When I was in 7th-12th grades, my school did something similar. When it came to multiplication, "x" was replaced with a centered dot. I'm stupid. See reply.
Ah, yes... Just what this world needs, more of "WAX MY BALLS" Yaniv's antics.
See, this is the type of stuff I wish TheImpossible1 could have been posting: reasonable fact-verified objections on how the modern Western woman acts, and not "the jewswomen want to genocide the white racemale sex".
I wish I was exaggerating, I've seen Imp flat out make statements along these lines (and it's one of the main reasons he's banned). Literally take any random conspiracy theory (this term means nothing anymore, but please bear with me) about jews, and replace "jews" with "women", and you have TheImpossible1.
Captain Planet has already been mentioned several times, so I'm throwing in my vote with no further commentary.
George Lopez's self-titled sitcom from the mid 2000s had it's fair share of woke moments.
Here's 2 examples: [1] There's an episode where a racist white guy moves into the neighborhood and puts up statues of sleeping Mexicans with their head buried under their sombreros next to a statue of a donkey. George gets indignant to the point he shouts "viva la raza". He then plotted with his TV-show mother to smash the statuettes in the middle of the night, but never got to, because his previous outburst encouraged his TV-show son to do it instead (while recording himself in the act, no less, also saying "viva la raza"). In the end, the neighbor took the statues down after a sternly-worded letter from the TV-show wife.
[2] There's another episode where a registered sex offender moves into the neighborhood, and it causes George to stir up a lynch mob. They knock on the door, and it turns out to be a woman, everybody goes home. The TV-show wife is righty disturbed by this double standard (with George dismissing her), and after an argument she starts printing flyers offscreen that are implied to have basically said "stay away from this person". The son then asks George how to get girls in what appears to be a side plot, and long story short, the son misinterprets what he is told.
[2 cont.] Next thing we know, the son shows up at the sex offender's house, the situation looking bad for her. However, she is able to explain that the son hopped her fence, took his shirt off, made a provocative statement then pulled out a condom. So George and wife bring him home and ask why the hell he did what he did. First, the aforementioned misinterpretation of what George told him about getting girls, saying he had to be "bold and confident to get a woman" (George says in his own defense he was referring to girls his son's age). Then the son says he saw the flyers the TV-show wife was printing and thought she looked pretty. He gets more of a stern talking to from that point, and the situation is never brought up again in future episodes.
There are also non-woke episodes that aged like milk, like the one that spends more or less its entire runtime shilling for life insurance. It's not all bad, though, there are moments like this that have aged like a fine wine.
- The Charmed reboot is horrible on its face (never watched it), but in hindsight it had its foundation laid from the original show (1998-2006). The side plots for a lot of episodes (and main plots for a few) has the girls whoring around and trying to hook up with the nearest lughead they can wrap their arms around frequently. At one point in the series, there is an entire arc that can best be described "The Alyssa Milano Boo-Boo Hour" times however many episodes it lasted until progressing the story. The male main characters are often the ones singled out for bad writing, but not all the time. Overall the show can best be described as "Feminist" in the 2nd-wave sense.
but the Mexicans got the "oh we have no official language" excuse for decades while we all suffered under increasing catering to that.
Don't even get me started on that.
One time, back in my (California) hometown, I was eating food out with my mom during the (I think) 2018 World Cup. There were Mexican flags flying on cars and trucks as far as the eye could see, and I asked her then "have we been taken over?". Obviously it's only gotten much worse since then, and one of the reasons I GTFO when I did.
For the same reasons that Vivek is a candidate for Governor of Ohio: Clown World.
1776 by David McCullough is apparently a good starting point. It has sat on my bookshelf all these years untouched, but I've heard that it accomplishes what it sets out to do.
The Founding of the United States: 1768-1815 is another one from my bookshelf, but I can at least say I skimmed this one. It is far more condensed than "1776", more toward a 6th-8th grade type of reading experience, sort of short and to the point.
If you want to go in depth with primary sources, a book titled The Constitution of the United States of America: And Selected Writings of the Founding Fathers contains a lot (but not all) of the writings from that time period. It contains The Federalist Papers, presidential addresses from the first 4 presidents (Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison), Common Sense by Thomas Paine, and much more. I suggest purchasing a separate copy of The Antifederalist Papers to help round things out a bit, as that is not included.
I can't think of any specific titles, but there are also books out there containing all the speeches and/or writings of Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson just to name a few. Pick a name, and chances are you're bound to find something.
At this point, after all the left has done, let the dominoes fall where they lay.
Not quite in this case.
RZ is part of the PCUSA, the mainline Presbyterian denomination, and probably the 3rd most woke after the UMC (Methodists) and Episcopal Church (but is not himself woke, hence the movement). He is by his own admission a hard-line Calvinist.
The reason I called his contempt for the PCA (the conservative offshoot of PCUSA) "ridiculous" is because he considers them cowards for leaving in the first place instead of staying and fighting. Knowing how leftist indoctrination works, this would have been at considerable long-term risk to anyone who chooses to stay, and considering RZ looks the other way on female pastors or otherwise minimizes the issue (knowing full well what scripture says, he considers it a 'secondary' issue), he is of no exception.
It'll take Christians in the west to go full crusader bringing back Knight orders to reclaim the church from the leftists grip.
Which is why I see attempts at reforming the Mainline Protestant Church from within, such as Redeemed Zoomer's "Operation Reconquista", as highly optimistic at best and a fool's errand at worst.
Bless his heart, but any mark that off the top of my head his movement has made is extremely small in the grand scheme of things in terms of wresting the Church back from the left. (EDIT: Also not helped by his barring of anyone from his movement that is NOT part of a mainline church, such as those part of the SBC, or the PCA which for some ridiculous reason he holds contempt for)
Being unable to discuss in frank terms blacks, gays, occasionally muslims, and trannies (to the point you are auto-deleted if you type this word) is a huge turn-off and the one of the main reasons I'm here.
You do you, but just be honest with yourself about what you are getting in exchange for this "up to date news".
A lot of events happened in the last year, so much so that it is very easy for (relatively) smaller events like this to go completely unnoticed until much later.
It's staying up unless Dom decides to take it down.
“And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.”
- 1st Timothy 2:12 NKJV
“This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach [snip...]
- 1st Timothy 3:1-2a NKJV (continues through verse 7)
Hmm... It's as if the ancients knew about female human nature, and were willing to take steps to curtail it.
One such reason is simple, even "good female pastors/bishops" (pained me to even write that) are easily manipulated by outside forces that they can be tricked into following and/or espousing outright heresy, which on a long enough timeline ends up like the lesbian in the video above (and as a result, end up worshiping a different god altogether, certainly not the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, whether they admit to that or or not).
It wouldn't be the first time when the ESRB had to reexamine things they previously rated because things got past them due to the sheer scale of the game. This was the case for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which had it's rating changed from T to M.
Article dated 9 months ago, March 13 2024: https://archive.ph/l93n9
[the old school Republicans] who led the charge on censoring video games
I wish this narrative would die already.
Unless you are thinking specifically of Jack Thompson (who was a lawyer, not a politician), the people who led the charge were the Democrats. Specifically: Hillary Clinton, Leeland Yee, Joe Lieberman, Herb Kohl, Byron Dorgan, and Tom Lantos.
All these people played a role, whether large or small, in attacking the video game industry.
is there anything you think the left is correct about culturally?
The left is correct when it comes to the police.
They demonstrated during the lockdowns and the 2020 race riots that they will gladly choose their own paycheck over honoring peoples' God-given rights bestowed upon us in the US Constitution, and that they are willing jackboots for the establishment who would gladly accept orders to commit door-to-door gun confiscation. Even places like West Virginia and rural Tennessee where Sheriffs would rebel against such orders are the exceptions that prove the rule.
It took ages, but even TheDonald of all places eventually got on board with this viewpoint, even if they had to be dragged there kicking and screaming.
I would get behind that stance if they didn't, in a sense, take credit for the whole affair. Bolded and italicized for emphasis.
When Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all, but rather that a tumult was rising, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, “I am innocent of the blood of this just Person. You see to it. ” And all the people answered and said, “His blood be on us and on our children.”
Matthew 27:24-25 NKJV (context staring verse 15)
She gon help a brudda out, cuz he a gud boi who dindu nuffin.
When will people start learning the lessons that need to be learned regarding in-group bias?
Scored works very similar to Reddit: Whoever founds a given board is the head moderator (which is DoM), and that head mod has the ability to appoint others below him as junior mods.
Search by new posts, and you'll find it real quick... or don't and just take my word for it.
There's no harm in trying, I'm just trying to get it through to you that you are severely underestimating the gap between US and Japanese culture. There have been instances where East and West have clashed on the internet, and attempts at dialogue fell apart quickly due to significant differences in their respective understandings of how the world works (despite translation).
Case in point, when the Youtuber TotallyNotMark got all of his reviews of One Piece copyright struck in one fell swoop (talking dozens of videos here), all westerners in the comments saw it for the BS that it was, whereas all the Japanese commenters were straight up calling him a thief and a plagiarizer for making reviews without explicit written permission from the publisher (which in the US, where Youtube is HQ'ed, falls under "Fair Use").
He has since gotten back on his feet, but the whole ordeal left a sour taste in my mouth, and it should serve as an example of how much your average Japanese person will simp for faceless corporations (especially a juggernaut like Nintendo)
Yes, because Nintendo isn't listed on the NASDAQ (US stock market), they are listed on the Japan Exchange Group (Japanese stock market). Stemming from that, one could also assume that you need to be not only fluent in the language, but also their laws which can be either stricter or different (or both) compared to dealing with the US stock market.
Furthermore, even if everything was on the up-and-up (read as: greased the right amount of palms), and you did manage to buy enough stock to get in on their investors' meetings, the chances are quite high that you would never get to speak at all because they would rather commit seppuku than let 馬鹿外人 speak on their own turf.
IMC is not right wing. Some of us have the long-term memory to remember when he was part of the anti-GamerGate crowd.