The two world wars and the Great Depression created the massive faggots who passed Heart-Cellar and the CRA. The "bad times/strong men" meme needs to fucking die. It's shit.
You have to consider what is hard times. War itself stimulates the economy and provide entertainment. Losers of WWI experienced hard times allowing WWII. Marshall plan prevented another resurgence.
Personally, I think strong men are just natural men, while civilization itself corrupts. Any institution, once established, will favor those who would be codependent on it, inevitably leading to it being overtaken be weaker men, who corrupt it further.
The two world wars and the Great Depression created the massive faggots who passed Heart-Cellar and the CRA. The "bad times/strong men" meme needs to fucking die. It's shit.
You have to consider what is hard times. War itself stimulates the economy and provide entertainment. Losers of WWI experienced hard times allowing WWII. Marshall plan prevented another resurgence.
Personally, I think strong men are just natural men, while civilization itself corrupts. Any institution, once established, will favor those who would be codependent on it, inevitably leading to it being overtaken be weaker men, who corrupt it further.