I figured I'd post this here because I'd probably get the highest quality feedback...

Essentially, I've already beaten the game of life based on most objectives people have. I've gone as far as feasibly possible on my own. I don't know how to elevate my situation anymore. I earn $150k/yr. I only need to do about 2 hours of actual work a day to get my job done so I just spend most my day shitposting on the internet because I've got nothing better to do. I already live in one of the best cities in Canada. I have a nice house, a nice car and I've got $100k sitting in my bank account. I'm situated to inherent about $2m. I could probably retire if I just saved my money at about 45-50yo and maintain the same standard of living as now. I have 0 "negative" influences on my life. No stress from anything. I eat healthy. I go to the gym. I'm in shape. I play summer and winter team sports. I have a bit of a social life and hang out with people on average probably once a week outside of work.

The problem is that life is boring as fuck for me. I don't really enjoy much of what I get up to. I feel like my whole existence is just working for other people's benefit instead of my own. I'm just a tax payer for the government's interest. I have no life of my own it seems. I just exist to fulfil a role for everyone else in society. That's how I feel anyhow.

Video games are also boring to me. I can barely play an hour of any game before I get bored of it.

The only enjoyment I seem to get out of life is when I travel but that's only because I blow tons of money which isn't sustainable and then as soon as the trip is done, it's back to the grind. Kind of depressing to get 3 weeks out of the year where I actually felt like I was living and the other 49 weeks is just standby mode waiting for the next 3 weeks off to travel and blow a bunch of money.

Whenever I gaze into the lives of others around me most seem to be caught up in some sort of personal drama that in actuality is mostly fabricated because whomever is involved in the drama lacks the wisdom or competence to solve the drama. Most of the problems people are caught up can easily be solved but it almost seems like people feed on this drama and it's what gives their life meaning. That doesn't seem any better to me. That just seems like people trying to find something to distract their attention so they never have to fall into the situation I'm in and truly analyze if they're happy with their life.

All the "cultural" shit in our society just feels fake and contrived to me. I couldn't give a shit what TayTay or Kardashian is up to. All the politics is nothing but theatre for the masses. Nothing will change. Nothing that the media reports on matters. You have no control over any of it. It's a waste of energy, like every other avenue it seems. Media is boring. It's just all the same repetitive tropes. History is boring because it's all made up and anyone can make up whatever they want. Religion is also a lost cause for me. If all that matters is life after life then what about my life now. Just more holding pattern. Work to pay taxes to Rome until you die. I might as well just be dead now.

How do people manage through life? It's just so monotonous.

I spent most of my life trying to pursue career+women and both those ends seem entirely worthless. I already peaked on those fronts, now I'm supposed to enjoy the fruits of my hard work or something but there's nothing to enjoy.

So, I have a good income and stable situation. What would you guys do? What am I supposed to do? I've tried the basic join clubs and shit but frankly, I hate most other people. My kind of people are the Genghis Khans of the world. Maybe a Dionysus type. I find most people I meet in normal venues in the community are just dry, boring people living their monotonous lives too. All judging others from whatever sense of moral high ground they're standing on compared to others. Most seeing fun as vice. Canadians in general also seem to be too untrusting of others and guarded.

This life just seems to be a drag and it really shouldn't be because I do have a lot of good things going for me but I don't know how to turn what I have going for me into anything more. I feel like my existence at the moment is just to prop up a giant Ponzi scheme known as civilization.

Any advice?


Lately, I've been hearing of real-life stories regarding "GoFundMe" pages people have setup. It always seems like the worst quality people making off with lots of money and the good people who truly deserves help never ends up with anything.

A recent really life example was of a woman a friend of mine used to work with. She was really good looking and into "bad boy" guys. Her boyfriend was in Indonesia and got arrested for drugs. I don't know the full details of his sentencing but I think he got a few years prison (at least) and a significant fine like $100k+ or something. She made a GoFundMe with a sob story about how amazing her BF was and how the drug laws in Indonesia are unfair or whatever, she raised over $300k. After he got out of prison, they moved to Costa Rica and are now mostly retired (don't need to work). Truthfully, I imagine she posted pics of herself and got a bunch of simps to donate because she's very good looking and runs some mini workout instagram page.

Seriously though, I don't get people. Why does anyone feel compelled to help these people? These people hardly contributed anything to society, got arrested for drugs and now get to semi-retire comfortably in a different country all thanks to idiots on the internet giving these people money?

A guy I know was mountain biking and fell badly. He needed surgeries and cannot walk the same (needs crutches). His family made a GoFundMe and barely raised $10k.

Drug dealer arrested for drugs with hot GF raises $300k... guy who had accident and can't walk the same, not even $10k. Why are people like this? Our society is so fucked. We're literally incentivizing the worst kinds of people in society.


I feel like this would probably be a good reading list.

Shouldn't we just make sure lefties aren't doing things to your kids and they aren't doing their things with your money?

If the lefties are spending their earned money to chop their dicks off or get a doctor to assist them with suicide, then who cares?

Wouldn't it be better for society if all these people did commit suicide?


I was thinking of starting my own political party just for fun and I can't seem to come up with a name. Thinking about it, I'm not sure what sort of label properly even captures my political beliefs. I'm open to suggestions:

  • Dictatorship/Absolute Monarch > Democracy/Republic
  • Market Economy > Planned Economy
  • Private Property Ownership > Public Property Ownership
  • Strict Objective Moral Values Enforced by Government > No Moral Values Enforced by Government
  • Racial homogeny > diversity.
  • Elitist > Egalitarian
  • Patriarchy > Equality
  • Military Class Rule > Merchant Class Rule
  • Taxes as close to 0% to still maintain society > high taxes
  • No welfare state whatsoever > any welfare state

What would you call such politics if you wanted to give it a catchy label?

I heard a lot of people suggest feminism destroys civilizations and that once it has reached critical mass (it already has) that it cannot be undone. Could you elite have figured this out also and so they keep putting Muslims into European countries in order to try to save civilization from feminism?


I'm running into problems in some of the right-wing groups I'm in just trying to find out exactly how communist each person is within the group. The problem is that right-wing people tend to outright reject communism at face-value but then right-wing people start advocating for resource redistribution policies that are simply "communist-light".

What is everyone's idea of some sort of "minimum" access to resources everyone should have?

If I owned all the resources in society. All the land. All the equipment. Everything. You would not be able to get any food without trespassing on my land which is a violation of my private property. If you followed private property laws then you would get 0 resources. I could pay you some of those resources in exchange for some sort of "labor". Perhaps, I find your daughter cute so I pay her resources in exchange for sex but perhaps I don't like you at all so I decide to pay you 0 resources. Without any resources, you will die. Is this right? Is it right that I can use the fact I own all the resources to "force" others into doing what I want them to do "labor, including prostitution" or that I can outright refuse to employ someone if I don't like them such that they would have 0 resources?

At a philosophical level, is the above "ok" to people? If it isn't okay to people, then what is the minimum situation any individual should be allowed in society? Does every person have a right to work? Does every person have a right to certain kinds of work (not prostitution but manual labor is fine for example)? Does every person have a right to a certain amount of resources given the work they do?

A lot of people don't want to tackle the above hypothetical because most people say the above hypothetical is unreasonable. But, is it? It's going to be coming up soon. ESG metrics, digital IDs, etc... If you don't do what you're told, you want have access to resources. Many on here believe this is wrong BUT who is telling you how you have to behave? The owners of capital. If all owners of resources got together and said they only will give jobs in exchange for resources to people who met certain characteristics, why is that something that isn't allowed? If you truly believe that people don't have a right to the resources other people own then why can't the owners of resources simply decline to give their resources to other people if they don't want to? Otherwise, what you're suggesting is that everyone should have a right to earn resources from those who have capital. If that's what you believe then what are the parameters of this guarantee on other people's resources? How communist are you?

I guess one way of describing what I'm asking is "what sort of things in life should every person be guaranteed"?


I don't believe this aspect of AI is talked about often enough but in my opinion, it is the greatest threat of AI.

Organizations like the government will start programming AI to do X but the organization will tell everyone the AI is designed to do Y. When the AI does X, the organization will say it was a mistake, an accident and not what was intended because they intended for the AI to do Y. Everyone will believe the organization never intended X and the people who suggest the organization did indeed intend X will be branded a conspiracy theorist.

AI provides the ultimate scapegoat. It is able to make decisions and those decisions can be curated by the programmers despite acting as if the decision cannot be curated. In this way whomever designed the AI can always maintain whatever the AI ended up doing is not what they intended it for even if it is what they intended it for.


What if people could take a buyout and form their own country? For example, each Canadian could be given 1/40,000,000 of all the resources in Canada (including the land) and then allowed to setup their own borders for their own country? Now obviously if 100 people got together they could form their own country if they agreed.

I really think buying people out of the country seems fair. You often hear people say like "if you don't agree with the government then find a different country". I think we should let people do exactly that but fairly by letting people have a fair share of the resources in the country they are abandoning so they have land and resources to truly find a new country by starting their own.

The "left" might even get behind this sort of idea because obviously this is a great way to start a communist utopia. The only reason we don't have one now is because of the evil capitalists stealing all the resources but if people are give. 1/40,000,000 of all the resources when they decide to leave Canada then this no longer becomes an issue.


Get women out of the workforce. By 2030, it is estimated that 45% of adult women will be single. Many of these women are living on their own not with their parents. Women can live in their own because they are working and earning an income. This leads to an increase in the demand for housing by 22.5%. If women couldn't earn an income and were forced to stay with their parents until they married a man, the demand would come down immensely for housing and the prices would plummet. Part of why we have a housing crisis today but didn't in the past is this very issue. Everyone cites the 1950s where people could afford a house on one income and it's because the demand for housing was significantly less. How many single women owned houses or rented in the 1950s? Exactly.


I remember before tech was big, banking had a reputation for being very "bro" oriented, meaning "misogynistic" "frat bro" men. Arguably, all professional jobs were like this because the women were mostly assistants but banking seemed to maintain the male-dynamic one of the longest given the work culture being too difficult for women and hard to change (even still is among the more high finance roles).

Before tech was kamikazed by the feminists in the 00s, it had a reputation of being quite "male-only" but more the nerdy male types not the "frat bro" types.

Now banking and tech are some of the most female forward jobs out there. I work in banking myself and I kid you not, there's times where I walk into the office and it's me and 20 women working for the day. Some women have even called me the "token male" before.

A friend of mine works in engineering and she says right now there's a huge push with all the major companies who employ engineers to only hire women. She actually hates it because they're hiring absolutely retarded female engineers who are so bad at their job that now all the men just assume that because my friend is a woman, she must be bad at her job because the idea of competent female engineers existing seems non-existent since they've flooded (her company at least) with so many female engineers regardless of talent simply for the fact that they are women.

What sorts of white collar careers, if any, have a more male dominant work culture/environment? Have they all been destroyed or are there any refuges out there for young men starting their career today?

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