Yeah. He wont have anyway of sustaining himself in 10 years.
Same shit, different monkey flinging it.
It is in the interest of whites and men to focus on competency because they are largely competent.
It is not in the immediate interest of hispanics and blacks to have competency based hiring policies because they are largely incompetent.
I say immediate interest because on an individual level most people want power, status, or wealth. Their immediate and selfish interest is to get jobs that will get them those things. Since blacks, hispanics, and women are largely incompetent, our civilization that produces so much power, status, and wealth, will be destroyed if too many incompetents are given jobs beyond their abilities. Which they would be able to see if they were not incompetent.
Based on objective measurements of competency. Whites and especially white men out perform hispanics, blacks, and women in the vast majority of fields. The result of hiring based solely on competency would severely reduce the number of blacks, hispanics, and women for consideration in most fields.
Some white people and some men (the super-duper hitlerian deplorables) realize this and that's why they support focussing solely on competency. Most don't and beleive competency should be the focus because it is "fair" and objective.
Either way, focussing on competency is the only way to maintain a civilization and should be the only metric used. But we should be aware that it means fewer hispanics, blacks, and women will be considered for high status jobs.
I'm assuming, based on reading some of your other comments, that you missed the point of my earlier comment. What I was alluding to is that race and sex can be used to roughly predict competency and vice versa.
To be fair, white people, especially white men, are saying that companies should hire more people like then when they say competency should be the only concern
I did get a young female intern to read a Brandon Sanderson novel instead of the romantasy stuff she normally reads. She loved it.
That's exactly what a character famous for his writing ability does in Philip K Dicks Penultimate Truth. Dick was prescient. It's not even a major plot point, just a bit of world building.
Baen is the only publisher I'm aware of that hasn't DEId. They publish good scifi. They dont care who the author is, which (surprise, surprise) means they mostly publish libertarian or conservative men.
I did come across a great self-published book recently. "Theft of Fire" by Devon Eriksen. The guy has fantastic posts on X too. Great long form eXsays tearing down leftist talking point and provided deep cultural and philosophical analysis of the world.
If you want some good historical fiction that everyone should check out Master and Commander. It is phenomenal. You'll learn a ton of history while being entertained by the action, humor, and adventure.
By any objective measure, the descendants of Africans who were taken to North America as slaves could not have received a better blessing. African tribal chiefs do not live as well as our negros do.
And the parents. The dad should be hunted down and shot
Islam is definitely terrible. The muslims want to conquer the world eventually and will use extreme violence to do so. Right now most are focusing on the tumor growing in the heart of the "land of peace" which is Israel.
If they succeed freeing Palestine from the river to the sea then they will become expansionist again and seek to conquer Western countries.
Right now pretty much every NGO that is sending Muslims to Western countries is founded, funded,or staffed primarily by jews.
The Jews want to "fix" the world. They have a vision for it that involves destroying european countries by forcibly blending in people from the global south.
Muslims and Jews are both enemies of the west. Muslims are just willing to do the dirty work and are currently doing it on the behest of globalist Jews while fighting Zionist jews in the middle east.
During Obama all of the patriotic warfighting officers were pressured into resigning. Limpwristed lickspittles who worship globalism took their places. I'm absolutely certain those traitorous faggots are terrified of Trump.
Ehh. I prefer Senate Candidate and former Marine officer Lucas Kunce's approach. He injured a reporter while he was shooting an AR-15 yesterday.
The trusted flaggers will keep statistics on how many of their complaints were acted upon and if any platform doesnt censor as much as the others, that platform will be prosecuted by authorities.
Check out stuff published by Baen. Most of the Sick Puppies authors are theirs.
The great Gatsby is only good if you are taught to read it and pull put the symbolism. The whole point of the book was to pack in as much symbolism as possible. If you read it without looking for that its utter trash.
Dredge was delightful. I didnt know it was possible to make a cozy lovecraftian horror game.
I remember seeing stuff stuff about Last Train Home a while back. I'll have to check it out. UBoat sounds interesting too
I had a hell of a lot of fun with Blood West.
A lot of people are describing it as a immersive sim but there are no vents and no doors or safes opened with the combo 0451, so it cant be an imsim.
I'd describe it as an open world, 1st person sneaker/shooter.
India functioned when the caste system was strongly enforced. The untouchables didnt live in squalor because they were oppressed. They were oppressed because they were disgusting and would shit in all the wells.
Nicolas could be a turk. I doubt Norbert is though
We didnt start with 4k books. My wife and I are 40. If you buy 10 books a month for a decade you'll end up with a respectable 1200 books in your personal library.
Which is why we have over 4k books in our personal library.
I have a problem with the way the early German invasions are portrayed. There were regions in those countries that had majority german populations who lived on land that had been part of Prussia prior to Versailles. The germans in those regions were being persecuted in many ways, including rapes, robbery, and murder, either by state actors or with the tacit approval of state actors.
The guy who viewed himself as the protector of the German people included all German people in that group no matter what country their lands were now considered part of.
When the governments of the places where Germans were being persecuted refused to do anything to stop the persecutions, Germany took back land that had been theirs just 20 years before. They had to take over the entire countries to force capitulation.
I like it. Beowulf fought the swamp hag