Piroko 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm also seeing reports that he was going to lose the senate vote.

Piroko -3 points ago +5 / -8

DOM, just stop.

This is bigger than you. You can either let the community do what it's gonna do, or tomorrow there'll be a KiA3: Back to the Future where it's acceptable to talk about the first real war since 1991.

Piroko 9 points ago +9 / -0

Like, really?

Yes, really.

With as bad as Europe had gotten I couldn't envision anyone wanting to take it over.

Piroko -4 points ago +3 / -7

Why do you think Trudeau just up and ended his emergency powers?

Very probably because Russia actually declared war on Ukraine instead of maintaining the "These can't be Russian soldiers, Russian soldiers don't have mustache!" routine about the Donbas rebels.

Piroko -3 points ago +1 / -4

First, so that you understand my perspective, I'm a Quaker. I don't attend meeting because frankly most Quakers (at least Iowa Yearly) are so naïve they unironically believe everything the cultural marxists say.

We may be crazy, because we genuinely believe in building heaven on Earth. But I want you to understand that we are NOT Protestants (we're basically the Puritans radical left wing). We didn't rise out of Luther's continental movement, we were a group that felt the Anglicans didn't go far enough and that the only thing Cromwell did wrong was die before the work was done.

So with all that said, I'll get to my point.

Protestantism is the problem.

Luther and Calvin and Wesley did not build. They only destroyed, and everything their movements touch crumbles.

Piroko -4 points ago +1 / -5

Then why aren't you shooting by now?

If you're going to be hyperbolic then so am I.

The left does not "control all institutions". They control the high visibility institutions you care about, but it's all facade. Their power is a mile wide and an inch deep because they don't have control over the slower moving, structural pieces like the courts (they have ONE court, the Nutty Ninth, and even there they don't win all the time), nor the unstoppable force that is the invisible hand of consumer revealed preference.

They're trying to shape consumer preference, but their efforts are like trying to build a dam on the Mississippi by hand with a garden trowel.

If you GENUINELY believed they controlled everything, you'd have resorted to violence by now. The fact that you haven't proves the hyperbole.

What you are, is mad that you don't get any high visibly wins. You're the sort of fan who burns their baseball cap because the home team lost the ONE game you chose to attend the whole year. Destroying a high profile individual is not hard, for our side or for theirs; and our side is learning to pick better people to elevate to high visibility positions while the left is stuck with the fact that their loudest people are also the craziest.

Piroko -4 points ago +2 / -6

Define the problem, and we'll give you a solution.

Your problem is you've chosen the solution you want, like a carpenter bringing a framing hammer to a tenderloin cooking contest.

Piroko 8 points ago +8 / -0

Microsoft being pragmatic as always. There's no new business to be made from supporting old games so dump the legacy Bethesda library on Steam.

Piroko 6 points ago +6 / -0

And the Seven Dwarves

Is Legolas gonna crash this one too?

Piroko 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lalafell are the master race. Tallfolk can get bent.

Piroko 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Sorry, you can't create communities right now."

Wat do?

Piroko 1 point ago +1 / -0

I knew a guy in Goonswarm who did recordkeeping for the RCN. Told me that for it's 2011 deployment to Libya, the HMCS Vancouver went through something like seventy thousand cans of beer. For the time and men aboard it worked out to about a can and a half per person-day (my understanding is the RCN consumption limit is two 12 oz cans per day).

Piroko 1 point ago +1 / -0

And the CAF lets their navy drink.

Piroko 16 points ago +16 / -0

They still think it's a branding problem and not a policy problem.

Piroko 2 points ago +2 / -0


No, because she's a washout who wouldn't have made the cut for Team USA.

Even the 50 cent army can see that, and they're furious (and rightly so; Team China had better domestic talent that they passed over gambling on a scrub defector).

This is not a new phenomena in the Olympics by any measure, it happens all the time. B-tier athletes deliberately try to get multiple citizenships to give themselves more shots at competition. It's fairly normal in hockey, basketball, baseball, and football competitions for players who play on the same pro team to play against each other under different flags.

Piroko 1 point ago +1 / -0

Owning and running

If he did, he wouldn't literally be surprised pikachu at Chairman Xi.

He lost virtually all credibility as a mastermind super villain when he did that, and became Cobra Commander in a suit.

Piroko 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not at all. They have plans.

It's just that their plans are fucking stupid.

You know how women go to college and get careers with the plan of having kids "eventually"? That's the level of intellectual depth these people are working on. I'm not going to go all biological essentialist on you and make wild claims about their testosterone and estrogen levels and what it does to the brain's capacity for long term strategic planning, but...

Well, there's a lot of coincidences.

Piroko 9 points ago +10 / -1

So then are those people actually "good" or "smart"?

It comes down to Hobbes vs Rousseau.

Your question comes from a Rousseau frame that people are basically good until proven otherwise and you're saying their failure to act shows them to be not good.

I operate from the Hobbesian frame that people are essentially bad. The intelligent know that everyone is bad (or at the very least, know that they themselves are bad) and that being a public figure is risky. The stupid lead because they're too stupid to anticipate the risks of being a public figure.

Piroko 13 points ago +13 / -0

Why would that scare you?

The only reason they're in charge is because only somebody that stupid would want to be in charge. We only get competent leaders when the stupid fuck things up so badly that intelligent people decide that the downsides of being in charge are outweighed by the downsides of letting the stupid remain in charge.

Which is what is starting to happen now. We'll get a couple good decades and then it'll go to pieces again.

Piroko 22 points ago +22 / -0

Is this all scripted?

No, you're just an intelligent person in a world run by really, really stupid people.

The moment Soros changed his story on China was the last straw. These people are literally Surprised Pikachu grade stupid.

Piroko 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because isekai is low effort wish fulfilment fantasy.

The only title in the last ten years to actually do anything creative with the concept was Log Horizon.

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