male Incels and single 30yo+ women. It seems women blame the men for why things aren't working out for them with regards to men but they still want men; however, their expectations is that the man ought to be some fantasy character that aligns with their romance novels instead of a real man. Male Incels are very much the same but replace romance novels with like anime or other media.

It just makes dating exceptionally difficult because it seems like every woman is just like this Jules chick. They'll hide it when they're with a man but it comes out in the way they treat the man, constantly judging him in the worst light possible and getting upset that he isn't acting exactly how she wants instead of trying to build a relationship. Always gunning for boosting her ego instead of being a decent person to the man...

Relations between single men and women are in such dire straights. It gets worse as women age too. I used to always wonder why 30yo guys never dated women their own age but now that I'm 35yo, I totally understand. Single 35yo women are not datable, they're all a bunch of female Incels that hate men.

RaceCreatesCulture 0 points ago +2 / -2

See, this is where you fail with your left/right distinction. A monarchy can in fact be extremely right-wing as per your scale.

To give you an example. Pretend I am an absolute monarchy and I say the only rules in society are simply, don't be an asshat. The end. No other rules. Occasionally, I utilize my power to have an asshat killed for being an asshat but that's it. You want to tell me that the USA with all its rules and government involvement in people's lives is more right-wing than me because it's a "dEmOcRaCy"? LMFAO.

I'm with you on suggesting that a government that uses its power to force changes in society is more authoritarian than a government that doesn't use its power to force changes but whether the government has power or not isn't a factor on "authoritarian". I would rather be ruled by a benevolent dictator with absolute power who used that power fairly rather than a corrupt fake-democracy like we have today in which the power is used to an extreme degree in a negative manner. If that makes me "left-wing" by your metric then great. That means I'm left-wing.

But your metric sucks because I want a society that would look NOTHING like what a communist left-winger wants. I am a National Capitalist who belies in class-based societies with an Imperium-style military dictatorship ruling the society; however, you would find under my leadership you would have more freedom than what you have today in the USA as long as you aren't an asshat.

RaceCreatesCulture 3 points ago +5 / -2

Thinking right-wing = 0 government is a foolish way of looking at left/right because I'll tell you right now, the average left anarchist wants a completely different looking society than your average right libertarian. Just like how there's a significant difference between National Socialism and Modern Communism.

What really throws off the high vs. low government people is that you can have an absolute power government with very limited impact on the economy whereas you can have a "democracy" with lots of "mAh fReEdOms" that has significant economic impact on the economy. Just because a government has absolute power doesn't mean it enforces it absolutely. And just because a government's power is minimized by constitutions doesn't mean the government isn't corrupt and will still maximize its use of power regardless.

The USA today is more "left-wing" under the government power metric than the British Monarchy was before the revolution. Today, the argument is well I can at least criticize the president without being executed. Sure, I guess... but you can't even go fishing without a license or you get fined. I don't know about you but I'd rather be able to go fishing without a license than care about calling Biden an invalid. The way in which the government today uses its power is worse than the way the government used its power historically.

RaceCreatesCulture 2 points ago +2 / -0

All forms of profiting off sex should be illegal including using sex appeal in advertisements.

I'm not convinced those who consume CP are only doing so because they need "harder stuff" which is like a very 90s Early Morning TV pop psychology analysis of things. I actually think a large contributing factor is women's lost innocence given the increased prevalence of whoring. By the time a girl is 18yo and starts doing porn content, she's already fucked 100+ dicks and her own consumption of porn has warped her mind. The girls doing porn are predators not innocent virgins being corrupted and deflowered which is what CP consumers are looking for. It's the fact the child is "innocent" which is what they're going for. There used to be porn produced where you'd get 18yo girls who had no clue what they were getting into and they came from good families/cultures where porn was regarded as a really bad thing but the girls were lured into porn for whatever reason and this showed in the way the women got fucked. They had that look of someone not too sure where they are or why that are just going through the motions. They looked innocent and unsure of themselves. These women don't exist anymore. Most of the porn that used to be shot like this was destroyed by the #metoo movement and now porn is all designed around female empowerment. Even the "domination" stuff where women are roughly dominated you can tell the women love it and are deprived degenerate succubuses that want to get abused. They have 0 innocence. You can barely even tell if an 18yo girl in porn is 18yo or 25yo now. It's this lost innocence I think many CP consumers are chasing.

RaceCreatesCulture 3 points ago +3 / -0

I definitely think there's demand for this sort of content but this isn't the place for it. You should make a telegram channel and post videos of women getting killed by men. Either the actual footage of the attack or something like the OP. I've actually seen the video in the OP before (different edited version though) from a telegram channel I believe.

RaceCreatesCulture 4 points ago +4 / -0

Would you stop posting the same thing if everyone agreed with you?

Women are terrible at mate selection. So are men, actually. The big difference is that men should be able to force women to be a good mate and women can't really force men to be a good mate. However, our society doesn't allow men to force women to be good mates so we're seeing tons of men fuckup with mate selection too.

RaceCreatesCulture 3 points ago +3 / -0

Imagine everyone on the website agreed with you that women should be married off at 12yo. Now what? Would you keep posting the same thing even though everyone agreed with you already?

RaceCreatesCulture 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honestly, I'm having a hard time having any sympathy for men who get married and/or have kids in this society. The internet has illuminated the marriage/child situation as it pertains to men. There's 0 consequences for women in separations and in fact our rules actually give women incentive to separate from their husbands. Women have all the power and bargaining chips with marriages/children so it makes absolutely 0 sense for a man to ever get married and/or have children.

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