Partofthepsyop 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or maybe the voices they hear in their head are from another planet, one trying to destroy ours. Really, where does one learn to be so self-hating? You can blame parents, but then why doesn't the kid just end up hating their parents.

Partofthepsyop -2 points ago +1 / -3

What culture do we have? Netflix and Costco? Steam, anime, fastfood, porn, jewish propaganda, paying taxes, war, driving cars, abortion, and staring at a computer screen all day? No, really tell me what you think is categorically more noble than enjoying some moonshine and ahuyasca in the forests and plains your ancestors lived and which you didn't cut down for pieces of paper.

Partofthepsyop 3 points ago +3 / -0

yeah, I mean it's not the founder of PP was a eugenicist or anything

Partofthepsyop 3 points ago +3 / -0

So they made a jab with 80% mortality when activated? Pretty impressive.

Partofthepsyop 3 points ago +5 / -2

Why do you need compassion to kill jews?

Partofthepsyop 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol, I see. A combination of ignorance and denial. The ice ages, volcanic eruptions, and meteoritic impacts are only the side effects of the disturbance. There are survivors from ages past who at least at one time probably could have been considered human.

Partofthepsyop 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why are you being downvoted? Is natural inevitability too much of a blackpill for people to swallow?

Partofthepsyop 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is the state that favors and cultivates this degeneracy because immoral people are easier to control and enslave.

Partofthepsyop 4 points ago +6 / -2

A non-argument for abortion they won't talk about:

  • Use promiscuity to destroy the family, community, and race. When a people is conquered, they must be destroyed as organizational unit, so the individuals thenceforth can be better enslaved. Turning the women into whores turns the men into cattle.
Partofthepsyop 4 points ago +4 / -0

She was just trying to repay her karmic debt for what she did to him in a past life \s. Of course, in the Christian view, all the New (World Order of the) Age(s) stuff is just Satan.

Partofthepsyop 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have to consider what is hard times. War itself stimulates the economy and provide entertainment. Losers of WWI experienced hard times allowing WWII. Marshall plan prevented another resurgence.

Personally, I think strong men are just natural men, while civilization itself corrupts. Any institution, once established, will favor those who would be codependent on it, inevitably leading to it being overtaken be weaker men, who corrupt it further.

Partofthepsyop 6 points ago +6 / -0

Got 3 more tiers to consider:

  • degenerator: reproduction and propagation of perversion and its causes

  • managerial: population control strictly for economic convenience

  • spiritual: use perversion to further separate man from his natural origin, simply because he is goyim